Episode 19
What Makes a Good Sequel? T2 vs SPEED 2
Evaluating Sequel Success and Failure
In this episode, Chris and Jerome dig into the intricacies of movie sequels by examining 'Terminator 2: Judgment Day' and 'Speed 2: Cruise Control.' They assess what elements contribute to a successful sequel and what leads to failure. Through detailed analysis, they introduce Jerome’s Sequel Gauntlet, a five-point criterion system for evaluating sequels. They also touch upon the drawbacks of 'Speed 2,' the superior aspects of 'T2,' and discuss related trivia and character arcs. Alanng with that, they include their humorous take on the challenges of connecting actors in their popular 'Six Degrees' segment.
00:00 Coolio Confusion and Introduction
00:41 Booze Talk and Movie Teasers
01:55 Discussing Sequels: Speed 2 and Terminator 2
04:15 Lions Game Recap and Aidan Hutchinson Injury
11:18 Terminator 2: Judgment Day Analysis
43:32 Plot Flaws and Twists
43:44 Sarah's Plan and the T-1000
44:29 The Final Battle
46:40 Resolution and Aftermath
50:05 Character Arcs and Themes
59:04 Trivia and Behind the Scenes
01:07:28 Speed 2: Cruise Control
01:26:27 Willem Dafoe: The Perfect Bad Guy
01:26:51 Analyzing the Story Arc
01:28:10 The Disabled Ship: A New World
01:30:00 Evacuation Issues and Geiger's Role
01:30:45 The B Story: Love and Marriage
01:31:49 Midpoint: Realizing the Villain
01:33:18 Bad Guys Closing In
01:33:47 All is Lost: Annie's Hostage Situation
01:34:27 The Final Act: Saving Annie
01:35:15 The Five-Point Finale
01:43:35 Critiquing Character Arcs
01:53:14 Jerome's Sequel Gauntlet
02:02:54 Six Degrees of Separation
02:07:13 Final Thoughts and Wrap-UpFollow Silver Screen Happy Hour on Instagram here:
You know at one point I was using Coolio.
:Chris: Oh really?
:Yeah, what's Coolio?
:I was like, oh really and then I
thought wait, I don't even know
:what the hell that is What's Coolio
:Jerome: Screaming right
now Coolio is a rapper.
:Chris: Oh Yeah, I am NOT
Hip to the rap scene.
:Jerome: You're like, what
streaming service is Coolio?
:Chris: That's what I, seriously, I
thought it was like new app or something.
:Oh, wait, what?
:It's a good thing no one ever
listens to the end of these shows.
:Jerome: That's great.
:It's a good thing Coolio
doesn't listen to our show.
:Chris: You are listening to the
silver screen happy hour, I'm Chris
:Wiegand along with my brother Jerome
:Jerome: present and accounted for
:Chris: Alright what are the
movies we are discussing today?
:Well, hold on, before we get
into the movies, We got a
:couple of things to talk about.
:Jerome: Yeah, and our booze,
don't forget our booze.
:Chris: Yeah.
:Jerome: Actually, let's do that first.
:Chris: Booze?
:Jerome: Yeah, cause my ice is melting.
:Chris: Okay, well, yeah, let's,
I'm gonna crack this open.
:So, first of all, let me You talk
about yours since you got a poor, you,
:you're got melting ice over there.
:Mine's not as time critical.
:Jerome: And normally I don't even
put really good whiskey on ice, but
:it's the middle of the afternoon.
:So I'm, I, I gotta, I gotta
take a little edge off of it.
:I'm still going with the
Blantons from previous episodes.
:I have not finished this bottle yet.
:In fact, I've only been
drinking this during our show.
:So the bottle is surviving.
:Here we go.
:Let me get this over by the
:Oh yeah.
:So, what do you got today?
:Chris: Well, I'm surprised you
went with a higher end since we're,
:since we're talking about sequels.
:Right, right.
:And so, I actually had that in mind,
because we're talking about sequels,
:and I was thinking about the movies,
and I'm like, I don't know what to pair.
:There isn't much alcohol use in
either of these movies, I don't think.
:Jerome: Right.
:Chris: And so I just went to my
refrigerator, and I'm like, what's the
:cheapest crap that, you know, sequels
are kind of like, Nah, especially the
:second one we're going to talk about.
:So I, I thought, what
does Speed 2 taste like?
:I think Speed 2 tastes like cucumber and
lime spiked seltzer from Member's Mark.
:Yeah, that's right.
:I'm going to, I'm going to be
suffering through this one.
:Hold on.
:Here we go.
:So you tipped,
:Jerome: so as you drink that,
I'll tell the audience, you tipped
:your hand a little bit there.
:My brother just took a sip of Speed
2, if Speed 2 was in liquid form.
:So, alright, so we are, he tipped his
hand already, showed you his cards.
:Speed 2 is one of the
movies we're doing today.
:We're also doing
Terminator 2 Judgment Day.
:And the theme for today is,
what makes a good sequel?
:And what makes A crap sequel.
:Now we, we played with this similarly
back when we did our Jaws episode.
:We kinda tied in.
:You know, a sequel there, we did Jaws
4, but but that was more about just
:that Jaws 1 is an amazing screenplay.
:And on that one, we were just
comparing what makes a good
:script compared to a bad script.
:So we, we, we did those two
today is all about sequels.
:So think of some of your favorite sequels.
:I have a little fun thing
we're going to do at the end.
:It's called Jerome's sequel gauntlet.
:And We're going to run these
two through the ringer and see
:what comes out on the other end.
:But I think we should start in
order of their release date.
:So I think we should
do Terminator 2 first.
:And then we'll do Speed 2 after.
:Because by then we'll be nice
and liquored and oiled up.
:And maybe it'll help us tolerate
The not so genius of Speed 2.
:Chris: Well, Speed 2 is
better consumed drunk.
:Jerome: Yes, quite, quite better.
:Chris: But before we get to that, we
have some business to take care of.
:Jerome: We have some bittersweet business.
:Chris: Well, yeah.
:First of all, let's talk
about the bitter part.
:The sweet part, it's
kind of surrounding it.
:I mean, the Lions played probably
one of the best games I've ever
:seen them play in my lifetime.
:Jerome: Most people.
:If not for the bitter part, have us
as one of the top teams in the league
:right now, after that performance, for
those of you that don't know, at the
:time that we're doing this recording,
we went into Dallas and beat the living
:shit out of the Cowboys, 47 to nine.
:They never scored a touchdown.
:Chris: it the owner of GM's birthday?
:It was his
:Jerome: 82nd birthday for Jerry Jones.
:He is the owner slash G M and.
:Dak Prescott and C.
:Lamb and those high
paid offensive players.
:They never, they got three
field goals out of it.
:Oh my gosh.
:It was an ass beat.
:Chris: gratifying if you're from Detroit.
:Jerome: especially after
what happened last year.
:When we played in Dallas and we
got hosed by the refs on that
:bullshit two point conversion thing.
:So this was like a statement game.
:This was us coming out saying,
we're not going to need a two point
:conversion to beat your ass this time.
:We're just going to beat
the shit out of you.
:And you could see the anger and how
like David Montgomery was running.
:Like he ran angry.
:Like everybody played
angry and you could see it.
:See it.
:It's a
:Chris: multiple guys to take them
down when they could get them down.
:Jerome: So that was the sweet part.
:The bitter part is early third quarter.
:Our pro bowl defensive end, a captain of
our defense, probably the best defensive
:Chris: end in the league.
:Probably arguably
:Jerome: best defensive end in the league.
:Aidan Hutchinson broke both his
tibia and fibula on a play where
:he was sacking Dak Prescott.
:It was a freak play.
:His own player's knee just got
it at the worst angle and it
:just snapped it right in half.
:Yeah, it was gruesome.
:It's gruesome.
:And, and it's shitty because he's out for
the year now, some are saying within four,
:Chris: four to six months recovery time
:Jerome: with an injury like that.
:You hope he's back for week one next year.
:Like, it's just that bad.
:Chris: He did release a statement.
:Or his family released a
statement or something.
:He, he got word that he, if if the Super
Bowl, if, or when Detroit makes it to the
:Super Bowl, he intends to be on the field.
:He's gonna
:Jerome: wrap six pounds of duct tape on
:Chris: that leg and get out there.
:I would hate to see him
re injure that thing.
:I would too.
:I would, I would, oh my gosh.
:I mean, if he's healthy enough.
:Give him one play, just so he
can play in the Super Bowl.
:Jerome: He is a Wolverine after all.
:Oh my gosh, I know.
:He's a fighter.
:I don't know.
:No, no, but they did say that the
surgery was an absolute success.
:So they expect 100 percent recovery, there
was no complications, so that's good.
:That's a good first step.
:Good first sign.
:I will say though, before we get on
to the movies it's fair to say that we
:can blame Aiden Hutchinson's injury.
:and being out for the year on mom.
:Now, poor Sue, she gets such
abuse on these podcasts.
:Now, let me, let me tell you why there's
reason there's context behind this.
:For anyone that doesn't know,
I am a jersey jinx, okay?
:When it comes to the Lions.
:My very first jersey I
ever got was Barry Sanders.
:He retired the next year.
:Then I got an Indomitian Sioux.
:He left in free agency the next year.
:I got I was like, well then I'm gonna get
somebody that I know isn't going anywhere.
:And I got myself a Calvin Johnson.
:He retired the next year.
:Since then, I've, I've had
Darius Slay, left and free.
:You should not have gotten that jersey.
:Left and free agency.
:Wait, wait, I didn't, I didn't, hang on.
:Don't talk about the ending yet.
:I had a Darius Slay jersey.
:He left in free agency.
:I got V, my wife, a Stafford jersey.
:We traded them the next year.
:I got my girls, my little girls.
:I think you're jinxed.
:I am.
:I'm a, I'm a Jersey Jinx.
:Now listen, now listen, I got my
girls, my two little girls, a DeAndre
:Swift and a TJ Hawkinson Jersey.
:They're both gone.
:Like, I mean, it's just every Jersey
I've ever gotten that player leaves.
:You should have got,
:Chris: what's number zero's name?
:You should have got him.
:He keeps getting penalties.
:He's a
:Jerome: rookie.
:You'll learn.
:But anyway, so I told myself
I'm never buying a jersey again.
:And I haven't.
:This Christmas, this past Christmas, right
before the NFC title game, I might add.
:Oh, no.
:Mom bought me this.
:We know how that game went.
:This Lions shirt, which I
love, but in Jersey fashion.
:What's it say on the back, Chris?
:Chris: Hutchison, 97.
:Jerome: It's got Hutchinson's name
and number on the back of the shirt.
:Now it's not a jersey, it's a t shirt.
:But it has his name
and number on the back.
:Thank you mom, it's a wonderfully
comfortable shirt, and you caused
:Aiden Hutchinson's leg injury.
:Chris: Well, I would just like to,
I would just like to redirect all
:the, I mean I know there's Lions fans
all over the, All over the world.
:But after watching Hutch this season,
especially, there's a lot of new fans.
:I mean, he had the first
few games, so many sacks.
:I don't have all the stats in front of
me, but he's the sack leader right now.
:He's the NFL
:Jerome: sack leader.
:He has more than some teams.
:And this was their fifth
game because they had a bye.
:Chris: Yeah.
:Jerome: So this is only their fifth game.
:They're four and one and he
leads the league in sacks.
:Chris: All our best thoughts and
prayers go out to him and and
:I know the Lions, they stepped
up after he left the field too.
:Well, and that's what people
:Jerome: said.
:The game was already well in hand.
:You know what?
:He got hurt early third.
:There was the entire
second half to be played.
:Chris: Right.
:And they still couldn't score a touchdown.
:No, we closed it out.
:So yeah.
:Anyway, just wanted to make sure
we got that in there before.
:Jerome: They didn't, they didn't
pull the starters and put backups
:in until the fourth quarter.
:So Yes, it was it was already I think like
32 or 33 to 6 at the time or something
:It was a big lead, but the aforementioned
NFC title game can tell you big leads
:at halftime don't mean shit so The fact
that we lost Hutch a few minutes into
:the second half and we still shut that
shit down Like I said, the guys were
:playing with a lot of emotion and a lot
of anger Oh, yeah, so you saw it with
:every tackle and every run that we had
on, on offense every time we had the
:ball, just, I mean, we, we, I think it was
three offensive plays were to our linemen.
:Like, okay, so we played angry.
:Anyway, let's get to the
business at hand here.
:It was a lot of fun.
:All right, so we're going to start
today with again, what makes a good
:sequel, what makes a bad sequel.
:We're going to start with
Terminator 2 Judgment Day.
:If you haven't figured out already,
knowing what our next movie is, we're
:saying that Terminator 2 is the good
idea, is the good version of a sequel.
:Chris: Even though I have
my issues with the script
:Jerome: and some of the acting.
:I have, I have some plot issues
that we're going to talk about.
:I have one major issue.
:That I'll get to at the end.
:But still, with all the issues
I have with T2, it's still a
:far better sequel than Speed 2.
:But we'll get to that.
:Alright, specs.
:1991, directed by James Cameron, written
by James Cameron and William Wisher.
:Running time 2 hours 17 minutes,
budget of 102 million, which
:was a record at the time.
:He then broke his own record when
he Had a 200 million dollar budget
:for Titanic six years later.
:But anyway, that's what Cameron does.
:He's he's a spender He likes to spend
:the 4th of july weekend and it made close
to 32 Million in its opening weekend,
:which at the time it was the biggest r
rated movie opening ever it was topped.
:However, just one year later when
lethal weapon Three came out.
:Oh, wow.
:So talk about good sequels.
:Lethal Weapon movies are
generally all pretty good sequels.
:So T2 was the number two film
worldwide in:
:Side note, while other R rated
films have come out since then and
:made a lot of money, Passion of the
Christ, American Sniper, and Joker.
:Would all surpass T2.
:If you adjust for inflation, T2
would be, would have been, the
:highest grossing worldwide R rated
film ever at 473 million, that's
:inflated cost, until this year.
:Deadpool and Wolverine just passed the
1 billion mark for an R rated movie.
:That's insane.
:You can't take your kids to
see that over and over again.
:Like it doesn't have what Star Wars
had, you know, or any Marvel movie has
:to be R rated and do a billion dollars.
:Actually Oppenheimer
was R rated, wasn't it?
:Yeah, it was.
:Yeah, so shit so so does that
mean that deadpool and wolverine
:has already topped oppenheimer?
:Oh, it did because barbie was 1.
:Remember and oppenheimer was around One?
:Yeah, I think they're around a billion.
:So Deadpool and Wolverine, I
think right now is the highest
:grossing R rated movie ever.
:That's crazy.
:I still think Oppenheimer is
astounding because that movie
:was three hours long and R rated.
:Yeah, right.
:Three hours long and R rated.
:Okay, so back to 91 here.
:As stated, it finished number two.
:Rounding out the top five were number
five, City Slickers at 124 million.
:Number four, Silence of
the Lambs with 130 million.
:Number three, Robin Hood, Prince of
Thieves, with 165 million and I'm gonna
:let you guess the number one movie of
91 with a worldwide gross of 248 million
:and a Best Picture nomination and it was
the first ever for this type of film.
:Chris: Was it animated?
:Jerome: Yes, it was.
:Okay, I think
:Chris: we mentioned it before,
I think we mentioned this movie
:before but I thought it was a
different year so I could be wrong.
:Was it Aladdin?
:No, it was the year before Aladdin
:Jerome: and Aladdin was not nominated
for Best Picture, but this one is true.
:What was it?
:Beauty and the Beast.
:Oh, yeah, yeah.
:So that was the number one movie of 91.
:T2 was nominated for six Academy Awards
and won four of them, including Makeup and
:all the Special Effects Awards, obviously.
:The liquid metal thing was
just mind blowing at the time.
:The two Oscars that it lost were
Best Editing and Cinematography,
:and both of those went to JFK.
:What a good year for movies, man.
:Chris: Yeah.
:Jerome: JFK, T2, Robin Hood, Silence
of the Lambs Beauty and the Beast.
:Okay, it stars Arnold Schwarzenegger
as the T 800, Edward Furlong as
:John Connor, Linda Hamilton as Sarah
nnor, Robert Patrick as the T:
:Earl Bowen as Dr.
:Silberman, Joe Morton as Miles
Dyson, and a very, very small role
:for Dean Norris of Breaking Bad
fame, who was Hank in it out when I
:Chris: saw him.
:I forgot he was in it.
:Well, I probably didn't even
know who he was at first.
:Well, I didn't know
:Jerome: who he was.
:Chris: A.
:Jerome: team leader, and oddly enough, one
year before this, he was also cast as S.
:team leader in Gremlins 2, The New Batch.
:Haha, that's funny.
:Chris: So did you, when you
saw his eyes and heard his
:voice, did you know it was him?
:I knew immediately, immediately.
:And I haven't watched T2.
:I haven't
:Jerome: watched T2.
:Yeah, I haven't watched T2 in years.
:So as many times as I've seen
this movie, I hadn't seen it
:since before Breaking Bad.
:So this time when I saw his eyes, I
knew immediately, I'm like, it's Hank!
:There's Hank!
:I did the exact same thing.
:Alright, so when did you
first see this movie?
:Chris: Oh, probably at the theater.
:I don't remember.
:Yeah, I know it.
:I know I went and saw it.
:I don't remember who I
saw it with or anything.
:But yeah, 91.
:Jerome: I distinctly remember
the marketing around it.
:Oh, it was massive.
:And Guns N Roses did a video and
a main song from the movie, right?
:Yeah, yeah, yep.
:And Arnold was in the video.
:Like, not just scenes from the movie.
:It was, if I remember the video correctly,
It's like concert video, but Arnold's in
:the crowd and he's like heading towards
them to like kill them or something.
:Guns and roses.
:Something like that.
:I don't know.
:I just remember he was in the video.
:And there was a, like I
said, a big marketing push.
:I mean, you couldn't go
anywhere in the summer of 91.
:Without seeing billboards and posters.
:And I mean,
:Chris: Oh, it's probably on
fricking happy meals or something.
:It was rated R,
:Jerome: Rated R and it's on lunchboxes.
:I'm curious.
:I should look
:Chris: that up, but what kind
of marketing did they do?
:Fast food marketing?
:They had to have.
:Jerome: Well, and you know, obviously
the box office speaks for itself, but
:Arnold was just hitting, I mean, we're
talking, this is prime Arnold time, right?
:Like, Terminator 1 was in 84, it was
7 years earlier, and in those 7 years,
:man, he had fuckin Predator, right?
:He had Commando, you know what I mean?
:Like, he was really Sort of, I mean,
he hadn't done True Lies yet, but I
:think he did Twins with Danny DeVito
already, so it's like, his appeal.
:When did he do Daddy Descartes?
:Chris: Didn't he do Daddy Descartes?
:Oh, that was after, that was way after.
:Jerome: but he did The Running Man.
:Like, there were, Arnold movies
were huge through the 80s.
:When was Total Recall?
:That was in the 80s, right?
:Total Recall was that might
have been:
:have been right before this.
:You have to look that up.
:Come on, you're the IMDB guy, do you
have that up there in front of you?
:We could you could actually just
give me a quick run of Arnold
:releases prior to Total Recall
:Chris: 1990, yep.
:Jerome: 1990, so the year before.
:So he was really in
prime Arnold time here.
:And timing is everything.
:And, and Terminator had become such
a cult classic on video, you know?
:Yeah, big time.
:That when they announced the camera
was gonna do this sequel And Cameron
:himself was, was hitting all strides too.
:He had done Aliens and then he did the
Abyss, where if you watch the Abyss,
:he plays with the technology that would
later be used for the liquid metal, right?
:The water.
:Remember the water scene in the Abyss
where that thing comes out of the water?
:Chris: Yeah.
:Jerome: You know, so he kind of played
with all that stuff ahead of time to
:sort of like, you know, test it out.
:So both of them hitting their
stride at the right time.
:It was perfect timing for the movie.
:All right.
:Log me.
:Chris: Holy cow.
:I didn't know this.
:Arnold's first movie,
Hercules in New York,:
:Jerome: Yeah.
:Is he credited as Arnold Strong?
:Chris: Yeah, as Arnold Strong, Mr.
:And it wasn't
:Jerome: his voice either, they
had somebody dub the voice.
:Oh, seriously?
:Yeah, it's
:Chris: so awful.
:That's hilarious.
:Wow, yeah, he really came into his
prime in the 80s, early 90s though.
:Jerome: Oh yeah, Conan and shit.
:Conan 2, The Destroyer.
:Remember that one?
:I remember that always being
on cable when we were kids.
:Alright, are you are you just gonna
spend the episode reading, or?
:Chris: I'm just looking, I'm
just looking through his credits.
:Yeah, he was in the You Could
Be Mine video from Guns N Roses.
:That's the one you're referring to.
:And that's the one they put
in the movie, obviously.
:Log me.
:I have a problem with this log line.
:Let's have it.
:A cyborg, identical to the one who failed
to kill Sarah Connor, must now protect
:her 10 year old son, John, from an
even more advanced and powerful cyborg.
:Yeah, so the problem with this Well,
first of all, he seems older than 10.
:He seems older than 10.
:He's got the changing voice.
:I don't know when your voice changed.
:I wasn't 10.
:Jerome: Well, there's actually trivia
with that that I didn't include in my
:notes, but I remember reading some about
it where he grew so much during the shoot.
:I bet.
:Not just his voice was changing.
:They had to re dub some of his lines
because his voice was changing.
:But also, he sprouted to where there's
scenes where they had to have him speak.
:standing in a hole so that he would
still be shorter than Linda Hamilton.
:That's hilarious.
:I didn't realize that.
:And that's just during the production.
:Now, granted, the production
was like six, seven months long.
:Chris: I mean, we can look it up.
:I I'm guessing he was around
13 or something like that.
:Jerome: Yeah, I think so.
:But, but I have problems with the
log line other than 10 year old son.
:Chris: Yeah.
:Jerome: The log line, not to sound
like Peter Griffin from the family
:guy, it insists upon itself.
:Like it's, it's assuming you already
know everything about the first movie.
:Chris: right, right, right.
:So, yeah, you're like, who's Sarah Connor?
:Jerome: Yeah, like, what if you
don't know who Sarah Connor is?
:Like, you know, again, a logline should
be something that wants to draw you in.
:And if you read a logline like
that, you're like, ugh, I gotta
:watch the first movie first.
:You know?
:So, anyway.
:Yeah, alright.
:Alright, we have the beats.
:Opening image, kids playing as it
cuts to post nuclear war reality
:of machines running the world.
:This is just before the opening
credits with Sarah Connor's
:voiceover setting up the film.
:It serves as a nice bookend to the
closing image, as this represents the
:future that they know will happen.
:So this is the known future opening image.
:Four point push, right off
the bat, let's get to it.
:Inciting incident, ten minutes in.
:In back to back scenes, both the T 800 and
then the T:
:This is a clear and exciting
incident, obviously, because
:without this, there is no story.
:We're gonna, we're gonna interject
inside the four point pusher for
:a moment for the theme stated.
:In the next scene, we meet John.
:And we get John's theme for the film.
:Not so much in dialogue.
:But definitely in context.
:At the 12 minute mark, his foster mom
Janelle says, quote, John, get in there
:and clean up that pigsty of yours.
:End quote.
:He ignores the command.
:One minute later, his foster dad Todd
comes out and says, quote, Get your ass
:inside and do what your mother tells you.
:End quote.
:He again ignores this direction
and takes off with his friend.
:This is going to be John's theme
throughout the film as he's going
:to be faced with these calls of
duty and his emotional shift.
:emotional tug of war, the back and forth
are going to be what is required of him.
:Does he follow his call of
duty or does he ignore it?
:And right off the bat, that shows you
where he is in this state of mind.
:12 minutes in he bucks authority.
:He doesn't do what he's told.
:He's, I want to be my
own person kind of thing.
:And you'll see as the movie
progresses, how that starts to change.
:Chris: Yeah.
:All right.
:And I would say in that, in that part
there, they, As a storyteller, they did,
:he did a pretty good job telling the
audience, if they've never seen the first
:movie, Oh, these are foster parents.
:He's not being raised by his mom.
:Jerome: Right, because that, right
after he says get in there and do what
:your mother tells you, John actually
says, she's not my mother, Todd.
:So that tells you right there.
:And he puts some stank on Todd.
:Yeah, I was like, oh, that's shit.
:So, yeah.
:So there you go.
:Number two of the four
point push, Catalyst.
:After all main characters are introduced,
and they do it pretty cleanly, it
:all happens in four straight scenes.
:The T 800 arrives.
:And then they have the biker scene.
:The T 1000 arrives.
:Then we have the intro to
John and his foster parents.
:The very next scene after that is
Sarah Connor at the Pescadero Mental
:Hospital for the Criminally Insane.
:We meet all the main characters
in four straight scenes.
:Right, right.
:So the catalyst is the T 1000
goes to John's foster parents
:and gets a picture of him.
:This officially begins the hunt
because now he knows where they is
:and he knows what he looks like.
:Debate begins.
:If there's a debate, it's John's
because from about the 16 minute mark
:until the 33 minute mark, all in the
first act, there's this long drawn out
:chase sequence where John isn't really
sure if the cop Who's really the T
:1000 or the biker looking guy who's
really the T 800 are friends or foes.
:He thinks they're both trying to kill him,
:Chris: right?
:Jerome: So he doesn't know
what's going on at this point.
:Chris: Well at first I think he
assumed the cop was just trying to
:bust him for stealing his ATM money.
:Jerome: Sure, absolutely.
:And then he sees a biker with
a shotgun walking towards him
:and he's like, What the fuck?
:Should I go to the cop now?
:Like, you know, this guy's
gonna try to kill me.
:Uh, For all he knows, the biker
with the shotgun is the kids, is the
:credit card that he stole, right?
:So he's probably thinking, oh
fuck, maybe the cop will help
:save me in this situation.
:We don't have just an initial face
off between the two Terminators, we
:have an Awesome hallway fight where
they're shoving each other through
:concrete walls and then it goes
on to this chase that originates
:at the mall and ends up in the L.
:canal system.
:Pretty elaborate 20 minute sequence there.
:Break into two.
:At the 34 minute mark, John is
officially introduced to the soldier
:he sent as an adult in the future.
:The T 800.
:For phonetic reasons from here on out,
I'm just going to call him Arnold.
:Instead of the T 800.
:Chris: Yeah.
:Jerome: Um.
:Arnold reveals he was sent as protection
from the other Terminator, the T
:1000 and this puts us officially
into Act 2, because now it's
:John's upside down world, right?
:The world he knew up till
now is completely changed.
:Alright, funny games.
:One of the first orders of business
is John wants to warn his foster
:parents that they're in danger.
:This is a funny phone scene.
:I love this scene in the payphone
and it's actually spawned memes
:that like and, and I see them.
:So for anyone that doesn't know, He calls
home to tell his foster parents are dead.
:It's he's thinks something's up
because they're being nice to him.
:It seems odd They're never night or at
least the mom the mom's never nice to
:him the dogs barking in the background
so Arnold starts to mimic his voice
:and talking to The mom the foster
mom who he thinks is the foster mom
:and he says what's the dog's name?
:Max and he goes Janelle,
what's wrong with wolfie?
:She's all Wolfe's fine, hun.
:He immediately hangs up the phone.
:Your foster parents are dead
like, like he just knows, right?
:She failed the test.
:So the main memes I've been
seeing are on this Seinfeld
:Facebook page that I watch a lot.
:Oh really?
:And it sets it up like they ask a
question over the phone, a Seinfeld
:question, and when the mom doesn't
know it, they hang up and they're,
:your foster parents are dead like if
they don't know the Seinfeld quote.
:Chris: So
:Jerome: it's great.
:But anyway, so it's a pretty funny scene.
:Sad if you're friends of Janelle and Todd.
:Chris: and they actually
show how stepdad dies.
:Jerome: Yeah.
:The stepdad hasn't died yet.
:You can hear it though.
:You can hear it.
:Oh yeah.
:The sound, it sounds like a
knife going through cantaloupe.
:Like yeah.
:There's a little blade
right through his head.
:All right, anyway, so in this moment,
after finding out that they're dead,
:Arnold actually gives a praise of the
killer speech, which we've talked about
:in previous podcasts regarding the T 1000.
:John says, you're telling me this
thing can imitate anything it touches?
:Arnold responds, quote, anything
it samples by physical touch.
:Only an object of equal size.
:It can't form complex machines.
:Guns and explosives have
chemicals, moving parts.
:It doesn't work that way.
:But it can form solid metal shapes.
:Knives and stabbing weapons end quote.
:This is perfect because it sets up
for the audience what the rules are
:Chris: Yeah,
:Jerome: right
:Chris: what they
:Jerome: can
:Chris: and can't get away with the thing.
:Jesse had a problem with that
She's like, wait a minute.
:It can't do complex things, but it
can imitate people and their voices
:Jerome: Yeah, but that's not
metal does doesn't that's not
:a mechanic nothing machinery.
:It's it's organic.
:Yeah details
:So Anyway, this is going to be important
when we meet up with Sarah later.
:Speak of the devil, the B Story!
:Speaking of Sarah, at about the
39 minute mark, Sarah, who has
:already been introduced as a
character, she kind of gets revisited
:here, this time as the B Story.
:She's the B Story because she's going
to help John achieve his spiritual goal.
:In this scene, they show her the pictures
of Arnold, both in:
:They also tell her That her son
is missing, and that his foster
:parents have been murdered.
:Here's the first plot problem I have.
:And this has always stood out to me.
:One thing that's always stood out
to me about this particular scene.
:Doesn't Dr.
:Silberman believe any of her story now?
:I know.
:I mean, he sees the same
:Chris: exact thing.
:He sees the pictures.
:Because he was there in the first movie.
:Jerome: Right!
:He was in 19 He was in
that police station!
:Yeah, he left right Didn't he pass Arnold?
:He passes him!
:He walks in and gives his
famous I'll be back line.
:Silberman's only alive
because he left for the day.
:So anyway, he sees these pictures of him.
:He sees the pictures of
him at the mall that day.
:The cop says, We know
you know who this guy is.
:Your son is missing, and his
foster parents have been murdered.
:He uses the words murdered.
:Chris: Yeah.
:Jerome: We know this guy is involved.
:Chris: This is a quote.
:If I was the doctor, I would have
been like, I would have been having
:PTSD flashbacks because I knew what
happened at that police station.
:And he knew all those cops.
:Yeah, he knew all the cops.
:So, and then you see that guy
alive, killing people today.
:Jerome: murdered 17 police
officers that night, he says.
:Men with families.
:And in the background is Silberman
like, yeah, yeah, I was there.
:Like, he didn't say anything.
:Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
:You think he would have been
like, I know, I was there.
:Like, holy shit, is it possible
Sarah's telling the truth?
:The kid's foster parents have been
murdered, and the cop says, we
:know this guy had something to do
with it, or this guy's involved.
:And Silberman doesn't even look!
:He's just walking around in
the background like nothing.
:And then what did I write down here?
:You would think, To the cops.
:Oh, no, he actually says to the cops.
:This is a quote.
:No, it's in that quote.
:I paraphrased.
:He basically says sorry
guys, like sorry guys.
:I wish I could help you out.
:Yeah She's been getting more
disconnected from reality
:Like, are you a fucking moron?
:You must be the dumbest
doctor that ever lived.
:So, and I mean, I get it.
:And here's the other thing.
:I know that Sarah's, like, acting like
she's catatonic so that they think she's
:nuts and she can steal the paperclip
and it's all part of her escape.
:But how hard must it have been for
her to hold in, you know she wanted
:to look at Silberman and be like, Do
you fucking see now, you dumb fuck?
:I told you this guy existed!
:Reese told you this guy existed!
:Are you stupid?
:Now my son is missing and his
parents, his false parents are dead.
:Do you see now I was telling the truth?
:Like, she had to hold all that in.
:You know she wanted to let that shit out.
:Oh yeah.
:But anyway.
:Alright, more fun and games around
42 minutes in, John wants to go
:get his mom and Arnold tells him
it's a bad idea because the T
:1000 is likely to meet them there.
:He orders him to go.
:And from then, from that
moment, from 42 minutes in.
:Until the one hour mark, so a good
20 minutes, there's another elaborate
:action sequence of Sarah freeing
herself, and the T:
:hospital, John and Arnold meeting up
there, and this big rescue escape scene.
:One of the things T2 does right, And quite
frankly, a lot of action films do wrong.
:It's, it's a thing with Cameron.
:He's always been really good at this.
:His action sequences are fucking dialed.
:Jerome: Like, they might take 20
minutes, but it's edgy, you see.
:Most action films can't pull
off a 20 minute action scene.
:It either gets boring, or it's
a one trick pony, or you just
:kinda, you know, whatever.
:His, there's so many different
elements to his action sequences,
:like, like the, like the one we
talked about already in the mall.
:It starts at the mall.
:Then it gets into the
fucking canal system in L.
:you know what I mean?
:Like, it starts on foot, but
then they get on motorcycles,
:like, you know what I mean?
:Like, it's just, and the T 1000 gets
into a rig, you know what I mean?
:Chris: liquid, what,
:Jerome: nitrogen?
:Oh, that one's later, that one's later.
:Oh, yeah.
:But but, but yeah, so you see my point,
like, when, when Cameron sets out to do an
:action sequence, that fucker's gonna last
20 to 30 minutes, like, it's a big one.
:Okay, that takes us to the midpoint scene.
:About one hour and seven minutes
in, they're seemingly safe now.
:They're heading for the south.
:Somewhat safe on their way south of
the border, Sarah asks about the man
:who created Cyberdyne, Miles Dyson.
:And Arnold lays it all out.
:He has no problem rolling on this guy.
:He just tells her, tells her
everything he needs to know.
:Uh, Bad guys closing in about an hour
and 18 minutes in Sarah has a nightmare
:about judgment day and it sets her
off on her mission to take out Dyson
:for almost the next hour hour again.
:There is a lot of action.
:And yet, for all these great
action sequences, we're gonna now
:get into some more plot flaws.
:John and Arnold attempt to stop
Sarah while the T:
:is the best chance to find them
and he goes to Dyson's place.
:They all go to Mexico?
:And back?
:Over a day and a half, maybe
two days, and they still beat
:the T 1000 to Dyson's place?
:Yeah, that's a problem.
:What the fuck was he
doing this whole time?
:He got himself a motorcycle
right after the mental hospital.
:He stole it from the cop.
:Jerome: So where the hell's he been?
:What's he been doing?
:But anyway, alright, that's
plot issue number one.
:Riding around the desert, I guess.
:Jerome: Riding around,
just looking for nobody.
:At this point, they convince Dyson that
he has to destroy all his research.
:By the way, there's a pretty cool sequence
where they get to Dyson's house and
:Arnold cuts the skin off his arm to show
that the work he's doing, the research
:he's doing is going to evolve into this
AI machines you know, monster program
:that's going to take over the world.
:Chris: I gotta, I gotta be
honest, watch, this is the first
:time I've watched this movie.
:Since chat GPT came out.
:Jerome: It's scary, isn't it?
:Chris: Yeah, I almost
had an anxiety attack.
:I was like, I mean, we're watching,
you know, this week we're watching
:Elon Musk unveil his new robots.
:His AI robots, and I'm like,
what, what are we doing?
:Jerome: Yeah.
:Chris: What are we doing?
:Jerome: It's, it's like, I
saw a meme about that too.
:Somebody, there was like a headline
about Elon Musk and his AI.
:And then the first comment
was, there's literally four or
:five Terminator movies on why
:this is a bad idea.
:Chris: And he makes a joke
about it when he unveiled them.
:Do you hear that?
:No, I didn't hear that.
:He's like, yeah, they're pretty cool as
long as they don't become Terminators.
:Ha ha ha.
:And I'm like.
:You frickin idiot.
:Jerome: Wow.
:Good God.
:It's inevitable that AI will
become self aware, right?
:Like, they know this, right?
:Unless they're putting a feature
in there that makes them dumb.
:But, how can you do that?
:But anyway, alright.
:Where did I leave off here?
:Alright, at Cyberdyne,
Here's, oh, okay, wait.
:So they convince Dyson that he has
to destroy all his research, right?
:And they gotta go to his place and,
and Burn all the research or whatever.
:So now they're at Cyberdyne.
:They get inside and they
force their way into the lab.
:Here's some more plot holes.
:The whole building is on lockdown, right?
:They hit the alarm when they know the
one cop is tied up and the security
:guard is tied up in the bathroom.
:They hit the alarm.
:It's a building's on lockdown, right?
:Dyson tries to use his code.
:He's like, Oh, I can't use my code.
:The building's on lockdown.
:Yet, the two turning of
the keys thing still works.
:Where he gives a key to John.
:He's like, Okay, we have to turn
at the same time for this to open.
:Wouldn't that be on lockdown too?
:Chris: Yeah, you'd think
everything would be.
:They use the elevators!
:Especially the thing that's hypersensitive
to, you know, turning a key.
:Yeah, and when they go to leave, they
:Jerome: get on an elevator!
:Wouldn't those be on lockdown too?
:Then, they rig the entire place with
explosives, including drums of gasoline.
:Where the fuck did they get all this from?
:I thought the same thing.
:They couldn't have got it from Enrique in
Mexico because A, he's not storing that
:shit with all those guns down below in a
hot basement somewhere under the desert.
:Two, even if he did have it
somewhere else, they don't
:bring it with them in the car.
:In the station wagon.
:They couldn't fit all
that in a station wagon.
:So where did all that shit come from?
:It just arrives.
:It's just there.
:Any thoughts?
:I was, I was hoping you would tell me.
:No, I was scratching my head.
:It's ridiculous.
:So anyway, okay.
:So they have the big explosion,
Cyberdyne is destroyed.
:And here's the, now we're gonna have
several of these, but as an audience
:member, we already know the answer.
:But as an audience member, if you're
watching this for the first time, wouldn't
:you be like, wait a minute, wait a second.
:At this moment, wouldn't the T
:If they destroyed.
:The future making of these machines,
they would have disappeared.
:Well, it depends on
:Chris: which, which theory of
time travel you subscribe to.
:So, so again, you have
back to the futurist.
:Jerome: We kind of already know a little
bit that we're going to get to, but as an
:audience member, that would, could be a
thought of why didn't they just disappear?
:And did the main characters realize,
Hey, wait they didn't disappear.
:Yeah, right.
:Something's not over yet.
:Like, it's not over yet.
:It's not over yet.
:And even at Dyson's house, I think the
wife says, I notated here, the wife says,
:aren't we changing the future right now?
:And he says, yes, I'm, I'm, no way I
can go into work tomorrow, you know.
:And that's when Arnold says,
well, that's not enough.
:Nobody can follow your work.
:So that's why they decide
to go and blow it up.
:Alright, more action sequence now as
y have to get away from the T:
:and all the cops as they make their
escape from the Cyberdyne building.
:This leads to the arrival at the
Steel Foundry as the truck of
:nitroglycerin crashes and freezes.
:The T 1000, it was liquid
:Chris: nitrogen.
:I don't think it was nitroglycerin.
:Jerome: what did I say?
:Nitroglycerin, I meant
to say liquid nitrogen.
:It would've blew up real
big if it was nitroglycerin,
:, . Arnold gets the, gets the drop, his
famous line Abta baby before shooting
:the frozen T 1000 into a bunch of
thousand little pieces, of course,
:because the heat in the steel foundry.
:They melt and reform back as the T 1000.
:I remember when I was shit, I had
to, I was 16 years old or turning
:16 when I saw this in the theater.
:And I remember thinking when he
dropped that line, we're already
:almost two hours in when he shot it.
:Well, first of all, when it
froze, I was like, Oh, that's it.
:That's how they kill them.
:Chris: Yeah.
:Jerome: Right?
:He's frozen.
:He can't move now.
:He can't do anything.
:And I remember thinking, it only
takes a split second before Arnold
:shoots him, that I remember thinking
for a split second, what the
:hell are they gonna do with him?
:Like, you can't put him
anywhere where he's gonna fall.
:Like, is he just gonna be
stuck like that forever?
:And then Arnold gives the line and
shoots him and he gets shattered into a
:thousand pieces and I thought, awesome!
:But How are you going to keep those
pieces from coming back together?
:And then they show the heat and the pieces
are melting and he's starting to form.
:And when he stands up again, I remember
thinking, they can't kill this thing.
:There's nothing they can do.
:Now my 16 year old idiot brain didn't
realize they're surrounded by lava.
:Chris: So
:Jerome: maybe that will have
something to do with it.
:But instead I'm thinking, They
can't, they can't kill this guy.
:There's, there's nothing they can do.
:He just fucking reforms again.
:So so that was done very well
because that's a tense scene.
:When she's hurt, Sarah's hurt, they're
trying to get her out of the truck.
:But all the little liquid metal
pieces are starting to come together.
:And it's already forming up before
they're even out of the damn truck.
:It's like move man, get going.
:Like it's, it's done very well.
:The suspense of that scene
is shot very, very well.
:All right.
:More cat and mouse fight sequences
after that but of course with
:that comes more plot issues.
:So the T 1000 has Sarah, right, has her
dead to rights, he's about to kill her.
:He puts his little finger poker thing
through her arm, and to torture her,
:and he's like, I know this hurts,
you know, and he's digging in there.
:And then he says, call to John.
:Yeah, I know.
00:40:53,221 --> 00:40:54,341
I said the same thing.
00:40:54,681 --> 00:40:56,051
He could do it.
00:40:57,021 --> 00:40:58,431
Why doesn't he call for John?
00:40:58,701 --> 00:41:02,071
You almost want Sarah to
say, and she says, fuck you.
00:41:02,281 --> 00:41:05,011
But instead she should
have said do it yourself.
00:41:05,011 --> 00:41:06,298
Like what?
00:41:06,298 --> 00:41:08,051
What do you need me to do it for?
00:41:08,061 --> 00:41:08,381
00:41:08,391 --> 00:41:09,741
He's heard her voice.
00:41:09,801 --> 00:41:10,151
00:41:10,151 --> 00:41:10,911
Like what the fuck?
00:41:10,921 --> 00:41:12,471
So yeah, obviously he can mimic her.
00:41:12,471 --> 00:41:13,241
He could do it himself.
00:41:13,241 --> 00:41:13,921
He just doesn't.
00:41:14,321 --> 00:41:14,741
Of course.
00:41:14,761 --> 00:41:15,061
00:41:15,061 --> 00:41:16,671
And then, and then they end up doing it.
00:41:16,761 --> 00:41:18,881
And if a couple scenes later, Oh, hang on.
00:41:18,911 --> 00:41:19,991
We're right there.
00:41:20,041 --> 00:41:21,101
I know we're right there.
00:41:21,441 --> 00:41:26,181
So of course Arnold intervenes
and he saves Sarah's life and
00:41:26,191 --> 00:41:27,401
they begin fighting again.
00:41:27,661 --> 00:41:30,051
And this time it's going to bring
us to our all is lost scene at
00:41:30,051 --> 00:41:31,421
the two hour, two minute mark.
00:41:31,751 --> 00:41:33,081
The T::
00:41:34,171 --> 00:41:37,451
In the belief that he has
finally gotten rid of the T 800.
00:41:37,461 --> 00:41:43,331
He smashes the shit out of
Arnold, and shoves a metal rod,
00:41:43,641 --> 00:41:45,091
like right through his body.
00:41:45,351 --> 00:41:46,071
Yeah, so he's stuck.
00:41:46,081 --> 00:41:50,391
All systems fail, well he's stuck,
but all systems are failing, and
00:41:50,391 --> 00:41:52,021
the light in his eye goes out.
00:41:52,391 --> 00:41:54,481
As an audience member You think he died.
00:41:54,781 --> 00:41:55,901
All is lost, right?
00:41:56,121 --> 00:42:00,031
Because if the T 800 is dead, who
the fuck's gonna save these two?
00:42:00,141 --> 00:42:00,451
00:42:00,491 --> 00:42:00,941
They can't.
00:42:00,951 --> 00:42:01,911
They're no match.
00:42:02,071 --> 00:42:02,371
00:42:02,661 --> 00:42:03,951
They are no match for the T::
00:42:04,591 --> 00:42:08,181
Dark Knight of the Soul, John, who's
hiding, and Sarah, who's reloading
00:42:08,181 --> 00:42:11,161
her shotgun knows at this point
that they're probably screwed.
00:42:11,461 --> 00:42:11,731
00:42:11,771 --> 00:42:12,371
They're fucked.
00:42:12,611 --> 00:42:12,751
00:42:12,801 --> 00:42:14,321
If Arnold's gone, what chance do we have?
00:42:14,661 --> 00:42:15,721
Break into three.
00:42:15,811 --> 00:42:16,401
But then!
00:42:17,681 --> 00:42:20,581
The light in Arnold's eyes
starts to come back on again.
00:42:20,591 --> 00:42:21,561
Chris: Backup battery.
00:42:21,571 --> 00:42:23,321
Jerome: Backup battery plan!
00:42:23,341 --> 00:42:24,781
Alternate power!
00:42:25,216 --> 00:42:29,466
He opens his eyes, he gets up, and it's
kind of funny because Arnold's acting
00:42:29,466 --> 00:42:33,616
here is kind of, it's not funny, but it
kind of serves like when he wakes up,
00:42:33,776 --> 00:42:35,476
he's looking around like, where is he?
00:42:35,486 --> 00:42:38,226
And he's like, oh shit, I'm
nailed down by this pole.
00:42:38,416 --> 00:42:39,746
I better take this pole out.
00:42:40,046 --> 00:42:40,556
You know what I mean?
00:42:40,556 --> 00:42:41,646
So he does that first.
00:42:42,276 --> 00:42:45,966
And then he grabs his grenade launcher,
which has one grenade left, of course.
00:42:46,426 --> 00:42:49,916
And he arrives, you know, he
gets up, ready to fight again.
00:42:50,166 --> 00:42:51,746
Five point finale, here we go!
00:42:52,126 --> 00:42:52,886
Hold on, hold on, I wanted to,
00:42:53,076 --> 00:42:55,756
Chris: Identify another
plot hole from that scene.
00:42:56,066 --> 00:42:56,696
Jerome: Oh, okay, go for it.
00:42:58,541 --> 00:43:00,351
Chris: His arm is in the machinery.
00:43:00,431 --> 00:43:00,851
Jerome: Okay.
00:43:00,851 --> 00:43:01,181
00:43:01,181 --> 00:43:03,411
So I was going to get to that later,
but okay, we can talk about it.
00:43:03,681 --> 00:43:06,801
Chris: Well, it's, I mean, you know,
they make this big deal at the end in
00:43:07,131 --> 00:43:10,261
a couple of scenes about destroying
everything, all the evidence.
00:43:10,271 --> 00:43:11,661
Jerome: That's what I was
going to mention later.
00:43:11,681 --> 00:43:12,021
00:43:12,021 --> 00:43:12,496
Chris: yeah,
00:43:12,496 --> 00:43:16,471
Jerome: so he does leave his arm
jammed into gears and he has to
00:43:16,481 --> 00:43:19,641
detach from it in order to break free.
00:43:19,721 --> 00:43:21,451
That actually happens before.
00:43:22,221 --> 00:43:25,891
All of this because when he
saves Sarah Connor's life,
00:43:26,131 --> 00:43:27,831
he's already at one arm, right?
00:43:28,281 --> 00:43:30,271
So yeah, his arm does get left behind.
00:43:30,281 --> 00:43:31,981
That's a little plot
twist there for the end.
00:43:32,301 --> 00:43:34,081
I wouldn't say it's a plot flaw.
00:43:34,191 --> 00:43:38,091
Well, it's a plot twist
if you want to make a T3.
00:43:38,391 --> 00:43:41,111
It's a plot flaw at the end.
00:43:41,121 --> 00:43:42,331
And we're about to get to that right now.
00:43:43,341 --> 00:43:43,671
00:43:44,131 --> 00:43:47,551
Gathering the team, Sarah calls
out to John to join forces.
00:43:47,631 --> 00:43:52,871
Of course, this is not really Sarah,
as the T::
00:43:53,051 --> 00:43:57,231
seemed like he didn't know how to
imitate Sarah, now he's imitating Sarah.
00:43:57,781 --> 00:43:58,121
00:43:58,471 --> 00:44:01,551
Now, you could argue, there
is an argument to be made.
00:44:02,411 --> 00:44:03,611
In fact, I just thought of this.
00:44:04,461 --> 00:44:07,691
It says he has to come
into contact with somebody.
00:44:08,131 --> 00:44:08,951
He has to touch them.
00:44:09,501 --> 00:44:12,911
So he couldn't call out, he
couldn't mimic her until he stuck
00:44:12,911 --> 00:44:14,301
his finger through her shoulder.
00:44:14,961 --> 00:44:15,421
Chris: Okay.
00:44:15,691 --> 00:44:19,061
Jerome: But maybe at that point though,
he would have done it immediately, right?
00:44:19,111 --> 00:44:19,321
00:44:19,321 --> 00:44:19,871
Chris: yeah, yeah.
00:44:19,921 --> 00:44:22,521
Jerome: Killed her, and then
immediately become Sarah.
00:44:22,581 --> 00:44:22,921
00:44:23,351 --> 00:44:24,371
But anyway, okay.
00:44:25,271 --> 00:44:27,811
We're trying to help, we're trying to
help, we're trying to save the plot flaws.
00:44:28,251 --> 00:44:28,501
00:44:29,001 --> 00:44:29,931
Execution of the plan.
00:44:29,951 --> 00:44:34,351
The real Sarah thwarts the T:plan by appearing behind the fake
00:44:34,351 --> 00:44:35,951
Sarah and telling John to get down.
00:44:36,301 --> 00:44:41,645
She unloads the shotgun shells one
after another at the T::
00:44:41,645 --> 00:44:45,121
is a great moment because he's
getting closer and closer to where
00:44:45,121 --> 00:44:46,861
he might fall off into the lava.
00:44:47,261 --> 00:44:49,131
And she's cocking it with her one arm.
00:44:49,491 --> 00:44:50,041
Chris: Blast,
00:44:50,061 --> 00:44:52,921
Jerome: cock, blast, cock,
blast, all the way down.
00:44:53,366 --> 00:44:57,126
I should say pump, pump and blast,
pump and blast, all the way down
00:44:57,126 --> 00:45:01,206
to where he, one more will do
it, and she runs out of bullets.
00:45:01,226 --> 00:45:03,736
Now wait, I was gonna, oh that
was my Hightower Surprise, sorry.
00:45:03,936 --> 00:45:06,186
So, she's got him,
she's got it won, right?
00:45:06,196 --> 00:45:07,396
She's about to win!
00:45:07,816 --> 00:45:09,916
And the Hightower Surprise,
she ran out of bullets.
00:45:10,386 --> 00:45:17,116
So or shells rather, she not only, does
she only need one more round to push him
00:45:17,116 --> 00:45:22,036
over the edge, but worse, she watches him.
00:45:22,436 --> 00:45:27,176
Heal again, like she did with
the frozen liquid metal pieces.
00:45:27,416 --> 00:45:28,706
He just simply heals up.
00:45:28,856 --> 00:45:30,936
She was fucking his shit
up for a minute there.
00:45:31,266 --> 00:45:37,396
But then he just heals like nothing, and
then does this real cocky finger wag.
00:45:37,956 --> 00:45:41,126
Like, no, no, no, you look
like Dikemi Mutombo out there.
00:45:41,136 --> 00:45:42,526
No, no, no, no, no.
00:45:43,056 --> 00:45:46,506
And, It's, it's, it's definitely his
best punk move of the whole movie, like
00:45:46,526 --> 00:45:51,586
that's like the only time he is kind of
talking shit, is he does that, right, he
00:45:51,586 --> 00:45:56,646
does the little finger wag dig down deep,
she's done, right, she knows she's done
00:45:56,646 --> 00:46:01,776
now, she's out of bullets, he's healed
up, John comes running behind her, and
00:46:01,806 --> 00:46:04,726
they turn like they're gonna run, but
they, she's fucking wounded, she can't
00:46:04,726 --> 00:46:08,261
really move, they know they're done,
without anything left, right, right.
00:46:08,421 --> 00:46:12,401
All they have really to do is try to run,
but he's but five, six feet behind them.
00:46:13,071 --> 00:46:13,641
It's over.
00:46:14,631 --> 00:46:15,941
Execution of the new plan!
00:46:16,231 --> 00:46:17,531
Here comes Arnold!
00:46:17,831 --> 00:46:19,601
One last grenade left.
00:46:19,991 --> 00:46:21,771
They see him coming over the thing.
00:46:21,771 --> 00:46:23,571
He's riding a gear because
he's all fucked up.
00:46:23,571 --> 00:46:24,131
He can barely move.
00:46:24,471 --> 00:46:25,291
They hit the ground.
00:46:25,501 --> 00:46:26,701
Arnold pulls the trigger.
00:46:26,841 --> 00:46:27,641
00:46:27,661 --> 00:46:31,471
The T:of it, loses his balance and falls
00:46:31,471 --> 00:46:33,571
into the lava to be destroyed.
00:46:34,111 --> 00:46:34,191
00:46:34,881 --> 00:46:35,441
Go Arnold.
00:46:36,406 --> 00:46:37,476
I remember being in the theater, man.
00:46:37,476 --> 00:46:39,656
The whole crowd went
berserker when that happened.
00:46:40,036 --> 00:46:40,616
00:46:40,616 --> 00:46:43,896
We have a nice emotional wrap up
now as they throw the arm and the
00:46:43,896 --> 00:46:45,966
chip into the lava, of course.
00:46:46,606 --> 00:46:48,516
This gets to the part you
were just talking about.
00:46:48,826 --> 00:46:53,326
I said at this point as an audience
member, wouldn't Arnold disappear.
00:46:54,366 --> 00:46:54,766
00:46:55,336 --> 00:46:55,866
00:46:56,646 --> 00:46:59,676
You realize wait a second
Arnold is still there.
00:46:59,686 --> 00:47:02,986
Yeah, so that means he's
the evidence, right?
00:47:03,006 --> 00:47:04,696
The chip in his head has to be destroyed
00:47:06,956 --> 00:47:11,556
But still the arm is left behind Anyone
might not remember that the arm is left
00:47:11,556 --> 00:47:15,676
behind which is why we have a t3 and I
think in t3 They actually say that don't
00:47:15,676 --> 00:47:17,906
they that you can't stop Judgment Day.
00:47:17,906 --> 00:47:22,556
All you can do is delay it and
their actions Delayed it by
00:47:22,566 --> 00:47:27,936
decades like the kid is older And
it's still not Judgment Day yet.
00:47:27,946 --> 00:47:30,716
Judgment Day was supposed to
be, when was it supposed to be?
00:47:30,746 --> 00:47:31,476
00:47:33,056 --> 00:47:33,416
00:47:33,466 --> 00:47:34,106
00:47:34,156 --> 00:47:38,046
In T3 it gets pushed way, like 10
years later or something like that.
00:47:38,046 --> 00:47:38,416
00:47:38,416 --> 00:47:40,806
Because of what happens in this movie.
00:47:40,866 --> 00:47:41,086
Chris: Right.
00:47:41,106 --> 00:47:44,176
Jerome: They destroyed Cyberdyne,
they destroyed all the research,
00:47:44,366 --> 00:47:46,516
and they destroyed the arm
and the chip and everything.
00:47:46,586 --> 00:47:48,666
But the one arm was left behind.
00:47:48,686 --> 00:47:48,926
00:47:48,976 --> 00:47:50,396
Somebody found it.
00:47:50,686 --> 00:47:53,476
And they eventually Figured it out.
00:47:53,676 --> 00:47:55,286
Yeah, Elon Musk found the arm.
00:47:55,316 --> 00:47:55,816
That's what it was.
00:47:56,716 --> 00:48:01,786
All right, so There's
more on this in a second.
00:48:01,856 --> 00:48:05,036
I'm gonna get to my biggest problem
with the whole movie Okay, well not the
00:48:05,036 --> 00:48:09,126
whole movies my biggest problem with the
ending closing image the road now, right?
00:48:09,456 --> 00:48:13,826
This is the unknown future It's
the exact opposite of the opening
00:48:13,826 --> 00:48:15,596
image, which was the known future
00:48:17,906 --> 00:48:23,321
We have maybe the second worst line of
the movie in this part I'm gonna tell
00:48:23,321 --> 00:48:25,651
you what the worst one is in a minute,
but the number two line is right here.
00:48:27,881 --> 00:48:29,811
She first starts off with
a voiceover, which is fine.
00:48:30,041 --> 00:48:32,811
She says something about that
she's facing the unknown now
00:48:32,841 --> 00:48:34,221
for the first time with hope.
00:48:34,811 --> 00:48:35,131
00:48:35,241 --> 00:48:35,921
End it right there.
00:48:35,931 --> 00:48:36,591
Roll the credits.
00:48:36,631 --> 00:48:37,411
Yeah, right.
00:48:37,571 --> 00:48:40,931
Instead, she tacks on what
we've talked about before that
00:48:40,941 --> 00:48:42,411
happened in the John Wick episode.
00:48:42,811 --> 00:48:48,201
She's gotta tack it on with, quote, If
a machine, a Terminator, can learn the
00:48:48,201 --> 00:48:50,781
value of human life, maybe we can too.
00:48:52,661 --> 00:48:53,451
Chris: A lesson.
00:48:53,941 --> 00:48:55,091
Do we need a lesson?
00:48:55,461 --> 00:48:59,561
Jerome: I do not need to be
preached to by James Cameron.
00:48:59,591 --> 00:48:59,891
Chris: Yeah,
00:48:59,891 --> 00:49:00,301
Jerome: right.
00:49:00,531 --> 00:49:03,501
He just showed me gratuitous
violence for two hours and
00:49:03,501 --> 00:49:04,421
he's going to tell me whatever.
00:49:04,511 --> 00:49:05,018
He's good at preaching.
00:49:05,018 --> 00:49:06,151
Have you seen Avatar?
00:49:06,231 --> 00:49:06,821
I mean, come on.
00:49:06,871 --> 00:49:07,311
00:49:07,501 --> 00:49:08,321
Oh my god!
00:49:08,381 --> 00:49:08,691
at you.
00:49:10,311 --> 00:49:12,621
Anyway, but we mentioned in
the John Wick thing, right?
00:49:12,621 --> 00:49:15,561
When John Wick starts talking about
the dog was the symbol of his wife.
00:49:15,561 --> 00:49:16,541
We knew that!
00:49:16,541 --> 00:49:16,841
00:49:16,901 --> 00:49:18,051
You didn't have to tell us that.
00:49:18,051 --> 00:49:19,086
I hate when they have to explain it.
00:49:19,086 --> 00:49:20,496
00:49:20,496 --> 00:49:22,936
Chris: that's another part
I hated about this movie.
00:49:22,936 --> 00:49:25,966
It was a, it was a line
John Connor had early on.
00:49:26,826 --> 00:49:27,306
Jerome: Which one?
00:49:27,486 --> 00:49:32,646
Chris: It was it was after the after
Arnold got him and, and basically
00:49:32,646 --> 00:49:34,106
explained everything to him.
00:49:34,596 --> 00:49:34,796
00:49:34,796 --> 00:49:40,396
And he was sitting there and he's
like, oh man, all these years I
00:49:40,406 --> 00:49:42,276
thought my mom was crazy or something.
00:49:42,436 --> 00:49:42,816
00:49:42,826 --> 00:49:43,726
And she was right.
00:49:43,796 --> 00:49:45,216
He didn't have to say any of that.
00:49:45,606 --> 00:49:45,816
00:49:45,946 --> 00:49:46,566
We, we knew it.
00:49:46,941 --> 00:49:49,691
I didn't even include
that scene in my notes.
00:49:49,721 --> 00:49:50,061
00:49:50,161 --> 00:49:50,761
Because it's,
00:49:50,971 --> 00:49:52,531
Jerome: it's so, it's unnecessary.
00:49:52,541 --> 00:49:52,771
00:49:52,771 --> 00:49:53,081
It's an,
00:49:53,411 --> 00:49:54,861
Chris: that whole scene's unnecessary.
00:49:54,881 --> 00:49:56,411
I was like, irritated by it.
00:49:57,971 --> 00:49:59,161
Jerome: Yeah, plus he can't act.
00:50:01,161 --> 00:50:01,411
Come on.
00:50:01,411 --> 00:50:03,941
I mean, it was his first
movie, but leave him alone.
00:50:04,441 --> 00:50:04,861
All right.
00:50:05,336 --> 00:50:06,436
Notes on character.
00:50:06,596 --> 00:50:09,986
Blake Snyder has story patterns
in his second Save the Cat
00:50:09,986 --> 00:50:11,806
book that he calls genres.
00:50:11,816 --> 00:50:13,706
One of them is called buddy love.
00:50:14,036 --> 00:50:17,806
Sometimes used for romances, but also used
for buddy cop movies like Lethal Weapon.
00:50:18,186 --> 00:50:20,826
There are three main elements
to make a buddy love genre.
00:50:21,286 --> 00:50:22,936
First, an incomplete hero.
00:50:23,266 --> 00:50:24,396
Clearly John Connor.
00:50:25,096 --> 00:50:26,756
The second thing is a counterpart.
00:50:27,216 --> 00:50:28,466
Clearly the T 800.
00:50:29,176 --> 00:50:33,116
And the third thing is a
complication of their relationship.
00:50:33,126 --> 00:50:35,526
That's like the third thing
in this story pattern.
00:50:36,006 --> 00:50:37,066
Which for them is clear.
00:50:37,066 --> 00:50:39,296
It's the future of humanity
rests on their shoulders.
00:50:39,766 --> 00:50:42,316
So now when both characters arc.
00:50:42,366 --> 00:50:45,806
Chris: I would have said the, the,
the, the complication for John would
00:50:45,806 --> 00:50:50,466
have been that he didn't want the
Terminator, something that's made to kill.
00:50:51,851 --> 00:50:53,051
He didn't want him to kill.
00:50:53,261 --> 00:50:53,491
00:50:53,491 --> 00:50:53,691
00:50:53,921 --> 00:50:55,621
Jerome: that, but that's just one element.
00:50:55,681 --> 00:50:59,551
Like that's not, that's not the
overall problem of the story.
00:51:00,071 --> 00:51:04,941
So now when both characters arc,
instead of just like the lead, a lot
00:51:04,941 --> 00:51:07,901
of times the legal arc and the buddy.
00:51:08,171 --> 00:51:10,571
The buddy love, the counterpart
is just there to help them.
00:51:10,811 --> 00:51:13,611
But when both arc, it's
called a two hander.
00:51:14,461 --> 00:51:16,491
Sometimes there's a third person.
00:51:16,491 --> 00:51:19,771
And even in the case of when Harry
met Sally, there's four people.
00:51:20,271 --> 00:51:22,921
They're called a three
hander or a four four hander.
00:51:23,221 --> 00:51:29,261
So I actually think T2 is a buddy love
three hander because all three heroes.
00:51:29,981 --> 00:51:35,341
John, Arnold, and Sarah
Connor all arc in this film.
00:51:36,041 --> 00:51:36,891
So let's break it down.
00:51:36,941 --> 00:51:38,641
Alright, so we're gonna
start with the T 800.
00:51:38,851 --> 00:51:41,211
Because he's a machine, so he
should be the easiest one, right?
00:51:41,831 --> 00:51:44,611
It's actually the weakest character
arc because he's a machine, right?
00:51:44,611 --> 00:51:47,211
There's not a lot of human depth there.
00:51:47,521 --> 00:51:50,101
But Well, and he's following
orders from John Connor.
00:51:50,391 --> 00:51:52,841
He's following orders, but he
does say several times that
00:51:52,841 --> 00:51:54,251
he's a learning computer.
00:51:54,291 --> 00:51:54,501
00:51:54,531 --> 00:51:54,891
00:51:55,201 --> 00:51:55,591
00:51:56,131 --> 00:52:01,501
So we do see him, for lack of a better
word, we see him grow throughout the film.
00:52:01,521 --> 00:52:04,721
He learns things like hasta la
vista, baby, and things like that.
00:52:05,021 --> 00:52:09,001
It gets a little over the top when
he picks up the minigun and smiles.
00:52:09,081 --> 00:52:11,221
I don't know if the
Terminator learned excitement.
00:52:11,611 --> 00:52:14,031
So, that I thought was
just done for the crowd.
00:52:14,401 --> 00:52:15,681
But then, even worse!
00:52:16,191 --> 00:52:19,851
After he kills the T:delivers what I believe to be the
00:52:19,851 --> 00:52:21,831
worst line in the entire film.
00:52:22,331 --> 00:52:23,681
I need a vacation.
00:52:25,631 --> 00:52:26,711
The Terminator said that.
00:52:30,601 --> 00:52:31,821
I need a vacation.
00:52:32,791 --> 00:52:33,221
00:52:34,051 --> 00:52:34,391
Jerome: Okay.
00:52:34,391 --> 00:52:39,391
So, again, it was done for,
oh, so the audience can laugh.
00:52:39,391 --> 00:52:40,251
Ha ha ha ha.
00:52:40,331 --> 00:52:40,771
00:52:41,111 --> 00:52:45,241
However, it is clear That as
a, as a character, he does arc.
00:52:45,241 --> 00:52:48,871
He learns humanity why you
can't just kill people.
00:52:48,881 --> 00:52:51,491
He says at the beginning, you
can't just go, John says, you can't
00:52:51,491 --> 00:52:52,351
just go around killing people.
00:52:52,361 --> 00:52:52,941
Why not?
00:52:53,001 --> 00:52:53,921
I'm a terminator.
00:52:53,941 --> 00:52:58,131
You know, like, but he teaches them
that there's value in human life, right?
00:52:58,171 --> 00:52:58,521
Chris: Sure,
00:52:58,521 --> 00:52:58,621
Jerome: sure.
00:52:58,621 --> 00:53:02,221
So and then he learns why humans
grow attached to themselves, why
00:53:02,221 --> 00:53:03,801
they grow attached to each other.
00:53:04,071 --> 00:53:09,361
And thus why people cry when
that attachment gets threatened.
00:53:09,631 --> 00:53:11,701
So he does arc for a cyborg.
00:53:11,701 --> 00:53:15,761
He does arc his tangible goal is
to protect john connor which by the
00:53:15,761 --> 00:53:17,566
midpoint They're on their way to Mexico.
00:53:17,566 --> 00:53:18,156
He's done that.
00:53:18,186 --> 00:53:19,356
He's pretty safe at this point.
00:53:19,996 --> 00:53:23,466
In fact, if they didn't ever return to
LA to stop Sarah from killing Dyson,
00:53:23,706 --> 00:53:25,316
the T::
00:53:25,596 --> 00:53:26,776
It may have never found him.
00:53:27,216 --> 00:53:31,206
His spiritual goal, which he did
not know he needed was to learn.
00:53:31,711 --> 00:53:33,251
The humanity aspect, right?
00:53:33,431 --> 00:53:34,711
That there is value to human life.
00:53:34,941 --> 00:53:35,241
All right.
00:53:35,251 --> 00:53:38,131
So we're going to segue that into
Sarah because her arc is very, very
00:53:38,141 --> 00:53:40,611
similar to the T1 T T eight hundreds.
00:53:41,061 --> 00:53:42,291
She also has a strong arc.
00:53:42,411 --> 00:53:43,481
Hers is actually stronger.
00:53:43,731 --> 00:53:45,721
Oddly enough, it's very similar
to the G eight hundreds.
00:53:45,821 --> 00:53:47,621
He wants to protect John at all costs.
00:53:47,621 --> 00:53:52,671
So does she, even if that means
hurting or killing others again,
00:53:52,681 --> 00:53:56,331
like Arnold, she accomplishes this
as her tangible goal at the midpoint.
00:53:56,581 --> 00:53:57,141
They're safe.
00:53:57,141 --> 00:53:58,191
They're on their way to Mexico.
00:53:58,301 --> 00:53:59,601
00:54:00,051 --> 00:54:03,791
Her spiritual goal, that she didn't
know she realized she needed,
00:54:03,801 --> 00:54:06,161
was to learn humanity herself.
00:54:06,661 --> 00:54:10,901
That human life is precious, and
that except no matter how hard
00:54:10,901 --> 00:54:13,201
she tried, she's not a machine.
00:54:13,651 --> 00:54:13,951
Chris: Yeah.
00:54:14,001 --> 00:54:14,301
Jerome: Right?
00:54:14,321 --> 00:54:17,521
She's not a Terminator, and
human life should be preserved.
00:54:17,661 --> 00:54:20,091
She gets all the way to
close to killing Dyson.
00:54:20,241 --> 00:54:20,421
00:54:20,421 --> 00:54:23,551
She's got him in her
crosshairs, and she stops.
00:54:24,076 --> 00:54:24,396
00:54:24,436 --> 00:54:24,806
So that's
00:54:24,816 --> 00:54:25,056
Chris: her
00:54:25,056 --> 00:54:25,516
Jerome: lesson that
00:54:25,516 --> 00:54:26,106
Chris: needs to be learned.
00:54:26,146 --> 00:54:28,266
Another pretty traumatic scene,
because that was right in
00:54:28,266 --> 00:54:29,566
front of his wife and daughter.
00:54:29,686 --> 00:54:30,786
And son!
00:54:31,006 --> 00:54:31,736
His son!
00:54:31,736 --> 00:54:32,166
Right in front of
00:54:32,166 --> 00:54:32,896
Jerome: his son, yeah.
00:54:33,306 --> 00:54:36,686
Um, So we often talk about the
mirror image of the protagonist
00:54:36,686 --> 00:54:39,916
and the antagonist, and how if
the hero makes bad choices, they
00:54:39,916 --> 00:54:40,926
could end up like the villain.
00:54:40,946 --> 00:54:42,886
Remember we've talked about
this in previous episodes.
00:54:43,266 --> 00:54:44,966
We used examples in the past.
00:54:44,986 --> 00:54:47,886
Indiana Jones, if he made bad
choices, he would be Belloc.
00:54:47,901 --> 00:54:49,831
Uh, H.
00:54:49,831 --> 00:54:49,911
00:54:50,111 --> 00:54:51,351
McDonough in Raising Arizona.
00:54:51,361 --> 00:54:55,351
We said if he made bad choices, he ends
up Leonard Smalls, the biker, right?
00:54:55,461 --> 00:54:56,341
He had the same tattoo.
00:54:56,751 --> 00:54:57,051
It was great.
00:54:58,001 --> 00:54:58,611
I love that choice.
00:54:59,041 --> 00:55:00,391
Martin Riggs in Lethal Weapon.
00:55:00,941 --> 00:55:04,281
If he didn't join the police
force and he just sort of became
00:55:04,281 --> 00:55:05,641
a criminal himself, he's Mr.
00:55:05,641 --> 00:55:06,131
00:55:06,581 --> 00:55:06,951
00:55:07,221 --> 00:55:07,881
In that movie.
00:55:08,271 --> 00:55:10,071
It works here for Sarah, too.
00:55:10,541 --> 00:55:14,701
If she doesn't learn that lesson
of humanity, she becomes a machine.
00:55:14,761 --> 00:55:15,401
00:55:15,801 --> 00:55:18,171
She becomes like the Terminator, right?
00:55:19,791 --> 00:55:21,301
Alright, so finally we come to Jon.
00:55:21,911 --> 00:55:28,886
The best and strongest arc of the
film and thus The most frustrating
00:55:28,976 --> 00:55:30,506
part that I hate at the end.
00:55:30,826 --> 00:55:31,166
00:55:32,096 --> 00:55:33,336
It's my, it's my only
problem with the movie.
00:55:34,146 --> 00:55:36,626
We talked about the theme
stated already with John and him
00:55:36,626 --> 00:55:39,546
accomplishing his spiritual goal
of accepting his duty, right?
00:55:40,046 --> 00:55:43,276
His tangible goal is to be his own
person and not take orders from people.
00:55:43,416 --> 00:55:44,216
We kind of get that.
00:55:44,441 --> 00:55:46,141
Entire the first half of the film.
00:55:46,601 --> 00:55:50,441
He does this a lot right where he's
I'm doing my own thing He even when he
00:55:50,441 --> 00:55:53,631
figures out that he can order with the
Terminator to do he starts doing things.
00:55:53,631 --> 00:55:55,721
He shouldn't do Go get his mom.
00:55:55,731 --> 00:56:02,686
at's bad, right because the t:there he's acting outside of duty , right.
00:56:03,236 --> 00:56:07,986
In fact that peripheral perfect emotional
tug of war that we often talk about
00:56:08,046 --> 00:56:12,136
where he when he could understand
his duty, but refuses the right to do
00:56:12,136 --> 00:56:14,096
it or refuses to do the right thing.
00:56:14,096 --> 00:56:16,546
Sorry, like wanting to
save the foster parents.
00:56:16,546 --> 00:56:16,991
That's another example.
00:56:17,656 --> 00:56:20,106
Sure, it's a nice thing to do, but
he puts the mission in jeopardy.
00:56:20,376 --> 00:56:21,796
He wants to save his mother, same concept.
00:56:21,806 --> 00:56:25,146
By the midpoint, he feels somewhat
secure in this thinking, since
00:56:25,146 --> 00:56:26,386
his foster parents are dead.
00:56:26,576 --> 00:56:27,826
He's on the run with his mom.
00:56:27,826 --> 00:56:29,916
The T 800 takes his orders.
00:56:30,386 --> 00:56:33,386
The days of him going to school
are seemingly over, right?
00:56:33,396 --> 00:56:35,776
So it's like, he is his own person now.
00:56:35,981 --> 00:56:36,331
00:56:36,711 --> 00:56:38,521
I am my own person, I
can do whatever I want.
00:56:38,521 --> 00:56:41,741
Yet the second half of the film, he
learns that that's not so much the truth.
00:56:41,951 --> 00:56:44,551
He does have a duty in
his place as a leader.
00:56:45,151 --> 00:56:48,171
He is instrumental in stopping
Sarah from killing Dyson.
00:56:48,281 --> 00:56:50,731
He's instrumental in
breaking into Cyberdyne.
00:56:50,861 --> 00:56:55,341
He's, he learns the lesson, there is
no fate but what we make for ourselves.
00:56:55,341 --> 00:56:56,041
That was a quote.
00:56:56,281 --> 00:56:59,331
And realizes his place in this mission.
00:56:59,751 --> 00:57:01,341
The duty that he serves.
00:57:01,801 --> 00:57:02,631
He doesn't.
00:57:03,076 --> 00:57:05,716
Even want the T 800 to perish at the end.
00:57:05,726 --> 00:57:09,646
He's desperately ordering him
not to go into the lava, right?
00:57:11,136 --> 00:57:14,116
This is the part where I
feel Cameron drops the ball.
00:57:15,226 --> 00:57:18,096
At the end, the T 800 claims
he cannot self terminate.
00:57:18,876 --> 00:57:20,636
He has to be lowered into the lava.
00:57:21,016 --> 00:57:23,176
He gives the controls to Sarah.
00:57:24,196 --> 00:57:24,696
00:57:25,316 --> 00:57:26,116
00:57:26,946 --> 00:57:32,466
That would have been a perfect
opportunity for John to step up,
00:57:33,986 --> 00:57:36,946
achieving his spiritual goal, and say, No.
00:57:37,196 --> 00:57:37,516
00:57:37,946 --> 00:57:39,076
He's my soldier.
00:57:39,346 --> 00:57:39,766
I'll do it.
00:57:40,801 --> 00:57:41,221
00:57:41,281 --> 00:57:41,581
Chris: Yeah.
00:57:42,051 --> 00:57:45,201
Jerome: He should have been the one
to lower the T 800 into the lava.
00:57:45,981 --> 00:57:50,621
The only thing I can think of that
Cameron would make this decision is that,
00:57:50,621 --> 00:57:52,361
you know, Sarah was in the first movie.
00:57:52,601 --> 00:57:55,601
She killed the Arnold looking
Terminator from the first movie.
00:57:55,931 --> 00:57:57,241
This is maybe a bookend.
00:57:57,251 --> 00:58:00,061
She kills this one, too, or something.
00:58:00,251 --> 00:58:00,691
Chris: Yeah.
00:58:00,981 --> 00:58:02,301
Jerome: It's not strong enough.
00:58:02,381 --> 00:58:03,661
It's not strong enough for me.
00:58:04,211 --> 00:58:06,141
John was crying and he
didn't want him to go.
00:58:06,141 --> 00:58:08,531
So he couldn't do it again.
00:58:08,651 --> 00:58:10,021
You're failing at the arc.
00:58:10,751 --> 00:58:14,521
The spiritual goal would have
been so better fed this way.
00:58:14,541 --> 00:58:16,791
If John did it, that's my
only problem with the ending.
00:58:16,811 --> 00:58:19,891
It's my biggest problem with the
movie and it comes right at the end.
00:58:20,371 --> 00:58:21,291
I mean, again,
00:58:21,341 --> 00:58:24,681
Chris: not a big deal, but
it's still, but again, it kind
00:58:24,791 --> 00:58:27,431
Jerome: of is to me when I was
watching it this time, I never
00:58:27,431 --> 00:58:30,341
thought this before, but now I
was watching it for this podcast.
00:58:30,841 --> 00:58:31,601
It hit me.
00:58:31,721 --> 00:58:33,521
He's got tears rolling down his face.
00:58:33,531 --> 00:58:36,151
How fucking perfect and
emotional would it have been?
00:58:36,151 --> 00:58:36,481
00:58:36,481 --> 00:58:37,931
Chris: would have been a
way better ending for sure.
00:58:37,941 --> 00:58:38,261
If he
00:58:38,271 --> 00:58:40,491
Jerome: wiped the tears away
and took the controls from
00:58:40,491 --> 00:58:42,051
his mother and said I got it.
00:58:42,351 --> 00:58:43,431
I need to do
00:58:43,431 --> 00:58:43,711
Chris: this.
00:58:43,761 --> 00:58:46,001
And by the way, mom, go
grab that arm in the gears
00:58:46,416 --> 00:58:48,816
Jerome: Yeah, so we can throw
that in the lava too, you dumbass.
00:58:48,826 --> 00:58:49,786
You forgot the arm.
00:58:50,046 --> 00:58:50,696
00:58:51,356 --> 00:58:54,896
So anyway It would have totally
solidified him as a wartime
00:58:54,906 --> 00:58:56,536
leader fulfilling his duty.
00:58:56,696 --> 00:58:59,416
I thought his spiritual
goal was mostly met.
00:58:59,436 --> 00:59:00,716
That would have nailed it.
00:59:00,966 --> 00:59:02,166
Yeah, and they fucked it up.
00:59:02,416 --> 00:59:03,376
Chris: Yeah, that's a good one.
00:59:03,436 --> 00:59:03,856
00:59:04,586 --> 00:59:05,316
Jerome: All right, trivia.
00:59:06,446 --> 00:59:09,186
Unless you have something to add on
Ark and other plot flaws, did you have
00:59:09,186 --> 00:59:10,676
a note of plot flaws that you hated?
00:59:10,726 --> 00:59:11,056
00:59:11,126 --> 00:59:12,036
Chris: Oh,
00:59:12,316 --> 00:59:12,686
Jerome: we got them
00:59:12,686 --> 00:59:12,816
Chris: all.
00:59:12,996 --> 00:59:13,276
Jerome: I think,
00:59:13,316 --> 00:59:15,296
Chris: I mean, I think you covered them
every time you mentioned, I'm like,
00:59:15,326 --> 00:59:15,506
Jerome: Oh
00:59:15,506 --> 00:59:16,166
00:59:16,556 --> 00:59:17,426
Jerome: yeah, that too.
00:59:17,656 --> 00:59:18,356
That sucked.
00:59:18,796 --> 00:59:19,086
All right.
00:59:19,536 --> 00:59:24,286
But before we get on, we have to say for
anyone listening for our one listener, my
00:59:24,286 --> 00:59:25,856
brother and I both did love this movie.
00:59:25,856 --> 00:59:28,836
It's like, this was a big movie
for us in the nineties, right?
00:59:28,856 --> 00:59:30,946
Like this was such a fun sequel.
00:59:31,336 --> 00:59:32,726
And I don't know, it's still fun.
00:59:32,726 --> 00:59:35,486
Like again, watching it for
the podcast, I noticed a lot
00:59:35,486 --> 00:59:36,686
more things that I didn't like.
00:59:36,906 --> 00:59:37,196
00:59:37,831 --> 00:59:40,711
But including the ending,
but it's still fun.
00:59:40,741 --> 00:59:42,981
Chris: And it's funny though
too, the special effects for
00:59:42,981 --> 00:59:44,721
the time, they were amazing.
00:59:44,741 --> 00:59:46,901
But now looking at it going, oh man.
00:59:47,121 --> 00:59:51,791
I mean, the molten, the metal,
the liquid metal guy, I mean
00:59:51,791 --> 00:59:53,351
that was, it's still pretty cool.
00:59:53,851 --> 00:59:58,721
I think the worst special effect that
I saw was when he appeared through
00:59:58,721 --> 01:00:01,351
time travel and it burned the truck.
01:00:02,081 --> 01:00:04,991
It burned, it burned
out, but it was the orb.
01:00:05,071 --> 01:00:06,491
The orb looks so fake.
01:00:06,951 --> 01:00:08,131
Jerome: Well, it wasn't just that.
01:00:08,141 --> 01:00:11,201
My problem with that is his
human flesh didn't burn.
01:00:11,741 --> 01:00:12,051
Chris: Yeah,
01:00:12,131 --> 01:00:12,391
Jerome: right.
01:00:12,391 --> 01:00:14,601
This ball burned through a truck.
01:00:15,161 --> 01:00:16,461
Well, maybe it's just the outside
01:00:16,461 --> 01:00:17,041
Chris: of the ball.
01:00:17,411 --> 01:00:21,571
Jerome: But he, okay, but it
seemed like the inside was hot too.
01:00:21,591 --> 01:00:21,921
I don't know.
01:00:22,391 --> 01:00:24,201
It just seemed like his skin was okay.
01:00:24,231 --> 01:00:25,961
Like it's supposed to be
human skin, but anyway.
01:00:26,461 --> 01:00:30,461
I was going to say the, actually what
I noticed was the worst special effect.
01:00:30,871 --> 01:00:32,041
Which I never noticed before.
01:00:32,591 --> 01:00:36,851
When he impersonates Jeanette Goldstein
who plays foster mom, Janelle.
01:00:37,011 --> 01:00:37,491
01:00:38,721 --> 01:00:41,451
By the way, who's in Aliens, you
know that's Vasquez in Aliens.
01:00:42,161 --> 01:00:43,071
I didn't realize that.
01:00:43,141 --> 01:00:45,271
And she's the Irish mom in Titanic.
01:00:45,761 --> 01:00:46,601
No way.
01:00:46,671 --> 01:00:47,301
01:00:47,371 --> 01:00:48,411
I didn't realize that.
01:00:48,461 --> 01:00:48,561
01:00:48,981 --> 01:00:52,341
Anyway, anyway, I know from, from Vasquez.
01:00:52,401 --> 01:00:52,701
01:00:52,701 --> 01:00:53,621
To an Irish
01:00:53,641 --> 01:00:54,081
Chris: mom.
01:00:54,281 --> 01:00:55,981
Jerome: Well, not just that, to Janelle.
01:00:55,991 --> 01:00:56,231
Yeah, right.
01:00:56,241 --> 01:00:58,041
Like, that change right there is huge.
01:00:58,211 --> 01:00:59,151
She's also in Lethal Weapon 2.
01:00:59,371 --> 01:01:01,111
She's part of Murtaugh's
crew in Lethal Weapon 2.
01:01:01,111 --> 01:01:05,151
But anyway when he impersonates
her and kills the stepdad.
01:01:05,191 --> 01:01:05,521
Chris: Yeah.
01:01:06,141 --> 01:01:12,266
Jerome: When he turns back into not the
hand part, but when, when she physically
01:01:12,286 --> 01:01:17,576
turns back into Robert Patrick in T
01:01:17,576 --> 01:01:24,046
like step, like almost like stop motion
animation where the transition is made.
01:01:24,256 --> 01:01:28,246
And this time watching it for the podcast,
I was like, ugh, with all the other great
01:01:28,246 --> 01:01:29,826
special effects, that one kind of sucks.
01:01:31,046 --> 01:01:33,986
They could have probably redone
that in remastering but all right.
01:01:34,871 --> 01:01:35,361
01:01:35,761 --> 01:01:38,951
Co writer William Wisher
appears in the film.
01:01:38,951 --> 01:01:43,041
He's the mall photographer who's
taking the pictures of the T 800
01:01:43,701 --> 01:01:45,201
as he crashes through the window.
01:01:45,501 --> 01:01:50,371
Later in the film, the cops at the asylum
show these pictures that he took to Sarah
01:01:50,371 --> 01:01:54,531
Connor and compares them to the pictures
of the::
01:01:54,901 --> 01:01:57,991
William Wisher was in the
first Terminator as a cop!
01:01:58,071 --> 01:01:58,861
Oh, no way!
01:01:58,926 --> 01:01:59,166
That's great.
01:01:59,166 --> 01:02:02,526
He was also, he was not in
the, the police station.
01:02:02,526 --> 01:02:05,636
He's the one that when the terminator's
on the windshield and pushes his,
01:02:05,636 --> 01:02:07,166
punches his hand through the windshield.
01:02:07,171 --> 01:02:07,361
01:02:07,526 --> 01:02:10,766
And then Reese is remember, has got
it in reverse and when he comes outta
01:02:10,766 --> 01:02:12,926
the alley, the Terminator flies off.
01:02:12,931 --> 01:02:13,041
01:02:13,046 --> 01:02:13,316
Chris: yeah.
01:02:13,376 --> 01:02:14,126
Jerome: Onto the street.
01:02:14,186 --> 01:02:17,716
There's a cop right there, and the cop
says, oh, I have a hit and run felony.
01:02:17,716 --> 01:02:19,396
But that's the co-writer of this movie.
01:02:19,456 --> 01:02:20,326
Oh, that's hilarious.
01:02:20,376 --> 01:02:22,126
He also has done some work
on the Die Hard films.
01:02:22,146 --> 01:02:23,406
Uncredited consulting.
01:02:24,006 --> 01:02:26,176
He was 26 years old.
01:02:26,836 --> 01:02:28,696
At the time of the first Terminator.
01:02:29,456 --> 01:02:31,466
He's known James Cameron since he was 17.
01:02:31,656 --> 01:02:32,116
01:02:33,166 --> 01:02:37,846
Arnold's salary for this film,
for T2, was 15 million dollars.
01:02:37,846 --> 01:02:41,526
Which by today's money is nothing,
but it was a lot back then.
01:02:41,946 --> 01:02:45,911
He has a total of 700
spoken words of dialogue.
01:02:46,421 --> 01:02:50,481
Which means he was paid 21, 000 per word.
01:02:51,221 --> 01:02:57,668
Which means that the famous line,
Hasta la vista, baby, cost 86, 000.
01:02:57,668 --> 01:02:58,695
01:02:58,695 --> 01:03:01,661
him saying the line.
01:03:02,771 --> 01:03:03,181
Jerome: Okay.
01:03:03,671 --> 01:03:08,441
The biker bar scene at the beginning was
not only located across the street from
01:03:08,441 --> 01:03:13,281
the infamous Rodney King beating, The
Rodney King beating literally happened
01:03:13,291 --> 01:03:15,131
the night they shot that biker scene.
01:03:15,481 --> 01:03:16,471
Are you serious?
01:03:16,771 --> 01:03:19,841
Yes, according to James Cameron
in this, in the DVD commentary.
01:03:20,461 --> 01:03:20,661
01:03:20,662 --> 01:03:22,181
Chris: Isn't that crazy?
01:03:22,191 --> 01:03:23,401
That is crazy.
01:03:23,891 --> 01:03:24,011
01:03:24,011 --> 01:03:27,261
Jerome: right, the original
idea, this is another good one.
01:03:27,261 --> 01:03:27,861
I like this one.
01:03:28,071 --> 01:03:32,801
The original idea was for Michael Bean
To play, who played Kyle Reese in the
01:03:32,801 --> 01:03:35,311
rst Terminator, to play the T::
01:03:35,721 --> 01:03:36,131
Oh, wow.
01:03:36,361 --> 01:03:39,541
That Skynet thought if it
impersonated John's father,
01:03:39,541 --> 01:03:40,726
it'd be easier to get to him.
01:03:41,506 --> 01:03:42,466
Chris: Oh, that's weird.
01:03:42,586 --> 01:03:43,066
Jerome: Yeah.
01:03:43,126 --> 01:03:46,366
Cameron and producers later thought
the role reversal of Arnold now
01:03:46,366 --> 01:03:49,336
being good and Reese now being
bad, would confuse audiences.
01:03:49,426 --> 01:03:49,726
. Yeah.
01:03:49,846 --> 01:03:51,646
So they just scrapped the idea altogether.
01:03:52,226 --> 01:03:52,766
That's probably a
01:03:52,766 --> 01:03:53,306
Chris: good thing.
01:03:53,306 --> 01:03:56,606
'cause I did, I, you know, you kind
of have 'em on a pedestal from him.
01:03:56,606 --> 01:03:59,386
And, and from, from, from
that and from aliens.
01:03:59,391 --> 01:03:59,911
01:03:59,971 --> 01:04:00,481
01:04:00,481 --> 01:04:00,541
01:04:01,091 --> 01:04:01,291
Jerome: Hicks.
01:04:01,846 --> 01:04:02,146
01:04:02,146 --> 01:04:02,596
01:04:03,136 --> 01:04:03,646
Oh God.
01:04:03,811 --> 01:04:04,666
I, I love that guy.
01:04:05,136 --> 01:04:08,076
. Lastly, my last piece of
trivia here before we move on.
01:04:09,431 --> 01:04:13,771
The model number for the
Terminator is technically T 101.
01:04:14,891 --> 01:04:17,051
But the nickname is T 800.
01:04:17,901 --> 01:04:19,151
They're essentially the same thing.
01:04:20,241 --> 01:04:23,781
So whenever you hear Arnold
01:04:23,781 --> 01:04:27,061
T 101 That's the same as him.
01:04:27,101 --> 01:04:29,211
The Arnold looking
Terminator is the T 800.
01:04:29,721 --> 01:04:30,051
01:04:30,271 --> 01:04:31,201
Why'd they do the nickname like that?
01:04:31,201 --> 01:04:32,321
Exactly, so here's my question.
01:04:33,421 --> 01:04:37,801
If the model number is T 101,
then make the nickname Frank?
01:04:38,566 --> 01:04:39,576
Or Bill?
01:04:40,166 --> 01:04:44,716
Why is the nickname T 800
when the model is T 101?
01:04:44,716 --> 01:04:45,676
Or Jeeves?
01:04:46,016 --> 01:04:48,336
Could you be any more fucking confusing?
01:04:48,636 --> 01:04:50,016
Like, why would you do that?
01:04:50,206 --> 01:04:54,536
And I only learned this because
while doing the, while writing this
01:04:54,536 --> 01:04:58,446
episode, doing the research for this
podcast, I was like, I kept saying
01:04:58,446 --> 01:04:59,566
T 800, and I'm like, wait a minute.
01:05:00,151 --> 01:05:01,411
I thought it was T 101.
01:05:01,551 --> 01:05:02,341
So I Googled it.
01:05:02,341 --> 01:05:03,471
I'm like, what the fuck's the difference?
01:05:03,481 --> 01:05:04,721
And they're like, nothing.
01:05:04,911 --> 01:05:05,951
There is no difference.
01:05:06,601 --> 01:05:08,631
The T 101 is the model number.
01:05:08,741 --> 01:05:10,461
The T 800 is a nickname.
01:05:10,471 --> 01:05:11,091
Oh my gosh,
01:05:11,391 --> 01:05:12,061
Chris: why?
01:05:12,062 --> 01:05:13,411
01:05:13,411 --> 01:05:14,241
Jerome: Why then?
01:05:14,611 --> 01:05:17,291
But anyway, that's all I have
for Terminator 2 Judgment Day.
01:05:17,351 --> 01:05:18,601
If you have something else to add.
01:05:18,941 --> 01:05:19,641
Great movie.
01:05:20,111 --> 01:05:23,531
Now, we're gonna get more into,
at the end of the second one, the
01:05:23,531 --> 01:05:26,891
sequel aspects, when we run it
through Jerome's sequel gauntlet.
01:05:27,141 --> 01:05:30,321
But already, the connections to
the first movie are there, right?
01:05:30,321 --> 01:05:33,581
Like, this is an obvious,
really good sequel.
01:05:33,651 --> 01:05:35,381
Oh yeah, it all ties together.
01:05:35,381 --> 01:05:36,821
It all ties together.
01:05:36,851 --> 01:05:38,861
Yeah, there's a lot of continuity
01:05:38,861 --> 01:05:39,691
Chris: in the story.
01:05:40,101 --> 01:05:41,951
Which brings us to our next film.
01:05:41,952 --> 01:05:46,541
And we're gonna get to six degrees
at the end of the show, so.
01:05:47,841 --> 01:05:50,271
Jerome: Alright, I have to crack
open my, my lightsaber for this.
01:05:50,701 --> 01:05:53,651
Chris: Alright, I'm cracking
open a new one too, so in the
01:05:53,651 --> 01:05:56,031
same vein as last time, this ugh.
01:05:56,621 --> 01:06:01,121
For Speed 2, I'm going for
Passion Fruit and Key Lime Spiked
01:06:01,131 --> 01:06:04,141
Seltzer from, from Member's Mark.
01:06:05,731 --> 01:06:06,191
Which one
01:06:06,191 --> 01:06:06,461
Jerome: is this
01:06:06,461 --> 01:06:06,631
Chris: one?
01:06:06,651 --> 01:06:07,271
What's it called?
01:06:08,091 --> 01:06:11,031
It's Passion Fruit and Key Lime.
01:06:11,361 --> 01:06:12,231
Jerome: Oh, yeah.
01:06:12,321 --> 01:06:13,801
Chris: Yeah, it sounds frickin nasty.
01:06:16,141 --> 01:06:16,591
Jerome: Ooh.
01:06:17,101 --> 01:06:18,391
I like that pop though.
01:06:20,791 --> 01:06:22,231
I guess I'm gonna have
to do you one better.
01:06:23,551 --> 01:06:24,781
I'm gonna have to compete.
01:06:25,261 --> 01:06:25,381
01:06:25,891 --> 01:06:26,401
Chris: here I go.
01:06:26,581 --> 01:06:27,001
You ready?
01:06:27,781 --> 01:06:29,671
It is better than the cucumber, I guess.
01:06:32,311 --> 01:06:33,451
Jerome: Nice little pop of my own.
01:06:34,351 --> 01:06:34,411
01:06:34,411 --> 01:06:37,351
For anyone that does know, or maybe you're
listening to the show for the first time.
01:06:37,531 --> 01:06:45,571
When I say my lightsabers, I have these
tall 25 ounce gigantor cans of Mick Ultra.
01:06:45,886 --> 01:06:47,486
They come in large blue cans.
01:06:47,966 --> 01:06:48,506
They're my lights.
01:06:48,526 --> 01:06:51,066
Chris: Well, and used to
get the bud light, which are
01:06:51,256 --> 01:06:52,646
very, which were all blue.
01:06:52,706 --> 01:06:52,956
01:06:52,956 --> 01:06:53,266
01:06:53,266 --> 01:06:53,606
Jerome: blue.
01:06:54,036 --> 01:06:54,286
01:06:54,316 --> 01:06:57,736
Chris: these I'm guessing you have a
better, better deal on the Mick ultras.
01:06:58,016 --> 01:07:02,196
Jerome: No, they're actually,
they're actually like a, a buck more.
01:07:02,276 --> 01:07:02,606
Chris: Oh,
01:07:03,196 --> 01:07:04,496
Jerome: but like if the three pack.
01:07:04,896 --> 01:07:06,156
Chris: It all tastes the same to me.
01:07:06,156 --> 01:07:07,336
I'd go for the cheap ones.
01:07:08,376 --> 01:07:10,086
Jerome: I do when I'm
really strapped for cash.
01:07:10,246 --> 01:07:11,206
I do go for the cheap ones.
01:07:11,526 --> 01:07:12,556
But the McUltra tastes better.
01:07:13,776 --> 01:07:18,196
All right, Anheuser Busch, now's your
chance to rope us in for a advertisement.
01:07:18,196 --> 01:07:18,356
01:07:18,356 --> 01:07:18,736
Chris: would they?
01:07:18,746 --> 01:07:19,826
They're getting free advertising.
01:07:19,826 --> 01:07:20,716
Yeah, they're getting free.
01:07:20,716 --> 01:07:20,776
01:07:20,816 --> 01:07:21,266
Jerome: getting us for
01:07:21,266 --> 01:07:21,626
Chris: free.
01:07:21,656 --> 01:07:22,226
Jerome: Well, you know what?
01:07:22,236 --> 01:07:24,076
It doesn't always have to
be that way, Anheuser Busch.
01:07:24,356 --> 01:07:25,856
I could go to somebody else.
01:07:26,396 --> 01:07:28,166
I could crack open a tall Coors Light.
01:07:28,406 --> 01:07:32,586
Okay, speed two, cruise control.
01:07:33,116 --> 01:07:35,376
Which by the way, it's it's one
little point I want to throw
01:07:35,376 --> 01:07:36,646
out before we even get started.
01:07:36,956 --> 01:07:40,946
Speed one was all about keeping
the bus going as fast as possible
01:07:40,946 --> 01:07:41,916
so that it doesn't explode.
01:07:42,056 --> 01:07:42,266
01:07:42,276 --> 01:07:45,726
Speed two, cruise control is
about how quickly they can
01:07:45,726 --> 01:07:47,896
slow the, the, the boat down.
01:07:48,386 --> 01:07:48,616
01:07:48,696 --> 01:07:51,346
Like think, think about
that as an anti action.
01:07:52,176 --> 01:07:54,796
We want to slow it
down, not keep it going.
01:07:54,876 --> 01:07:55,226
01:07:55,256 --> 01:07:55,556
01:07:55,666 --> 01:07:55,966
01:07:57,146 --> 01:07:57,686
01:07:59,821 --> 01:08:02,031
Directed by Jan de Bont, written by Rent.
01:08:03,131 --> 01:08:04,091
Chris: It just occurred to me.
01:08:04,151 --> 01:08:07,141
Speed 2 happened when Judgment
Day should have happened.
01:08:08,311 --> 01:08:09,151
01:08:09,371 --> 01:08:09,641
01:08:09,691 --> 01:08:11,151
Jerome: that is the end of
the world then, isn't it?
01:08:12,351 --> 01:08:15,441
Written by Randall McCormick
and Jeff Nathanson from a
01:08:15,441 --> 01:08:18,341
story by Jan de Bont based on
characters created by Graham Yost.
01:08:18,701 --> 01:08:21,571
I'm gonna go into a little bit
of an assault here on the writers
01:08:21,571 --> 01:08:22,691
because the script was so bad.
01:08:23,191 --> 01:08:25,661
And I don't want it to sound too arrogant.
01:08:25,680 --> 01:08:28,191
They are, after all, professional
writers and I am not.
01:08:28,890 --> 01:08:34,470
But, I will say that Yonda Bont was
contractually obligated to do a sequel
01:08:34,571 --> 01:08:35,911
on the success of the first one.
01:08:35,991 --> 01:08:36,310
Chris: Yeah.
01:08:36,381 --> 01:08:40,871
Jerome: So We have to forgive a little
bit that he was probably like, You know,
01:08:40,890 --> 01:08:42,020
I want to go off and do other things.
01:08:42,020 --> 01:08:43,511
He did Twister right before this.
01:08:44,111 --> 01:08:46,270
So, you know, he probably wanted to
do other things, and they're like,
01:08:46,270 --> 01:08:48,121
No, you gotta give us a speed sequel.
01:08:48,131 --> 01:08:51,581
And he's probably like,
Dude, and I can't get Keanu?
01:08:51,621 --> 01:08:53,181
Keanu read the script.
01:08:53,541 --> 01:08:57,470
And decided not to make the
movie, after reading the script.
01:08:57,640 --> 01:09:00,140
He chose the movie Chain Reaction instead.
01:09:00,291 --> 01:09:01,541
Chris: Hey, that was a good choice.
01:09:01,781 --> 01:09:06,951
Jerome: Yeah, so if you're the director,
and you just lost Keanu, I don't know,
01:09:07,041 --> 01:09:08,220
I guess this is what you come up with.
01:09:09,770 --> 01:09:14,881
So, you could argue that the
Speed franchise made and broke
01:09:14,890 --> 01:09:17,031
Jan de Bont's directing career.
01:09:18,681 --> 01:09:21,501
Don't get me wrong, highly
respected cinematographer.
01:09:21,661 --> 01:09:26,861
He did Cujo, Die Hard, Hunt
for Red October, Flatliners.
01:09:26,951 --> 01:09:27,181
Chris: Some
01:09:27,181 --> 01:09:27,821
Jerome: bangers.
01:09:27,961 --> 01:09:31,520
The aforementioned Lethal Weapon 3
that we talked about in the last movie.
01:09:31,522 --> 01:09:34,701
So he was okay.
01:09:36,241 --> 01:09:37,191
This is all before.
01:09:38,116 --> 01:09:39,786
Chris: Well, yeah, what
do you do after speed to
01:09:39,816 --> 01:09:43,206
Jerome: his last American film
credit as director of photography
01:09:43,206 --> 01:09:45,786
was lethal weapon three in::
01:09:45,956 --> 01:09:48,426
So he didn't even go
back to cinematography.
01:09:48,756 --> 01:09:50,776
It was almost like once he became
director, he's like, I'm not
01:09:50,776 --> 01:09:51,916
going back to that shit again.
01:09:52,426 --> 01:09:53,656
I'm a director now.
01:09:53,706 --> 01:09:54,726
Like, that's it.
01:09:54,846 --> 01:09:59,426
Unfortunately he, he finally got
his chance to direct and hit two
01:09:59,426 --> 01:10:03,526
relative blockbusters with speed
01:10:03,526 --> 01:10:09,566
six, six, Then after Speed 2, he's
only directed two movies since then.
01:10:11,146 --> 01:10:16,526
The Haunting in:Tomb Raider The Cradle of Love in 2003.
01:10:17,016 --> 01:10:18,066
So, what is that?
01:10:18,076 --> 01:10:18,826
It's been 20 years?
01:10:18,836 --> 01:10:21,736
Over 20 years since he's
directed a movie and he has not
01:10:21,736 --> 01:10:22,906
gone back to cinematography.
01:10:23,036 --> 01:10:26,816
Whether he's refused, just because
he's kind of graduated onto directing.
01:10:27,601 --> 01:10:29,611
That he didn't want to go
back to cinematography or,
01:10:29,631 --> 01:10:31,151
or he's not getting the gigs.
01:10:31,411 --> 01:10:34,051
I don't know man, but he was
a very gifted cinematographer.
01:10:34,281 --> 01:10:37,051
And naturally the progression
was, give him a directing deal.
01:10:37,261 --> 01:10:38,751
He had two huge hits.
01:10:39,501 --> 01:10:40,221
This goes to show
01:10:40,231 --> 01:10:44,541
Chris: He might just be retired
counting his residuals money coming in.
01:10:44,826 --> 01:10:49,136
Jerome: Or it's one of those, did
you retire or did Speed 2 retire you?
01:10:50,646 --> 01:10:50,956
01:10:51,106 --> 01:10:51,516
I don't know.
01:10:52,066 --> 01:10:55,616
Coincidentally, writer Randall
McCormick may have also been
01:10:55,616 --> 01:10:57,386
bitten by the cruise control bug.
01:10:57,726 --> 01:11:04,286
Of his six writing credits on IMDB,
that's it, six of them, four of them
01:11:04,287 --> 01:11:11,106
are Speed 2, Scorpion King 2, and
Scorpion King 3, and Blue Crush 2.
01:11:11,306 --> 01:11:11,866
Oh no.
01:11:12,166 --> 01:11:14,416
These are all forgettable sequels.
01:11:15,966 --> 01:11:18,406
He hasn't had a credit in
Hollywood in over 10 years.
01:11:18,956 --> 01:11:21,876
However, walking through the rain
without getting wet, apparently, Jeff
01:11:21,896 --> 01:11:24,596
Nathanson has escaped Hollywood exile.
01:11:24,786 --> 01:11:30,026
He's actually been a very well known and
credited writer before and after Speed 2.
01:11:30,486 --> 01:11:33,596
I didn't write all his credits down
here, but there's, there's a lot of them.
01:11:33,776 --> 01:11:35,106
He has worked with Spielberg.
01:11:35,326 --> 01:11:37,166
He's worked on Disney collaborations.
01:11:37,356 --> 01:11:38,426
He's doing just fine.
01:11:38,846 --> 01:11:40,426
So somehow Jeff Nathanson's fine.
01:11:41,006 --> 01:11:46,466
The other two weren't able to wash
the speed to stink off their clothes.
01:11:47,016 --> 01:11:50,286
But anyway, again, I didn't mean, I
don't want it to sound too attacking.
01:11:50,406 --> 01:11:53,646
Yon DeBond and Randall McCormick
probably have way more money than I do.
01:11:54,066 --> 01:11:56,576
And like you said, maybe
they're fine with just not.
01:11:57,041 --> 01:11:58,261
You know, with just being retired.
01:11:59,551 --> 01:12:02,791
But again, did speed to retire them
or did they decide to walk away?
01:12:03,221 --> 01:12:03,541
All right.
01:12:03,551 --> 01:12:07,571
Running time of two hours and five
minutes with a budget of 160 million,
01:12:07,571 --> 01:12:14,071
160 million budget, which would be
about 313 million in today's money.
01:12:14,361 --> 01:12:18,011
If you adjust for inflation,
could you imagine 313 million,
01:12:18,561 --> 01:12:19,951
313 million to make a movie?
01:12:21,886 --> 01:12:24,236
Chris: Well, they, you know,
they, they wrecked a lot of stuff.
01:12:24,656 --> 01:12:28,296
Jerome: The final set piece of the
ocean liner crashing into a small
01:12:28,316 --> 01:12:31,476
town, that alone cost 25 million.
01:12:31,476 --> 01:12:31,996
01:12:32,226 --> 01:12:37,216
It's the most expensive single stunt
in film history as Jan de Bont, Jan de
01:12:37,216 --> 01:12:43,506
Bont did not want to use any CGI and
literally built a small town just so
01:12:43,506 --> 01:12:45,416
he could ram the cruise ship into it.
01:12:45,426 --> 01:12:45,906
Chris: Wow.
01:12:46,336 --> 01:12:47,626
That's crazy.
01:12:48,581 --> 01:12:51,241
Jerome: Oddly enough, it
made 162 million worldwide.
01:12:51,241 --> 01:12:54,301
So it sounds like it made its money
back, but you know, with all the
01:12:54,301 --> 01:12:58,161
money they spend on distribution and
marketing it really, oh, and by the
01:12:58,161 --> 01:13:01,991
way of that 162 million worldwide,
only 48 of that was domestic.
01:13:03,541 --> 01:13:04,051
Chris: That's rough.
01:13:04,111 --> 01:13:04,411
01:13:04,431 --> 01:13:05,531
Jerome: So that's a tank.
01:13:05,661 --> 01:13:06,551
That's a tank.
01:13:06,961 --> 01:13:09,871
Although oddly enough on there,
on the worldwide list, it did
01:13:09,871 --> 01:13:11,471
land a respectable eighth.
01:13:11,921 --> 01:13:13,351
On the::
01:13:13,381 --> 01:13:13,951
That's not bad.
01:13:13,951 --> 01:13:14,501
Top 10.
01:13:14,751 --> 01:13:15,111
01:13:15,611 --> 01:13:18,171
But again, like I said, only
48 of that was domestic.
01:13:18,421 --> 01:13:22,321
So the domestic list is way farther
down, but worldwide it's number eight,
01:13:22,341 --> 01:13:25,881
considering production costs and unlisted
marketing and distribution costs.
01:13:25,911 --> 01:13:29,651
It is considered a bomb by
most stretches in Hollywood.
01:13:29,951 --> 01:13:33,541
We talked about the worldwide list in
97 before when we did the liar, liar
01:13:33,541 --> 01:13:36,241
episode, that film came in at number six.
01:13:36,886 --> 01:13:39,536
Of course, you remember the biggest
film of the year, another boat
01:13:39,586 --> 01:13:42,936
on water film, Titanic, made 1.
01:13:42,986 --> 01:13:44,886
8 billion dollars.
01:13:44,896 --> 01:13:45,876
I know, I was thinking about that
01:13:45,876 --> 01:13:48,846
Chris: when I was watching this,
the scene where the ship's flooding
01:13:48,846 --> 01:13:51,796
and everything, and I'm like, oh my
gosh, Titanic came out the same year.
01:13:51,806 --> 01:13:52,426
Jerome: Same year.
01:13:52,436 --> 01:13:52,826
01:13:53,216 --> 01:13:55,586
Yeah Titanic is was at 1.
01:13:55,646 --> 01:13:56,406
8 billion.
01:13:56,407 --> 01:13:58,136
It's about double that.
01:13:58,136 --> 01:14:02,296
If you adjust for inflation it garnered
speed to cruise control, mind you
01:14:02,316 --> 01:14:07,196
back on the speed to now garnered zero
Academy award nominations, though it
01:14:07,206 --> 01:14:09,956
did win the Razzie award for most.
01:14:10,266 --> 01:14:12,976
I'm sorry for worst remake or sequel.
01:14:13,816 --> 01:14:18,056
It's only Razzie win despite
seven other Razzie nominations.
01:14:18,056 --> 01:14:21,723
So it was nominated for
eight total Razzies.
01:14:22,033 --> 01:14:24,193
And even failed at winning the Razzies.
01:14:24,443 --> 01:14:27,483
Like it only won one
worst remake or sequel.
01:14:28,003 --> 01:14:32,663
Some of the other nominations,
Worst Actress, Sandra Bullock, Worst
01:14:32,663 --> 01:14:34,943
Script, and it was up for Worst Film.
01:14:35,143 --> 01:14:35,283
01:14:35,283 --> 01:14:40,346
Chris: know, since you mentioned the Worst
it frust the movie frustrated me, and it
01:14:40,376 --> 01:14:45,466
I I can't I don't think I can blame her
acting ability because I've seen her act.
01:14:45,476 --> 01:14:46,246
She can act.
01:14:46,766 --> 01:14:47,286
She's fun.
01:14:47,286 --> 01:14:47,616
She's delightful.
01:14:48,336 --> 01:14:48,706
I love her.
01:14:48,756 --> 01:14:55,766
But the lines they gave her, they made
her out to be a, just a, like a dumb It
01:14:55,766 --> 01:14:59,116
was almost like the stereotypical dumb
blonde, even though she's not blonde.
01:14:59,186 --> 01:14:59,896
It might be one of the
01:14:59,896 --> 01:15:01,646
Jerome: most male
chauvinist films I've ever
01:15:01,646 --> 01:15:01,676
Chris: seen.
01:15:01,686 --> 01:15:04,736
It was horrible and I kept thinking
to myself, man, this, I mean
01:15:05,786 --> 01:15:05,946
Jerome: And
01:15:05,946 --> 01:15:06,106
Chris: her
01:15:06,106 --> 01:15:07,216
Jerome: face is the poster.
01:15:07,666 --> 01:15:08,106
Chris: Yeah,
01:15:08,106 --> 01:15:09,236
Jerome: it's it's her movie.
01:15:09,296 --> 01:15:10,206
She's top billing.
01:15:10,216 --> 01:15:11,236
Chris: She's above the title.
01:15:11,256 --> 01:15:12,496
Why'd they do that?
01:15:12,556 --> 01:15:13,086
I mean cuz
01:15:13,136 --> 01:15:16,666
Jerome: and she serves almost
zero purpose in this movie.
01:15:16,686 --> 01:15:20,346
Chris: Yeah What was the what was the
movie where she was the mom that they
01:15:20,456 --> 01:15:22,766
they were helping the football player?
01:15:23,556 --> 01:15:24,476
She was the one she won
01:15:24,476 --> 01:15:25,086
Jerome: the Oscar for the
01:15:25,296 --> 01:15:29,376
Chris: blindside She was like a
strong female lead in that movie and
01:15:29,376 --> 01:15:34,126
I loved that I loved her role in that
movie cuz you know, she was I don't
01:15:34,126 --> 01:15:35,676
know She wasn't a push you even have
01:15:35,676 --> 01:15:39,481
Jerome: to go that far later
Like before this movie came out.
01:15:39,741 --> 01:15:44,021
Yeah, she did while you were sleeping
a romantic comedy that she carries.
01:15:44,071 --> 01:15:46,871
Chris: Oh, yeah Yeah, she
absolutely carries that movie.
01:15:46,871 --> 01:15:50,271
She's got a long list of movies
that the scripts were just way
01:15:50,271 --> 01:15:51,861
better You know way better.
01:15:51,871 --> 01:15:54,311
I hated how the script
portrayed her in this movie.
01:15:54,341 --> 01:15:56,911
Jerome: I'm telling you it's it's so
01:15:59,411 --> 01:16:02,921
If I was a woman I'd be offended I'm
offended as a man I would be more offended
01:16:03,081 --> 01:16:08,676
as a woman that That this is the lead,
this is the above the title lead, the main
01:16:08,676 --> 01:16:13,296
person coming back from the first movie,
and you give her literally shit to do.
01:16:13,576 --> 01:16:18,366
And it's mind boggling because Jan de
Bont, whose second big film, which came
01:16:18,366 --> 01:16:22,776
out a year before this, was Twister, where
Helen Hunt almost carries that movie.
01:16:23,356 --> 01:16:28,306
So it's not like he's, you know, immune
to this, it's not like he doesn't know
01:16:28,316 --> 01:16:30,336
how to direct a strong female lead.
01:16:32,066 --> 01:16:35,306
This script was written
based on his story.
01:16:35,636 --> 01:16:38,126
So he does not get to walk away clean.
01:16:38,126 --> 01:16:39,666
He can't just blame the script.
01:16:40,276 --> 01:16:41,416
He's the fucking director.
01:16:41,426 --> 01:16:44,166
He should have looked at it
and said, Look, we lost Keanu
01:16:44,356 --> 01:16:45,776
because the script is this bad.
01:16:47,236 --> 01:16:55,276
I'm not gonna direct my lead as a
She's no better than a fourth ditz.
01:16:56,421 --> 01:16:57,331
It's terrible.
01:16:57,331 --> 01:16:59,031
It's, it's absolutely terrible.
01:16:59,032 --> 01:17:02,451
And that's probably right off
the bat one of the biggest
01:17:02,451 --> 01:17:03,391
things wrong with this movie.
01:17:03,401 --> 01:17:05,171
We're gonna get through a
whole list of other things, but
01:17:05,171 --> 01:17:06,441
that's, that's the biggest one.
01:17:07,221 --> 01:17:11,341
Alright, it stars Sandra Bullock
as Annie, Jason Patrick as Alex
01:17:11,341 --> 01:17:14,151
Shaw Willem Dafoe as John Geiger.
01:17:14,526 --> 01:17:20,666
Tamura Morrison, later of Django Fett
fame, as Giuliano, and Glenn Plummer
01:17:20,675 --> 01:17:23,086
returning from Speed 1 as Maurice.
01:17:24,796 --> 01:17:26,666
Terrible, to even bring him back.
01:17:27,486 --> 01:17:28,596
We'll, we'll get to that.
01:17:29,246 --> 01:17:31,186
Again, what's the worst thing
you can do in any movie?
01:17:31,326 --> 01:17:31,956
01:17:32,681 --> 01:17:34,081
Yeah, and they bring this guy back.
01:17:34,741 --> 01:17:35,091
All right.
01:17:35,721 --> 01:17:36,050
All right.
01:17:36,061 --> 01:17:37,101
First time you saw this movie.
01:17:37,101 --> 01:17:37,731
What did you think?
01:17:39,891 --> 01:17:41,321
Chris: Well, I can tell
you when did you see it?
01:17:41,361 --> 01:17:42,391
I don't remember.
01:17:42,401 --> 01:17:47,811
I I hope I didn't see it at the
theater I I'd probably remember I
01:17:47,811 --> 01:17:53,171
would probably remember walking out
So I'm sure I probably rented it.
01:17:54,401 --> 01:17:58,341
I remember renting it I mean, I
remember seeing it a long time ago
01:17:58,351 --> 01:18:01,661
shortly after it came out So it was
probably when it came on video or
01:18:01,661 --> 01:18:05,311
whatever but yeah, I miss remember
thinking that it was just ridiculous.
01:18:05,821 --> 01:18:06,011
Jerome: Yeah.
01:18:06,041 --> 01:18:08,050
Chris: You know, that was kind
of my overall, and I wasn't a,
01:18:08,351 --> 01:18:11,561
you know, I wasn't studying film
and I wasn't like doing this.
01:18:12,300 --> 01:18:14,041
You don't have to hate this movie.
01:18:14,050 --> 01:18:14,311
01:18:14,311 --> 01:18:14,491
01:18:14,491 --> 01:18:16,271
I just remember thinking
it was ridiculous.
01:18:16,300 --> 01:18:17,241
It was just ridiculous.
01:18:17,300 --> 01:18:20,211
Jerome: Now it didn't help that at the
time it came out, I was in film school.
01:18:20,212 --> 01:18:24,191
I was in my final year.
01:18:24,201 --> 01:18:24,591
01:18:24,591 --> 01:18:26,131
I was going into my final year.
01:18:26,616 --> 01:18:28,496
So I was taking all kinds
of screenwriting classes.
01:18:28,496 --> 01:18:29,666
So probably that didn't help.
01:18:29,666 --> 01:18:32,216
But when I did see it, I think
I saw it on video when I was in
01:18:32,216 --> 01:18:33,656
college, I didn't go to the movies.
01:18:33,696 --> 01:18:34,316
I did not spend
01:18:34,316 --> 01:18:35,116
Chris: probably around it.
01:18:35,126 --> 01:18:38,256
We had, you know, we were, we had
just gotten married the year before.
01:18:38,296 --> 01:18:39,006
So, well, I worked at
01:18:39,006 --> 01:18:42,276
Jerome: Blockbuster, so I had
free rentals all the time.
01:18:42,296 --> 01:18:45,106
And this was one of the movies I
brought home, watched on video.
01:18:45,606 --> 01:18:47,925
And I want to say I turned it off.
01:18:48,921 --> 01:18:49,881
Like halfway through?
01:18:50,291 --> 01:18:51,631
That might've happened with us.
01:18:51,701 --> 01:18:52,461
I don't remember.
01:18:52,931 --> 01:18:55,881
Because I don't remember
watching the ending originally.
01:18:55,921 --> 01:19:00,981
I think I YouTubed the video
YouTubed the ending years later.
01:19:02,251 --> 01:19:03,161
And I don't remember why.
01:19:04,231 --> 01:19:07,221
Somehow this discussion of Speed
2 came up and I remember thinking,
01:19:07,441 --> 01:19:08,731
You know, I never did finish that.
01:19:09,001 --> 01:19:09,881
I wonder how it ends.
01:19:10,001 --> 01:19:12,241
And I just went on YouTube and
I was like, Speed 2 ending.
01:19:12,361 --> 01:19:14,971
And I saw the whole boat and
everything and I was like, That sucks.
01:19:15,761 --> 01:19:16,371
That's lame.
01:19:16,372 --> 01:19:17,641
And that was it.
01:19:17,642 --> 01:19:18,601
And the
01:19:18,601 --> 01:19:20,721
Chris: ending took way too long too.
01:19:21,221 --> 01:19:21,741
Jerome: Yeah,
01:19:21,851 --> 01:19:22,081
Chris: yeah.
01:19:22,141 --> 01:19:22,731
You know what I mean?
01:19:22,741 --> 01:19:22,941
We'll get to that too.
01:19:22,941 --> 01:19:26,151
That whole, that whole ending with
the ship, where we're going to get
01:19:26,151 --> 01:19:30,001
there, that happens and then you
still got to go get the bad guy.
01:19:31,781 --> 01:19:32,661
Jerome: Don't even get me started.
01:19:32,701 --> 01:19:33,611
That's so bad.
01:19:33,621 --> 01:19:34,741
It's so bad.
01:19:35,731 --> 01:19:37,131
Like I don't know.
01:19:37,181 --> 01:19:39,451
Well again, we'll, we'll
get, we got a lot to get to.
01:19:39,461 --> 01:19:40,541
So It's almost like they
01:19:40,541 --> 01:19:43,701
Chris: did have a formula from the
first movie because the same type
01:19:43,701 --> 01:19:47,451
of thing that where they stopped
the bus But that wasn't the end.
01:19:47,591 --> 01:19:49,071
You had to go get the bad guy.
01:19:49,711 --> 01:19:51,571
Jerome: Right, but not at all.
01:19:51,951 --> 01:19:55,511
I think, I, I think you're right on
that, but they also tried to mirror
01:19:55,511 --> 01:19:59,191
that the bad guy is a disgruntled
former employee of some sort.
01:19:59,261 --> 01:19:59,731
Yeah, right.
01:19:59,731 --> 01:20:01,911
You know, so they pulled that
formula from the first movie.
01:20:02,061 --> 01:20:02,121
01:20:02,161 --> 01:20:03,761
But they fail miserably.
01:20:03,781 --> 01:20:04,431
Yeah, it was horrible.
01:20:04,431 --> 01:20:07,621
It's like, hey, I made
a really good margarita.
01:20:07,921 --> 01:20:09,221
Now I'm gonna make another one.
01:20:09,251 --> 01:20:12,001
But instead of tequila, I'm
gonna use seltzer water.
01:20:12,381 --> 01:20:15,111
Like, it's not gonna be the same at all.
01:20:15,581 --> 01:20:16,731
So so there's that.
01:20:16,781 --> 01:20:20,481
And then actually sat down and
watched it for the first time
01:20:20,481 --> 01:20:22,781
straight through for this podcast.
01:20:22,861 --> 01:20:23,351
Oh, wow.
01:20:25,291 --> 01:20:25,371
01:20:25,721 --> 01:20:28,451
Chris: like I said, I might
not, I remembered a lot of
01:20:28,451 --> 01:20:30,021
the scenes when I watched it.
01:20:31,041 --> 01:20:31,971
I watched it today.
01:20:33,001 --> 01:20:35,521
So you just got done with it.
01:20:35,521 --> 01:20:36,361
I just got done with it.
01:20:36,371 --> 01:20:37,681
And I'm like, yeah.
01:20:37,691 --> 01:20:39,281
So it's fresh on your mind.
01:20:39,391 --> 01:20:41,411
But there was a lot I didn't remember too.
01:20:41,411 --> 01:20:44,691
So it might have been one of those things
where we watched it, we fell asleep,
01:20:44,711 --> 01:20:47,431
we woke up, it's still on, you know.
01:20:49,866 --> 01:20:51,956
Sad to say I had to watch
it twice on this podcast.
01:20:51,966 --> 01:20:55,236
So let's, let's get through this quickly
then, cause everyone's tuning out now.
01:20:55,266 --> 01:20:57,816
They're like, alright, screw it, I
don't need to hear about this movie.
01:20:57,816 --> 01:20:58,616
Well no, no, you
01:20:58,616 --> 01:21:01,046
Jerome: got it, no, we have to,
no, it is, you're right, sorry
01:21:01,046 --> 01:21:02,236
listeners for turning you off.
01:21:02,425 --> 01:21:06,256
You have to listen to this because
we're gonna get to why it's so shitty.
01:21:06,506 --> 01:21:10,036
Not just that it's a shitty movie, but why
it doesn't work as a sequel and T2 does.
01:21:10,236 --> 01:21:10,966
Alright, log me.
01:21:11,516 --> 01:21:11,986
Chris: Alright.
01:21:12,346 --> 01:21:18,021
A computer hacker breaks into the computer
system of a of the Seabourn Legend cruise
01:21:18,021 --> 01:21:23,791
liner and sets it speeding on a collision
course into a gigantic oil tanker.
01:21:25,571 --> 01:21:26,451
Jerome: Worst.
01:21:27,441 --> 01:21:28,251
01:21:28,851 --> 01:21:29,550
I've ever heard.
01:21:30,321 --> 01:21:33,671
We don't even know that
there's an oil tanker?
01:21:34,341 --> 01:21:35,221
Until the end of the movie.
01:21:35,231 --> 01:21:35,631
Chris: Yeah.
01:21:36,431 --> 01:21:36,781
Jerome: Right?
01:21:36,861 --> 01:21:38,961
Like, how is that the log line?
01:21:39,851 --> 01:21:41,781
If you go to the movie based
on that log line, you're
01:21:41,781 --> 01:21:43,061
like, where's this oil tanker?
01:21:43,171 --> 01:21:44,141
Like, what the fuck?
01:21:44,681 --> 01:21:48,811
There is no collision course set either
until the second half of the movie.
01:21:48,991 --> 01:21:50,041
Like, we don't know any of that.
01:21:50,061 --> 01:21:51,661
None of that is on the radar.
01:21:51,781 --> 01:21:52,021
01:21:52,221 --> 01:21:55,061
Alright, we have sort of the beats.
01:21:55,771 --> 01:21:56,221
01:21:56,425 --> 01:22:00,226
Opening image, Alec Shaw airborne
a throwback to Jack's car being
01:22:00,236 --> 01:22:01,406
airborne in the first movie.
01:22:01,476 --> 01:22:04,675
Yeah, as he's in pursuit of
a villain Meanwhile, Annie is
01:22:04,675 --> 01:22:06,186
going through her driving test
01:22:08,196 --> 01:22:10,476
This will be so unimportant later.
01:22:11,526 --> 01:22:15,536
Normally I say this will be important
later Did you notice they set up a lot
01:22:15,536 --> 01:22:17,436
of this driving test thing for Annie?
01:22:17,496 --> 01:22:17,836
Chris: Yeah,
01:22:18,006 --> 01:22:20,456
Jerome: yet there's no
that's a setup with no payoff
01:22:20,636 --> 01:22:21,506
Chris: with no point
01:22:22,226 --> 01:22:26,425
Jerome: with Tim Conway, which Right
tells itself that it's a comedy, right?
01:22:26,425 --> 01:22:27,296
This is supposed to be funny.
01:22:27,626 --> 01:22:30,986
But here's the thing If there
was a moment later in the movie
01:22:30,986 --> 01:22:34,016
where she has to take controls of
the boat, you know what I mean?
01:22:34,806 --> 01:22:36,376
We'd get like, oh the driving test.
01:22:36,556 --> 01:22:38,386
It's now coming into play here.
01:22:38,386 --> 01:22:42,096
It's a setup and payoff She has
almost nothing to do the rest
01:22:42,096 --> 01:22:44,141
of the movie She's asked to
01:22:44,141 --> 01:22:44,721
Chris: do nothing.
01:22:44,771 --> 01:22:46,081
Jerome: Yeah, and she
doesn't learn anything
01:22:46,091 --> 01:22:48,021
Chris: because at the end of
the movie she does, she retakes
01:22:48,050 --> 01:22:49,761
the test and crashes the car.
01:22:50,011 --> 01:22:50,161
01:22:50,161 --> 01:22:50,721
Jerome: crashes again!
01:22:51,291 --> 01:22:52,491
So, what's the whole point?
01:22:53,041 --> 01:22:53,881
There isn't one.
01:22:54,521 --> 01:22:57,291
Theme stated, if you want a theme at all.
01:22:57,721 --> 01:23:01,816
After the coincidence of bumping into
each other while he's doing his police
01:23:01,816 --> 01:23:05,346
work and she's failing her driving test,
by the way, coincidence, number one, they
01:23:05,346 --> 01:23:07,256
kind of interrupt each other's day, right?
01:23:07,286 --> 01:23:10,016
And he gives what can only be
described as the closest we're
01:23:10,016 --> 01:23:11,966
going to get to a theme slash arc.
01:23:12,246 --> 01:23:16,026
She reiterated reiterates her
uncomfortableness with shaw being a
01:23:16,026 --> 01:23:21,146
cop because of jack and that she is
avoiding marriage With such a man
01:23:21,146 --> 01:23:24,946
because quote relationships born
under extreme circumstances never
01:23:24,946 --> 01:23:31,486
work They haven't had an extreme
circumstance yet She did with Jack.
01:23:31,876 --> 01:23:33,156
So that made sense.
01:23:33,636 --> 01:23:35,346
How does that make sense here?
01:23:36,706 --> 01:23:40,196
They're about to have an extreme
circumstance but they haven't had one yet.
01:23:41,446 --> 01:23:42,346
Four point push.
01:23:43,411 --> 01:23:46,371
Insighting, I can feel the disdain in
my voice as I go through these beats.
01:23:47,141 --> 01:23:48,711
I'm sorry listeners, you're
01:23:48,711 --> 01:23:50,221
going to have to drink
with us on this one.
01:23:50,451 --> 01:23:52,991
You sound like you're drinking
a member's Mark Seltzer.
01:23:54,451 --> 01:23:56,491
Chris: That's what you sound like,
you've got that taste in your mouth.
01:23:56,492 --> 01:23:58,851
I haven't been this angry since we did
01:23:58,851 --> 01:23:59,921
Jerome: that Mel Gibson movie.
01:24:00,471 --> 01:24:06,871
Alright, so, 4 point push uh,
Insighting incident, 9 minutes, and
01:24:06,881 --> 01:24:08,071
you know what I just thought of?
01:24:08,071 --> 01:24:08,941
Sorry, it's part
01:24:08,941 --> 01:24:10,321
of our thing to go off on tangents.
01:24:11,421 --> 01:24:12,501
Remember in Airplane?
01:24:12,771 --> 01:24:14,731
When the lady's getting sick on the plane?
01:24:15,011 --> 01:24:18,681
And she goes, I haven't felt this awful
since we saw that Ronald Reagan movie.
01:24:18,682 --> 01:24:21,021
01:24:21,021 --> 01:24:21,161
01:24:25,050 --> 01:24:26,050
just had no thought!
01:24:27,471 --> 01:24:28,941
That's how I feel right now!
01:24:28,942 --> 01:24:30,811
01:24:30,811 --> 01:24:32,681
01:24:32,681 --> 01:24:34,550
01:24:34,550 --> 01:24:36,421
01:24:38,161 --> 01:24:39,021
Chris: Sorry, back at it.
01:24:39,691 --> 01:24:43,651
Maybe I'll make her face in that scene
from that movie the cover of this episode.
01:24:46,361 --> 01:24:47,300
Jerome: Four point push.
01:24:47,611 --> 01:24:48,711
Inciting incident.
01:24:48,751 --> 01:24:53,341
Nine minutes in, Shaw suggests
that they take a cruise vacation.
01:24:53,601 --> 01:24:55,721
This is the inciting incident
because without the cruise
01:24:55,721 --> 01:24:56,991
obviously this movie doesn't happen.
01:24:57,421 --> 01:25:01,231
They arrive at the cruise ship and have
some coincidental bumps with the bad guy.
01:25:01,261 --> 01:25:03,271
Coincidence number two and three.
01:25:03,271 --> 01:25:06,061
One, they're sitting right next to
each other on the little speedboat
01:25:06,201 --> 01:25:07,631
that takes them to the cruise liner.
01:25:08,050 --> 01:25:09,431
They're sitting right next to each other.
01:25:09,541 --> 01:25:09,711
01:25:09,741 --> 01:25:13,211
And then, while they're being shown
their room, they're walking down
01:25:13,211 --> 01:25:17,541
the hallway, the bad guy comes out,
Willem Dafoe, who was just sitting
01:25:17,541 --> 01:25:20,561
next to them a moment earlier,
comes out of his room, complaining
01:25:20,561 --> 01:25:22,201
about where his golf clubs are.
01:25:22,211 --> 01:25:22,721
Chris: Yeah, I know.
01:25:22,741 --> 01:25:25,731
Jerome: Like, and they just happen
to be right there to hear it.
01:25:25,971 --> 01:25:26,300
Chris: Yeah.
01:25:26,591 --> 01:25:28,271
Jerome: Too many
coincidences, way too many.
01:25:28,711 --> 01:25:30,211
All right.
01:25:30,621 --> 01:25:31,711
So, Catalyst.
01:25:32,151 --> 01:25:35,271
Now at this point, we're already
in script disaster because there's
01:25:35,281 --> 01:25:38,821
no catalyst or debate to propel
the protagonists into Act 2.
01:25:39,091 --> 01:25:44,021
Mostly because, and I put this in all
01:25:44,021 --> 01:25:46,657
That's the problem with this movie!
01:25:46,657 --> 01:25:51,971
If there's a catalyst at all for
this movie, for this story, it's
01:25:51,971 --> 01:25:53,146
mainly for the villain alone.
01:25:53,326 --> 01:25:56,496
It's for Willem Dafoe's
character of John Geiger.
01:25:57,016 --> 01:25:59,886
It's around the moment he plants the
transmitter in the cockpit, when he's
01:25:59,886 --> 01:26:02,836
acting all drunk and he falls on the floor
and he puts the transmitter in there.
01:26:03,166 --> 01:26:04,876
That's at the 21 minute mark.
01:26:05,376 --> 01:26:06,086
Debate begins.
01:26:06,106 --> 01:26:09,656
Again, unless we're using the vi
the viewpoint of the villain, there
01:26:09,686 --> 01:26:11,736
isn't a debate at all for our heroes.
01:26:11,956 --> 01:26:14,675
For the villain, it might be
when he kills the captain.
01:26:15,036 --> 01:26:18,126
When he throws the captain
overboard, that's sort of like, okay,
01:26:18,296 --> 01:26:19,616
we're, we're all in on this now.
01:26:19,786 --> 01:26:20,146
Chris: Yeah.
01:26:20,456 --> 01:26:20,686
01:26:21,036 --> 01:26:24,836
Jerome: If we're going on the story being
Annie's unwillingness to marry a cop.
01:26:24,966 --> 01:26:25,486
Well, hold on,
01:26:25,756 --> 01:26:26,056
Chris: hold on.
01:26:26,066 --> 01:26:27,196
It wasn't William Defoe.
01:26:27,196 --> 01:26:29,456
Everyone looked at his face,
go, Oh, he's the bad guy.
01:26:29,911 --> 01:26:31,511
Jerome: Yeah, well, okay.
01:26:31,701 --> 01:26:33,101
Number one, because he's Willem Dafoe.
01:26:33,151 --> 01:26:33,550
01:26:33,550 --> 01:26:36,601
Number two, he's got the
perfect bad guy face.
01:26:37,091 --> 01:26:37,131
I mean.
01:26:37,241 --> 01:26:37,611
Right, he
01:26:37,611 --> 01:26:38,081
Chris: looks crazy.
01:26:38,091 --> 01:26:40,891
Jerome: No, that's what you need to
put on the poster for this episode.
01:26:41,201 --> 01:26:44,091
That, that one look he has
where his eyes are really big.
01:26:44,791 --> 01:26:45,991
I'll, I'll send it to you.
01:26:45,991 --> 01:26:49,471
It's the speed two
picture of Willem Dafoe.
01:26:49,961 --> 01:26:50,311
01:26:51,701 --> 01:26:55,300
So again, if you're going to try to dig up
some sort of an arc, if we're going to go
01:26:55,300 --> 01:26:59,561
on the story being Annie's unwillingness
to marry a cop, then the catalyst is where
01:26:59,561 --> 01:27:04,931
Shaw almost pops the question at dinner
and then suddenly gets seasick, I guess.
01:27:05,221 --> 01:27:08,891
Like, he, it makes it seem like he just
wants to get out of that situation.
01:27:08,891 --> 01:27:10,001
Like, this is embarrassing.
01:27:10,231 --> 01:27:11,321
I have the ring in my hand.
01:27:11,675 --> 01:27:13,636
Now she's telling me she doesn't want
to get married, I have to quickly
01:27:13,636 --> 01:27:14,896
put the ring back in my pocket.
01:27:15,196 --> 01:27:16,976
Ugh, I feel sick, let's leave.
01:27:17,256 --> 01:27:17,366
01:27:17,466 --> 01:27:18,556
really was sick!
01:27:19,016 --> 01:27:21,416
Jerome: The next shot, they show
the vomit bucket next to his bed!
01:27:22,916 --> 01:27:25,256
So, alright, anyway.
01:27:26,406 --> 01:27:28,416
You, they could have made
the debate the next scene.
01:27:28,626 --> 01:27:30,936
When they're, I guess that
would be the debate the next
01:27:30,936 --> 01:27:31,836
scene, where they're shopping.
01:27:32,391 --> 01:27:36,011
And they have yet another lover's
spat, sort of like he wants to get
01:27:36,011 --> 01:27:37,451
married and she doesn't, kind of thing.
01:27:37,451 --> 01:27:38,001
Right, right.
01:27:38,041 --> 01:27:43,131
So, again, now, we're at this point,
and if you're unsure whose story
01:27:43,131 --> 01:27:50,401
are we telling, Annie's, Shaw's,
or Geiger's, I couldn't tell you.
01:27:51,191 --> 01:27:51,561
I don't know.
01:27:51,561 --> 01:27:54,331
I think it's Annie's because
Sandra Bullock's the lead.
01:27:54,550 --> 01:27:54,861
01:27:54,881 --> 01:27:55,471
They tell me.
01:27:55,861 --> 01:27:56,221
We saw her in
01:27:56,221 --> 01:27:56,951
Chris: the first movie.
01:27:56,981 --> 01:27:57,381
Jerome: No, no.
01:27:57,381 --> 01:27:59,041
The poster tells me she's the lead.
01:27:59,050 --> 01:27:59,421
01:27:59,781 --> 01:28:01,431
But the story doesn't at all.
01:28:02,041 --> 01:28:05,171
And again, it makes hard, nailing
down the catalyst in the debate
01:28:05,181 --> 01:28:07,701
makes it almost impossible if you
don't know whose fucking story it is.
01:28:08,541 --> 01:28:10,001
Break into 2.
01:28:10,001 --> 01:28:13,571
34 minutes in, the engines on the ship
break down and the ship is now disabled.
01:28:13,581 --> 01:28:18,791
This is a clear jump into 2 because at
this point now, all the passengers on the
01:28:18,791 --> 01:28:22,141
ship, their old world has now changed.
01:28:22,141 --> 01:28:25,511
They're in a new world now, where
they're on a cruise ship that's disabled.
01:28:26,001 --> 01:28:30,101
They don't know why, they don't
know they're in danger, and in
01:28:30,101 --> 01:28:32,331
fact, they're really not, and
we'll get to that in a second.
01:28:32,881 --> 01:28:35,251
The heroes still don't even
know that there is a bad guy.
01:28:35,300 --> 01:28:36,941
They don't even know
that there is a bad guy.
01:28:36,961 --> 01:28:37,211
01:28:37,231 --> 01:28:38,661
They just know that the ship is disabled.
01:28:39,191 --> 01:28:43,461
The bad guy tells Giuliano
to evacuate the passengers.
01:28:44,481 --> 01:28:47,121
So, he doesn't even want
to keep them hostage.
01:28:47,800 --> 01:28:49,851
He doesn't want to hurt anybody.
01:28:50,461 --> 01:28:52,351
He wants them all to be evacuated.
01:28:52,921 --> 01:28:56,781
So really the passengers are not hostages.
01:28:57,151 --> 01:29:01,171
They're free to go, but they don't
even know this yet because they
01:29:01,171 --> 01:29:02,281
don't know there's a bad guy.
01:29:02,321 --> 01:29:02,621
Chris: Right.
01:29:03,171 --> 01:29:05,311
Jerome: So think about
this already from an action
01:29:05,791 --> 01:29:06,821
Chris: Yeah, movie standpoint.
01:29:06,821 --> 01:29:07,931
You could have ended this movie.
01:29:07,961 --> 01:29:09,671
Just get everyone on those lifeboats.
01:29:09,721 --> 01:29:11,771
Everyone's safe and secure.
01:29:11,791 --> 01:29:13,711
They'll figure, they'll
take care of this guy.
01:29:13,711 --> 01:29:15,221
Jerome: There's no stakes.
01:29:15,681 --> 01:29:17,371
There's no, there's nothing in the back.
01:29:17,771 --> 01:29:20,771
T2, the world's humanity
was in the balance.
01:29:20,811 --> 01:29:21,361
Chris: Yeah, yeah.
01:29:21,550 --> 01:29:24,621
Jerome: In this movie,
nothing is in the balance.
01:29:25,031 --> 01:29:26,391
They're free to leave whenever they want.
01:29:26,521 --> 01:29:26,921
And what's the
01:29:27,931 --> 01:29:31,331
Chris: story continuity and
everything from the first movie?
01:29:32,391 --> 01:29:35,061
Sander Bullock has PTSD, I guess.
01:29:36,501 --> 01:29:37,061
Jerome: Oh, in dating.
01:29:37,261 --> 01:29:37,791
In dating.
01:29:37,800 --> 01:29:38,691
In dating, yes.
01:29:38,721 --> 01:29:42,331
Not in real life, where that
could have been a real thing.
01:29:42,351 --> 01:29:42,671
01:29:42,701 --> 01:29:42,851
01:29:42,851 --> 01:29:43,701
Chris: just survived
01:29:43,911 --> 01:29:44,071
Jerome: something,
01:29:44,071 --> 01:29:44,951
Chris: I almost died.
01:29:44,971 --> 01:29:48,371
I married John Wick and it was
not, or I dated John Wick for
01:29:48,371 --> 01:29:49,891
a while and it didn't go well.
01:29:50,261 --> 01:29:53,391
Jerome: Yeah, so now I
have PTSD in relationships.
01:29:53,731 --> 01:29:57,151
Not getting on buses or cars or
boats, I can do that just fine.
01:29:59,456 --> 01:30:00,226
Funny games.
01:30:00,226 --> 01:30:03,186
The evacuation process has heavy issues.
01:30:03,246 --> 01:30:05,946
Not because of anything Geiger has done.
01:30:06,376 --> 01:30:12,826
Just because like the whole, like the,
the boats, the lifeboats are failing.
01:30:13,971 --> 01:30:15,601
Like that's just an action sequence.
01:30:15,601 --> 01:30:18,951
Like, let's just put that in there so
we can make everybody soaking wet and
01:30:18,951 --> 01:30:21,311
hanging from ropes and make it exciting.
01:30:21,351 --> 01:30:22,481
Geiger didn't do any of that.
01:30:22,491 --> 01:30:23,171
Like none of that.
01:30:23,291 --> 01:30:27,371
That's almost like it reminded me in seven
when they get out at the end, they get out
01:30:27,371 --> 01:30:32,001
of the car and they see a dead dog and,
and Kevin Spacey's all, I didn't do that.
01:30:34,221 --> 01:30:37,521
I almost thought there was gonna
be a moment where Willem Dafoe sees
01:30:37,521 --> 01:30:38,961
what's going on outside and he's like.
01:30:39,161 --> 01:30:42,681
I didn't do that none of that
was me, like, you guys are having
01:30:42,681 --> 01:30:45,381
trouble evacuating this ship, that's
not my, me, that's not my fault.
01:30:45,971 --> 01:30:47,541
Alright, B story.
01:30:49,631 --> 01:30:54,691
If we view this as a love story,
Annie's B story is still probably Shaw,
01:30:55,611 --> 01:31:01,621
who would lead her to her spiritual
goal, I guess, of getting married?
01:31:01,641 --> 01:31:02,561
I don't, I don't know.
01:31:03,021 --> 01:31:08,091
If this is Shaw's film Annie is his
B story because she will lead him
01:31:08,241 --> 01:31:13,371
to his spiritual goal of having the
courage to ask him to marry her,
01:31:13,991 --> 01:31:14,451
I guess?
01:31:15,401 --> 01:31:17,131
Jerome: This all sounds like
a romantic comedy, doesn't it?
01:31:17,151 --> 01:31:20,071
Like, it doesn't sound like
an action movie at all.
01:31:20,521 --> 01:31:23,261
If the movie is Geiger, if this is
Geiger's movie, there is no B story.
01:31:24,211 --> 01:31:29,126
So, one could argue from a story
standpoint that even Giuliano Juliano?
01:31:29,566 --> 01:31:33,276
Could it be arguably a B story,
since he's instrumental in helping
01:31:33,286 --> 01:31:35,016
Shaw save the boat in the end?
01:31:36,006 --> 01:31:36,526
01:31:37,006 --> 01:31:38,376
Take your pick, it doesn't matter.
01:31:39,206 --> 01:31:40,436
Alright, more fun and games.
01:31:40,436 --> 01:31:44,266
There are passengers left behind from the
evacuation, notably a couple who gave two
01:31:44,266 --> 01:31:46,276
shits about their deaf daughter missing.
01:31:46,816 --> 01:31:49,336
They decide to stay on the
boat until she shows up.
01:31:49,796 --> 01:31:55,966
Also, 54 minutes in, almost an
hour, mind you, Shaw realizes
01:31:55,966 --> 01:31:57,626
that Geiger is the bad guy.
01:31:58,416 --> 01:32:01,416
Or actually, that there even is a bad guy.
01:32:01,476 --> 01:32:01,806
01:32:02,146 --> 01:32:04,846
Fifty four minutes into the movie.
01:32:05,626 --> 01:32:06,546
Midpoint scene.
01:32:07,696 --> 01:32:14,206
Annie, the supposed protagonist of the
film, the above the title lead, is told
01:32:14,206 --> 01:32:18,636
by Shaw that Geiger is the villain and
the people on the ship are in danger.
01:32:19,800 --> 01:32:21,921
That's one hour, five minutes in.
01:32:23,681 --> 01:32:25,781
This is the first time she's aware of
01:32:25,791 --> 01:32:26,501
Chris: any danger.
01:32:26,641 --> 01:32:30,841
So I mean, an hour and five minutes in
there should have only been 25 minutes
01:32:30,841 --> 01:32:33,221
left in the movie at that point.
01:32:33,521 --> 01:32:35,581
I didn't need to be for
an hour and a half movie.
01:32:36,161 --> 01:32:37,731
Romantic comedies are an hour and a half.
01:32:38,331 --> 01:32:39,881
It didn't need to be two hours long.
01:32:40,091 --> 01:32:40,481
Jerome: So.
01:32:41,356 --> 01:32:44,916
Now, there was the fumbling around with
the evacuation where people were in
01:32:44,916 --> 01:32:47,826
danger and she helped out there, I guess.
01:32:48,356 --> 01:32:49,026
Not really.
01:32:50,306 --> 01:32:52,296
Shaw helped and she just assisted him.
01:32:52,916 --> 01:32:55,306
You know, as a little good
woman should, assist her man.
01:32:56,031 --> 01:32:57,611
Okay, that was meant to sound very snarky.
01:32:58,461 --> 01:32:58,921
01:32:58,951 --> 01:32:59,921
Chris: Yeah, I'm just nodding.
01:32:59,961 --> 01:33:00,901
Jerome: Oh yeah, absolutely.
01:33:00,901 --> 01:33:01,341
Yeah, yeah.
01:33:02,981 --> 01:33:04,441
That's how they make her character seem!
01:33:04,441 --> 01:33:05,541
I know, it's awful!
01:33:05,550 --> 01:33:09,461
She's just there to support
Shaw and his saving of people.
01:33:09,611 --> 01:33:10,781
Like, anyway.
01:33:11,441 --> 01:33:14,981
But that's, to her, the only part
of danger is the evacuation process.
01:33:15,671 --> 01:33:17,911
This is the first time she knows
that there actually is a bad guy.
01:33:18,441 --> 01:33:19,791
Alright, bad guys closing in.
01:33:19,791 --> 01:33:23,351
Shaw tracks down Geiger, they
have a chase, and Geiger traps
01:33:23,351 --> 01:33:24,721
Shaw in a room with a grenade.
01:33:25,991 --> 01:33:31,031
In this scenario, Shaw is the bad guy
and he's closing in on Geiger, the hero.
01:33:33,011 --> 01:33:33,731
Wait, no.
01:33:34,501 --> 01:33:34,961
Reverse that.
01:33:35,941 --> 01:33:36,441
See what I mean?
01:33:36,621 --> 01:33:37,841
I don't know whose story it is.
01:33:38,021 --> 01:33:40,761
If it's Geiger's story,
Shaw's the bad guy, right?
01:33:41,081 --> 01:33:41,771
He's chasing him.
01:33:41,791 --> 01:33:42,061
01:33:42,101 --> 01:33:43,341
And Geiger traps him in a room.
01:33:43,431 --> 01:33:45,041
Okay, all is lost.
01:33:45,041 --> 01:33:47,271
One hour, 27 minutes in.
01:33:47,451 --> 01:33:49,601
About the time a Notting
Hill would be ending.
01:33:50,550 --> 01:33:55,971
Geiger takes Annie hostage and gets off
the boat, thus leaving Shaw and Giuliano
01:33:56,001 --> 01:33:57,951
behind to deal with the impending doom.
01:33:58,311 --> 01:34:00,061
So this is all is lost, I guess.
01:34:00,386 --> 01:34:02,286
For Shaw, because Annie's now gone, right?
01:34:02,306 --> 01:34:03,216
She's a hostage now.
01:34:03,876 --> 01:34:06,706
The guy who didn't want to hurt
anybody has now taken a hostage.
01:34:08,156 --> 01:34:09,146
Dark Night of the Soul.
01:34:09,646 --> 01:34:12,755
This is the first time the remaining
passengers find out that they're
01:34:12,755 --> 01:34:16,066
on a collision course with an oil
tanker and they start freaking out.
01:34:16,585 --> 01:34:21,296
This is arguably, I don't want to say
it's the first time, this might be around
01:34:21,296 --> 01:34:22,996
the first time the audience knows too.
01:34:23,316 --> 01:34:26,236
They have an action sequence where
they're trying to slow the propeller down.
01:34:26,741 --> 01:34:27,391
Mm hmm, right?
01:34:27,441 --> 01:34:27,791
01:34:27,791 --> 01:34:31,401
So the audience might know then I
can't remember when I first realized
01:34:31,421 --> 01:34:36,960
the oil tanker, but it's way late Oh,
yeah, way late Breaking the three Shaw
01:34:37,001 --> 01:34:41,031
Giuliano managed to save the tanker
by sideswiping it to avoid collision.
01:34:41,031 --> 01:34:46,591
This is one hour 44 minutes in and
the ship instead collides with a
01:34:46,591 --> 01:34:51,691
small town now that the ship is out
of the picture and we are officially
01:34:51,691 --> 01:34:54,661
in act 3 The after world, right?
01:34:54,851 --> 01:34:57,101
The, the before world
was everything's fine.
01:34:57,101 --> 01:35:02,951
The, the upside down world is
being on the ship that's disabled.
01:35:03,171 --> 01:35:05,491
So the new world must be.
01:35:05,891 --> 01:35:09,861
They're off the ship because the
ship has crashed landed into a town.
01:35:10,361 --> 01:35:11,791
So we're in act three now.
01:35:12,151 --> 01:35:13,471
The ship is no longer a problem.
01:35:13,481 --> 01:35:14,651
Now they have to save Annie.
01:35:14,731 --> 01:35:15,471
That's the problem.
01:35:15,841 --> 01:35:20,300
So that brings us to what the best we
can come up with of a five point finale.
01:35:21,101 --> 01:35:22,130
Gathering the team.
01:35:22,451 --> 01:35:24,591
They commandeer Maurice's boat.
01:35:24,701 --> 01:35:25,821
Another coincidence.
01:35:25,831 --> 01:35:29,751
He just happens to be there and he
says I've just bought a condo here.
01:35:29,751 --> 01:35:34,431
This is the same guy for those of you
that don't know that Jack Traven, played
01:35:34,431 --> 01:35:39,380
by Keanu Reeves, took his car in the
first Speed movie and knocked the door
01:35:39,380 --> 01:35:45,411
off of it so that he could jump onto the
bus and he even stole this guy's phone.
01:35:46,151 --> 01:35:47,181
He has returned!
01:35:47,191 --> 01:35:51,151
He just happened to be there
when all this shit was going on.
01:35:52,391 --> 01:35:53,161
Another coincidence.
01:35:53,601 --> 01:35:54,611
Execution of the plan.
01:35:54,630 --> 01:35:57,710
In pursuit of the bad guys, they
need to get him before he gets to
01:35:57,710 --> 01:35:59,651
his plane and take off with Annie.
01:36:00,071 --> 01:36:01,300
High tower surprise!
01:36:02,681 --> 01:36:05,361
Is the funniest edit, edit
shot of the entire film.
01:36:05,911 --> 01:36:11,210
Within one shot, they go from
hurling towards the plane, To
01:36:11,210 --> 01:36:12,671
boom, they're in the plane!
01:36:14,391 --> 01:36:16,931
And Geiger is taking off with Annie.
01:36:17,101 --> 01:36:17,771
That shit.
01:36:18,371 --> 01:36:22,561
Seriously, there's no scene
of them getting on the plane.
01:36:23,071 --> 01:36:26,701
They're on the scooters, the, the jet
skis or whatever heading towards the
01:36:26,701 --> 01:36:28,721
plane, the next shot they're taking off.
01:36:28,731 --> 01:36:33,121
Like they're already on the plane
and remember she's a hostage.
01:36:33,601 --> 01:36:38,021
So apparently he had no problems
getting her in the plane to take
01:36:38,021 --> 01:36:39,951
off because it didn't require.
01:36:40,226 --> 01:36:41,003
Us to see it.
01:36:41,003 --> 01:36:41,250
01:36:41,250 --> 01:36:42,686
It just happens so easily.
01:36:42,916 --> 01:36:43,376
Of course.
01:36:44,196 --> 01:36:44,656
01:36:44,696 --> 01:36:45,476
Dig down deep.
01:36:45,546 --> 01:36:49,456
Shaw must attach himself to the
plane as it's taking off and
01:36:49,486 --> 01:36:51,346
Annie dumps the jewels overboard.
01:36:51,356 --> 01:36:52,726
By the way, a little subplot there.
01:36:52,925 --> 01:36:56,306
I think we're going to get to the
subplots later, but the whole, he's
01:36:56,316 --> 01:37:01,656
dying of copper blood infection,
which is why he's disgruntled at
01:37:01,656 --> 01:37:03,776
the company and he needs leeches.
01:37:04,005 --> 01:37:08,316
to clean his blood, then why throw
in the whole diamond heist thing?
01:37:08,636 --> 01:37:12,366
If his revenge is to crash the ship
into an oil tanker to get his revenge,
01:37:12,826 --> 01:37:14,636
what what do you need the diamonds for?
01:37:14,666 --> 01:37:15,755
You're gonna die anyway.
01:37:15,755 --> 01:37:17,966
You have copper blood poisoning.
01:37:18,066 --> 01:37:19,036
But, anyway, whatever.
01:37:20,286 --> 01:37:20,986
It's not important.
01:37:21,566 --> 01:37:22,316
Chris: And he dumps the ship.
01:37:22,356 --> 01:37:23,005
Hold on a minute.
01:37:24,306 --> 01:37:26,476
Why would those diamonds
have been on the ship?
01:37:29,406 --> 01:37:31,846
Jerome: Well, there was a scene during
dinner, weren't they showing them off?
01:37:31,846 --> 01:37:33,376
They were auctioning them or something?
01:37:34,606 --> 01:37:37,206
Chris: It just seems like a
weird thing to take on a cruise.
01:37:37,616 --> 01:37:41,636
Jerome: Well, it was, they were there to
sell them or auction them or something.
01:37:41,646 --> 01:37:44,346
There's something in the dinner
scene where he wants to propose to
01:37:44,346 --> 01:37:47,636
her and he's communicating with the
deaf girl through sign language.
01:37:48,066 --> 01:37:50,266
The diamonds are presented
there for the first time and
01:37:50,266 --> 01:37:51,386
I can't remember what it was.
01:37:51,646 --> 01:37:52,096
Chris: Yeah.
01:37:52,146 --> 01:37:52,505
Jerome: Yeah.
01:37:52,546 --> 01:37:53,526
They're there for an auction
01:37:53,526 --> 01:37:53,766
Chris: or something.
01:37:53,946 --> 01:37:56,746
They just made up some BS,
but it just seemed weird.
01:37:57,085 --> 01:37:58,806
Jerome: They just made it
up so he can steal diamonds.
01:37:58,816 --> 01:37:59,626
Yeah, exactly.
01:37:59,776 --> 01:38:01,116
Not for any real purpose.
01:38:01,585 --> 01:38:02,656
Just to steal diamonds.
01:38:03,946 --> 01:38:04,476
01:38:05,776 --> 01:38:10,766
So he then climbs Shaw then climbs into
the cockpit where Geiger and Annie are.
01:38:12,755 --> 01:38:15,526
Are you ready for the big action
sequence where he saves Annie?
01:38:16,186 --> 01:38:18,396
Because he just takes
her and they jump out.
01:38:20,036 --> 01:38:20,316
That's all.
01:38:20,936 --> 01:38:22,755
Geiger does nothing about it.
01:38:22,856 --> 01:38:23,276
01:38:23,425 --> 01:38:24,526
He just watches it.
01:38:24,886 --> 01:38:28,796
He takes Annie and he gets out of
the boat, or gets out of the plane.
01:38:29,216 --> 01:38:32,216
They, they kind of get out onto
that little pontoon, you know?
01:38:32,646 --> 01:38:37,255
The thing that you know, the little thing
that the a plane that can land on water.
01:38:37,286 --> 01:38:38,446
You know, the pontoon thing.
01:38:38,585 --> 01:38:42,076
Anyway, they get on that
and that just breaks off.
01:38:42,835 --> 01:38:44,236
Like, that's how they get away.
01:38:45,175 --> 01:38:46,816
They don't make it break off.
01:38:46,835 --> 01:38:47,366
Chris: Yeah, it
01:38:47,366 --> 01:38:47,755
Jerome: just
01:38:48,036 --> 01:38:48,436
Chris: breaks.
01:38:48,436 --> 01:38:49,216
Jerome: It's just detached.
01:38:51,206 --> 01:38:51,776
Good for them.
01:38:53,186 --> 01:38:54,446
Execution of the new plan.
01:38:54,446 --> 01:38:57,696
So, oh, that was the
execution of the plan.
01:38:57,706 --> 01:39:01,326
Shaw saves Annie by stepping out of the
pontoon, which then suddenly breaks off
01:39:01,335 --> 01:39:05,606
for the plane for no reason, separating
them from Giger, who's clears the tanker,
01:39:05,706 --> 01:39:10,255
by the way, that's now a dramatic moment
for Geiger, is that he has to get his
01:39:10,255 --> 01:39:16,526
plane up high to clear the tanker, only
to then turn the plane and hit an antenna.
01:39:17,456 --> 01:39:19,526
The way it hit it and just stuck there.
01:39:19,526 --> 01:39:20,716
It just stuck there.
01:39:20,906 --> 01:39:22,501
Just stuck on the antenna.
01:39:23,651 --> 01:39:26,111
It was, it was so bad, it was humorous.
01:39:26,541 --> 01:39:31,321
Worse, worse, the people on the
tanker start yelling, ABANDON SHIP!
01:39:31,741 --> 01:39:32,531
01:39:34,091 --> 01:39:34,341
01:39:34,361 --> 01:39:34,761
I don't know.
01:39:35,451 --> 01:39:36,671
He hit an antenna!
01:39:36,771 --> 01:39:37,621
I know.
01:39:37,781 --> 01:39:41,061
Why did they think that was
gonna cause a chain reaction
01:39:41,061 --> 01:39:42,061
that would blow up the ship?
01:39:42,061 --> 01:39:43,031
What is this, the Death Star?
01:39:43,550 --> 01:39:43,960
Like, what?
01:39:44,001 --> 01:39:50,291
I mean, I, I don't So, while all
that's happening, by the way Shaw,
01:39:50,421 --> 01:39:53,960
also seemingly afraid of this
explosion, throws Annie into the water.
01:39:54,001 --> 01:39:54,391
01:39:54,550 --> 01:39:56,901
Like, he's like, yes, it's
going to blow, they're right.
01:39:56,960 --> 01:39:58,341
How he can hear them, I don't know.
01:39:58,531 --> 01:40:00,911
Which, by the way, I think I
mentioned later I'll mention it again.
01:40:01,061 --> 01:40:03,221
There's a point when he's in the
water, and the guy's giving him
01:40:03,221 --> 01:40:06,130
directions on what to do, and
he can hear him, in the water.
01:40:07,031 --> 01:40:09,210
Like, he doesn't have a radio in
his ear, the guy's just yelling,
01:40:09,701 --> 01:40:10,531
Pull the
01:40:10,531 --> 01:40:10,630
Jerome: lever!
01:40:10,630 --> 01:40:12,091
And he's in the water, and he can hear it.
01:40:12,361 --> 01:40:12,380
01:40:12,880 --> 01:40:13,821
Okay, whatever.
01:40:15,141 --> 01:40:17,951
Alright so he throws Annie in the water.
01:40:18,331 --> 01:40:19,550
And then he goes in after her.
01:40:20,300 --> 01:40:25,121
When he comes up, She's
suddenly very far away from him.
01:40:25,351 --> 01:40:27,011
Now, get this, they're on the pontoon.
01:40:27,321 --> 01:40:29,771
He throws her in the water, and
then he jumps in right after her.
01:40:29,880 --> 01:40:30,161
Chris: Yeah.
01:40:30,231 --> 01:40:31,001
Jerome: Into the water.
01:40:31,050 --> 01:40:33,851
When he comes up, she's like 30 feet away!
01:40:33,851 --> 01:40:35,731
Like, how did she get that far from him?
01:40:35,941 --> 01:40:37,651
They jumped in the same spot!
01:40:38,306 --> 01:40:40,654
But, whatever, okay, it doesn't,
it doesn't matter, it doesn't
01:40:40,654 --> 01:40:41,526
matter, it doesn't matter.
01:40:42,005 --> 01:40:43,626
There's a heavy current,
I guess, I don't know.
01:40:43,675 --> 01:40:48,316
He swims to her, and then he has to kiss
her so that she can breathe underwater.
01:40:48,696 --> 01:40:51,936
You know, not take her up to the
surface so that she can breathe.
01:40:52,386 --> 01:40:57,236
He's just gonna cover her mouth with
his mouth, like he's fucking Kevin
01:40:57,236 --> 01:41:01,286
Costner in Waterworld, and somehow
breathe for her by kissing her.
01:41:02,946 --> 01:41:05,996
Then they come up for air, and
if we didn't have already enough
01:41:05,996 --> 01:41:10,376
coincidences, Who is there Johnny
on the spot right when they come up?
01:41:10,666 --> 01:41:17,916
Maurice and his speedboat to collect both
them and they get the diamonds, of course.
01:41:19,446 --> 01:41:23,236
Okay, so By the way,
that tanker does explode.
01:41:23,585 --> 01:41:23,846
01:41:23,936 --> 01:41:30,286
The Geiger's plane does somehow cause a
Death Star like chain reaction through
01:41:30,286 --> 01:41:32,746
an antenna that blows up the oil tanker.
01:41:33,516 --> 01:41:35,896
All those innocent lives lost.
01:41:37,486 --> 01:41:39,386
So anyway, they're on their
speedboat heading back to
01:41:39,386 --> 01:41:41,736
civilization and Shaw proposes!
01:41:42,255 --> 01:41:43,856
He's got the courage now.
01:41:43,946 --> 01:41:46,116
Spiritual goal, spiritual
goal, spiritual goal.
01:41:46,496 --> 01:41:47,726
And he says yes.
01:41:48,536 --> 01:41:52,116
And finally, thankfully, the film ends.
01:41:53,496 --> 01:41:54,566
Closing image.
01:41:55,276 --> 01:41:56,366
The ship has stopped.
01:41:56,376 --> 01:41:57,986
It's crashed into a small town.
01:41:58,236 --> 01:42:01,425
Stark contrast to the high
speed chase that opens the film.
01:42:01,466 --> 01:42:02,696
I was reaching on this one.
01:42:02,746 --> 01:42:03,246
I don't know.
01:42:03,566 --> 01:42:05,255
I'm just trying to grasp it.
01:42:05,296 --> 01:42:06,736
What would be a closing image?
01:42:07,406 --> 01:42:08,866
All right, note sign character.
01:42:10,326 --> 01:42:13,556
Chris: Well, the final scene was Sandra
Bullock retaking her driving test.
01:42:14,246 --> 01:42:15,186
Jerome: Oh, yes, you're right
01:42:15,206 --> 01:42:18,626
Chris: and then it fades to black or
goes to black then you hear it crash
01:42:20,496 --> 01:42:22,516
The car crashed because apparently I
01:42:22,516 --> 01:42:25,181
Jerome: think that's a post
credit thing Like they do with
01:42:25,181 --> 01:42:25,621
Chris: Marvel.
01:42:25,630 --> 01:42:27,481
Jerome: No, because I
didn't watch the credits.
01:42:27,781 --> 01:42:30,181
I think it, well, I think
they're showing the ship when
01:42:30,181 --> 01:42:32,171
it says directed by Yann DuBont.
01:42:32,251 --> 01:42:36,071
And they start doing credits, but then
they do that thing where they show her.
01:42:36,380 --> 01:42:37,261
Fail her driving test.
01:42:37,261 --> 01:42:38,171
But as soon as the credits
01:42:38,171 --> 01:42:39,541
Chris: started rolling, I turned it off.
01:42:40,960 --> 01:42:41,781
But it was just funny.
01:42:42,416 --> 01:42:49,696
But that puts the exclamation
point on the chauvinistic bent that
01:42:49,696 --> 01:42:51,556
the writing had for this movie.
01:42:51,986 --> 01:42:52,766
Yeah, she can't drive.
01:42:52,766 --> 01:42:54,966
Because, you know, this
dumb woman can't drive.
01:42:55,026 --> 01:42:55,866
Of course.
01:42:55,876 --> 01:42:57,376
Why would she be able to drive?
01:42:57,876 --> 01:43:00,606
She had to retake her test
after all this trauma.
01:43:00,636 --> 01:43:02,476
And of course, she still can't drive.
01:43:02,476 --> 01:43:03,736
I mean, she's a woman after all.
01:43:03,746 --> 01:43:04,386
Jerome: She's a woman.
01:43:04,386 --> 01:43:05,226
She can't drive.
01:43:05,585 --> 01:43:08,052
And she can't be expected to
do anything during crisis.
01:43:08,052 --> 01:43:08,830
It's so bad,
01:43:08,830 --> 01:43:09,089
Chris: man.
01:43:09,089 --> 01:43:11,436
Jerome: So we write her to
do nothing during crisis.
01:43:11,466 --> 01:43:12,576
Chris: It made me angry.
01:43:12,591 --> 01:43:17,321
I was like, I have three daughters and a
wife and they're all very capable women.
01:43:17,741 --> 01:43:21,331
Jerome: I've got two daughters and a
wife and both of my daughters would
01:43:21,341 --> 01:43:25,291
be far more efficient on this boat
than Sandra Bullock was written to.
01:43:25,300 --> 01:43:27,791
Chris: I mean, I would dare say
my wife's a better driver than me,
01:43:27,791 --> 01:43:29,341
but that might not be saying much.
01:43:31,161 --> 01:43:32,031
Jerome: I've seen you drive.
01:43:34,641 --> 01:43:35,791
So notes on character.
01:43:35,791 --> 01:43:39,671
A major problem with the characters
in this film is the lack of interest.
01:43:40,261 --> 01:43:43,241
We don't care about these people at all.
01:43:44,505 --> 01:43:47,616
I would suspect most audience members
don't care about these people.
01:43:48,056 --> 01:43:50,005
Now, we've talked about
flat arcs in the past.
01:43:50,656 --> 01:43:53,976
You know, where they themselves
don't really change, but the world
01:43:53,976 --> 01:43:58,656
around them does, you know or how
the people, how the world sees them.
01:43:59,085 --> 01:44:02,835
We talked about Paul Schrader's
scripts, like Taxi Driver, Raging
01:44:02,835 --> 01:44:07,606
Bull, Mosquito Coast, Affliction,
Superman is always like this, right?
01:44:07,606 --> 01:44:08,656
Superman's a flat arc.
01:44:08,656 --> 01:44:10,046
Superman doesn't learn lessons.
01:44:10,056 --> 01:44:12,886
He's already perfect and he's
always perfect, but the world
01:44:12,886 --> 01:44:14,126
around him seems to change.
01:44:15,341 --> 01:44:18,171
So, I guess you could argue that
this is some sort of a flat arc?
01:44:18,361 --> 01:44:18,971
01:44:19,521 --> 01:44:21,151
Cause these characters don't arc at all.
01:44:21,550 --> 01:44:22,061
They really don't.
01:44:22,351 --> 01:44:23,931
And they really don't affect
the world around them in any
01:44:23,931 --> 01:44:25,550
spiritual or impactful way either.
01:44:25,831 --> 01:44:27,800
I mean, what lesson does
Annie learn, really?
01:44:27,911 --> 01:44:29,141
What lesson does Annie learn?
01:44:29,641 --> 01:44:31,550
It's clear at the beginning that
she doesn't want to get married.
01:44:32,321 --> 01:44:35,451
And that she fears commitment, as she
hints, with the relationships that
01:44:35,451 --> 01:44:37,130
are born under extreme circumstances.
01:44:37,141 --> 01:44:40,841
Her relationship with Shaw started
before this, so that was not an
01:44:40,841 --> 01:44:42,761
extreme circumstance, as we said.
01:44:43,071 --> 01:44:48,101
And even after the extreme circumstance,
even after this adventure which has
01:44:48,111 --> 01:44:49,931
zero emotional shifts, by the way.
01:44:50,141 --> 01:44:52,951
It's not like one scene she's like,
oh, I love you, and another scene she's
01:44:52,951 --> 01:44:54,911
like, oh, I can't, you're too reckless.
01:44:54,941 --> 01:44:55,391
You know what I mean?
01:44:55,391 --> 01:44:57,581
Like, I, there, there
is no back and forth.
01:44:58,091 --> 01:44:59,911
She doesn't want to get
married the entire time.
01:45:00,071 --> 01:45:02,761
Suddenly at the end, when he pops
the question, she's just like,
01:45:03,221 --> 01:45:04,741
Okay, yeah, let's get married.
01:45:05,800 --> 01:45:07,300
Like, what did you learn?
01:45:07,311 --> 01:45:11,411
Chris: Yeah, right after we had this,
would she say traumatic circumstance?
01:45:11,521 --> 01:45:11,601
01:45:12,121 --> 01:45:14,161
Jerome: we just had the one
thing you hated, now all of a
01:45:14,161 --> 01:45:16,351
sudden you are embracing, right?
01:45:16,871 --> 01:45:17,621
There's no growth.
01:45:18,691 --> 01:45:21,891
Now, at worst, she could just
be like, like you said, PTSD.
01:45:21,931 --> 01:45:23,431
She could be in shock right now.
01:45:23,471 --> 01:45:25,571
So she's saying yes to a
marriage while she's in shock.
01:45:25,800 --> 01:45:28,671
So kind of a dick move on Shaw's
part to propose at that moment.
01:45:28,741 --> 01:45:29,111
01:45:29,161 --> 01:45:31,411
When you know that
she's not of sound mind.
01:45:31,861 --> 01:45:32,171
01:45:32,441 --> 01:45:33,081
But whatever.
01:45:33,141 --> 01:45:33,471
01:45:33,960 --> 01:45:34,261
I don't know.
01:45:34,291 --> 01:45:35,181
She didn't learn anything.
01:45:35,581 --> 01:45:36,591
What about Shaw's arc?
01:45:36,951 --> 01:45:37,941
What lesson does he learn?
01:45:38,441 --> 01:45:41,681
It seems all he wants is to have
the courage to ask her to marry him.
01:45:41,701 --> 01:45:45,611
That's his only seemingly problem
throughout this whole film, is he never
01:45:45,611 --> 01:45:47,791
has the balls to ask her to marry him.
01:45:48,171 --> 01:45:51,671
He keeps chickening out, and then he
whines about it later, and he whines
01:45:51,681 --> 01:45:53,061
about her not wanting to get married.
01:45:53,321 --> 01:45:57,351
He clearly doesn't get the picture,
or thinks that he can change her,
01:45:57,591 --> 01:46:00,441
or mansplain her into marrying him.
01:46:00,681 --> 01:46:01,451
01:46:01,550 --> 01:46:04,081
Because really, all he really
does is wear her down by the end.
01:46:05,641 --> 01:46:08,811
So again, another sort of
male chauvinist thing like she
01:46:08,811 --> 01:46:09,800
doesn't want to get married.
01:46:09,981 --> 01:46:13,151
I'll just keep pushing until
she does, you know, or whatever.
01:46:13,151 --> 01:46:13,491
I don't know.
01:46:13,880 --> 01:46:17,831
The life threatening journey is over and
he pops the question and she says yes.
01:46:18,421 --> 01:46:19,591
All, that's what I put here.
01:46:19,591 --> 01:46:20,710
All he had to do was wear her down.
01:46:20,781 --> 01:46:21,721
That's his spiritual goal.
01:46:22,841 --> 01:46:25,405
If we were to rewrite this,
it could have been fixed.
01:46:25,405 --> 01:46:26,625
Are you ready for this?
01:46:26,625 --> 01:46:26,869
01:46:26,869 --> 01:46:30,041
I'm going to blow your mind
how we could have made Speed 2.
01:46:34,281 --> 01:46:35,901
What if Shaw wasn't a cop?
01:46:36,611 --> 01:46:40,581
What if, in fact, he was
like a meek computer nerd?
01:46:41,471 --> 01:46:41,901
01:46:42,731 --> 01:46:46,591
And he's unsure about marriage
because he's so boring.
01:46:46,971 --> 01:46:50,281
Her previous relationship
was Jack Traven, right?
01:46:50,331 --> 01:46:52,571
Super cop from the first Speed movie.
01:46:52,571 --> 01:46:53,341
It's too bad he died
01:46:53,341 --> 01:46:54,251
Chris: in the line of duty.
01:46:56,371 --> 01:46:58,550
I'm just saying, I'm just
saying that's fucking dark.
01:46:58,601 --> 01:47:01,121
Oh, I'm just saying they could
have wrote that into the story.
01:47:01,130 --> 01:47:02,531
That's why she's not with them anymore.
01:47:02,541 --> 01:47:02,880
Jerome: Right.
01:47:02,901 --> 01:47:05,071
So he, I was like, Jesus,
where did that come from?
01:47:05,111 --> 01:47:05,691
So, okay.
01:47:05,931 --> 01:47:07,351
So yeah, let's say he died.
01:47:07,696 --> 01:47:13,226
Or whatever, and, and now, she's stuck
with this boring dude, and he's so, it's
01:47:13,516 --> 01:47:16,536
kind of like True Lies, right, where
Jamie Lee Curtis thinks she's married to
01:47:16,536 --> 01:47:21,136
a nerdy computer guy and she doesn't want
to marry him because of that, she wants
01:47:21,136 --> 01:47:25,486
adventure in her life, and then they go
on this cruise, and a bad guy has taken
01:47:25,486 --> 01:47:30,226
over, and they know it's a bad guy from
early on, not, you know, an hour into
01:47:30,226 --> 01:47:34,496
the movie, But they know their lives
are in danger, and he saves them all.
01:47:35,316 --> 01:47:40,276
And then that is her spiritual,
I, I'm, you know, well,
01:47:40,316 --> 01:47:41,856
actually it's his spiritual arc.
01:47:41,966 --> 01:47:45,476
He has overcome his nerdy
shyness and become a fucking
01:47:45,486 --> 01:47:46,026
Chris: hero.
01:47:46,036 --> 01:47:49,726
That would have been superior to
this movie, especially if they would
01:47:49,726 --> 01:47:51,886
have rewrote her, her character.
01:47:52,425 --> 01:47:54,236
And actually gave her something to do.
01:47:54,246 --> 01:47:55,786
Jerome: She would need an arc too.
01:47:55,856 --> 01:47:56,206
Chris: Yeah.
01:47:56,286 --> 01:47:56,636
Jerome: Right?
01:47:56,656 --> 01:48:00,456
So, not just that she's with a boring
guy and she wishes he was exciting,
01:48:00,706 --> 01:48:03,585
but what if, You know, I don't know.
01:48:03,585 --> 01:48:09,396
She needs to arc somehow, you know,
maybe she loves the exciting cop idea
01:48:09,456 --> 01:48:13,316
because she herself is boring and she
doesn't want to be with a boring person.
01:48:13,516 --> 01:48:17,835
So on this journey of this extreme
circumstance, not only does Shaw
01:48:17,886 --> 01:48:22,436
man up and become a man and save
the hostages, she mans up and maybe
01:48:22,436 --> 01:48:26,111
she fights the villain in the end
and Kills them or whatever and
01:48:26,111 --> 01:48:28,161
that's her like I'm not boring.
01:48:28,171 --> 01:48:29,891
I can be you know what I mean?
01:48:29,891 --> 01:48:32,641
I can Do something in this movie.
01:48:32,651 --> 01:48:35,451
Well, it's funny because she did
she had more of a role in the
01:48:35,451 --> 01:48:36,471
Chris: first movie
01:48:36,601 --> 01:48:38,411
She was way more instrumental, right?
01:48:39,011 --> 01:48:39,311
01:48:39,321 --> 01:48:42,741
Chris: because I mean she was being
fed information about what to do,
01:48:43,021 --> 01:48:45,351
but still she had to do it Yeah,
01:48:45,431 --> 01:48:45,761
Jerome: you know,
01:48:45,771 --> 01:48:46,460
Chris: absolutely.
01:48:47,011 --> 01:48:48,591
Jerome: And she had the balls to do it!
01:48:48,781 --> 01:48:51,601
She was way stronger in the first
movie than she was in the second movie.
01:48:52,491 --> 01:48:55,210
Alright, so if we move to
Geiger's motivation he developed
01:48:55,210 --> 01:48:58,471
an illness, he needs leeches
because of his copper poisoning.
01:48:58,971 --> 01:49:02,351
Also like I said, it's basically a rip off
of the villain in the first movie, right?
01:49:02,401 --> 01:49:04,960
Dennis Hopper was a disgruntled
former cop, lost his thumb.
01:49:05,571 --> 01:49:07,321
So they kind of do the same
thing with the foe here.
01:49:07,411 --> 01:49:08,241
Problems with the script.
01:49:08,671 --> 01:49:09,941
So Mac returns.
01:49:10,621 --> 01:49:14,811
Joel Morton, by the way,
who's in T2, as Miles Dyson.
01:49:15,021 --> 01:49:15,321
01:49:15,561 --> 01:49:16,471
But here's the weird part.
01:49:17,031 --> 01:49:21,661
It appears that Shaw only knows
who Jack is through Annie.
01:49:22,361 --> 01:49:23,981
But they have the same boss.
01:49:25,541 --> 01:49:26,501
Like, right?
01:49:27,380 --> 01:49:27,701
01:49:28,171 --> 01:49:29,901
There's no other mention of Jack.
01:49:31,191 --> 01:49:32,431
I don't know, it just seems weird.
01:49:32,441 --> 01:49:37,001
And if they did know each other, then
Annie's kind of a cop slut, right?
01:49:37,561 --> 01:49:38,831
Like, jumps from cop to cop.
01:49:38,971 --> 01:49:41,050
Like, this would be a buddy of his.
01:49:41,081 --> 01:49:42,811
Cops are like a brotherhood, right?
01:49:43,421 --> 01:49:45,710
You don't jump from
one cop to another cop.
01:49:45,831 --> 01:49:46,641
That's not cool.
01:49:46,771 --> 01:49:47,401
Some do.
01:49:47,401 --> 01:49:49,630
I guess.
01:49:50,096 --> 01:49:50,546
I don't know.
01:49:50,916 --> 01:49:52,476
I thought that was weak for Annie.
01:49:52,526 --> 01:49:55,335
Again, we're already talking about
how bad the script is for Annie.
01:49:55,396 --> 01:49:55,596
01:49:55,626 --> 01:49:59,056
How they write her as such a shitty
person that now, because they didn't
01:49:59,056 --> 01:50:02,496
get Keanu, we'll just write another cop
and we'll just have her be with him.
01:50:03,675 --> 01:50:05,696
Which would be fine, but they use Mac.
01:50:06,380 --> 01:50:07,791
So he's the boss.
01:50:08,300 --> 01:50:08,661
I don't know.
01:50:08,661 --> 01:50:09,491
It just seemed odd to me.
01:50:09,491 --> 01:50:10,761
It was like, how do they
not know each other?
01:50:10,761 --> 01:50:12,241
How are they not friends then, right?
01:50:12,550 --> 01:50:12,841
01:50:13,101 --> 01:50:13,451
Chris: yeah.
01:50:13,981 --> 01:50:15,191
Jerome: Is that how Annie met?
01:50:15,931 --> 01:50:16,710
Through Jack.
01:50:17,251 --> 01:50:21,111
I mean, I might have to, I'd have
to suffer watching this again to go
01:50:21,111 --> 01:50:23,671
through and see if there was a line
of dialogue or something I missed
01:50:23,671 --> 01:50:25,701
that maybe she met Shaw through Jack?
01:50:25,731 --> 01:50:26,261
I don't know.
01:50:26,281 --> 01:50:26,991
I don't think so.
01:50:27,261 --> 01:50:27,891
Chris: Yeah, it's funny.
01:50:27,921 --> 01:50:29,761
IMDB says he's uncredited.
01:50:30,591 --> 01:50:31,171
Jerome: Yeah, so he's
01:50:32,581 --> 01:50:33,630
He didn't want his name on it.
01:50:34,621 --> 01:50:35,391
Chris: That's crazy.
01:50:36,931 --> 01:50:37,541
Jerome: Okay.
01:50:38,050 --> 01:50:38,441
01:50:38,451 --> 01:50:41,391
So, like I said, this movie
is loaded with coincidence.
01:50:41,981 --> 01:50:44,710
The Shaw cop scene at the
beginning with Annie's driving
01:50:44,751 --> 01:50:46,050
intersecting and all that stuff.
01:50:46,061 --> 01:50:48,161
All the times they bump into
Geiger, blah, blah, blah.
01:50:48,721 --> 01:50:51,151
There seems to be no consequence
for getting off the boat.
01:50:51,171 --> 01:50:53,661
The villain even tells Giuliano
to get the passengers off.
01:50:53,661 --> 01:50:54,471
We talked about that.
01:50:54,991 --> 01:50:56,761
If that's the case, there's no stakes.
01:50:56,811 --> 01:50:57,751
There's no tensions.
01:50:57,791 --> 01:51:00,321
Protagonists can leave whenever they want.
01:51:00,321 --> 01:51:01,181
There's no urgency.
01:51:01,811 --> 01:51:04,651
When problems do arise,
nobody calls for help.
01:51:05,371 --> 01:51:09,901
I think Geiger says something later
that he scrambled communications,
01:51:10,091 --> 01:51:11,630
but he doesn't say it until later.
01:51:11,861 --> 01:51:13,261
Like, how do we as an audience know?
01:51:13,441 --> 01:51:15,501
Like, when this shit's starting to
go on, you're thinking, why isn't
01:51:15,501 --> 01:51:17,761
the captain or Giuliano or anybody?
01:51:18,186 --> 01:51:18,996
Call the police.
01:51:19,036 --> 01:51:20,376
Why is nobody calling for help?
01:51:21,076 --> 01:51:21,716
You know what I mean?
01:51:22,085 --> 01:51:23,246
It just seems weird.
01:51:23,316 --> 01:51:26,476
Annie's driving test failure at the
beginning is a setup with no payoff.
01:51:26,476 --> 01:51:27,335
We talked about that.
01:51:27,626 --> 01:51:30,786
She doesn't steer the boat
later when it's like necessary.
01:51:31,175 --> 01:51:34,146
You know, all that would have been a
good setup and payoff doesn't happen.
01:51:34,616 --> 01:51:37,996
Annie has virtually no
jobs to do in this movie.
01:51:38,496 --> 01:51:41,766
Which again is so astounding being
that she's the above the title lead.
01:51:42,451 --> 01:51:42,710
01:51:42,731 --> 01:51:45,571
The star from the first movie,
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
01:51:46,521 --> 01:51:47,721
Where she had a lot to do.
01:51:48,451 --> 01:51:50,001
Yeah, Shaw, yeah.
01:51:50,221 --> 01:51:52,971
Shaw and Giuliano at one point
have to have this idea that
01:51:52,971 --> 01:51:53,911
they want to flood the ship.
01:51:54,300 --> 01:51:58,491
Of course, Geiger has disabled the
ship and only he has control of things.
01:51:59,231 --> 01:52:02,630
Like the T2 thing, how can they
turn the keys or use the elevator
01:52:02,630 --> 01:52:04,151
if the building's on lockdown?
01:52:04,741 --> 01:52:07,050
Geiger supposedly has
complete control of the ship.
01:52:08,011 --> 01:52:08,821
How are they gonna flood it?
01:52:10,021 --> 01:52:12,911
They go and they're like, oh,
we'll set these one gauges
01:52:12,911 --> 01:52:13,941
and we'll do this one thing.
01:52:14,181 --> 01:52:15,251
How can you do any of that?
01:52:16,356 --> 01:52:19,786
I mean, outside of puncturing a
hole in the bottom of the boat,
01:52:20,255 --> 01:52:21,326
how are you gonna flood the ship?
01:52:21,886 --> 01:52:22,196
I don't know.
01:52:22,356 --> 01:52:25,956
Anyway the morning after all this shit
hits the fan, like the first half of the
01:52:25,956 --> 01:52:29,386
movie's at night time, and then like,
all of a sudden it's daytime, right?
01:52:29,406 --> 01:52:30,696
Like, it's like the next morning.
01:52:30,936 --> 01:52:31,335
Mm hmm.
01:52:31,626 --> 01:52:33,076
Geiger is is shown.
01:52:33,085 --> 01:52:35,766
He's sort of mulling around
the boat with no purpose.
01:52:36,576 --> 01:52:37,476
Like, all night.
01:52:38,841 --> 01:52:39,941
He wasn't doing anything.
01:52:40,050 --> 01:52:42,011
Maybe he's getting the leeches
for sucking him, I don't know.
01:52:42,501 --> 01:52:43,251
He wasn't doing anything.
01:52:43,800 --> 01:52:46,081
Again, Shaw can hear direction
when he's underwater.
01:52:46,691 --> 01:52:48,581
Finally, the ending Which is my problem.
01:52:48,581 --> 01:52:50,771
How does that little plane
hitting an antenna cause an
01:52:50,771 --> 01:52:51,941
entire freighter to explode?
01:52:52,141 --> 01:52:53,661
So we talked about a lot of these.
01:52:54,241 --> 01:52:56,371
These are obviously major issues.
01:52:56,451 --> 01:52:57,791
This is why the movie sucks.
01:52:57,851 --> 01:52:59,691
But, the movie sucks!
01:52:59,951 --> 01:53:01,661
Even if it was a standalone film.
01:53:01,861 --> 01:53:05,210
Even if they had just called this movie
Cruise Control and didn't call it Speed 2.
01:53:05,831 --> 01:53:06,701
The movie sucks.
01:53:07,151 --> 01:53:09,861
But, let's get to why we're here today.
01:53:10,311 --> 01:53:12,701
We've spent enough time dicking around.
01:53:12,941 --> 01:53:14,041
Let's get to it.
01:53:14,311 --> 01:53:16,081
What makes a good sequel?
01:53:16,571 --> 01:53:22,921
I introduce to you my friend,
Jerome's Sequel Gauntlet.
01:53:23,210 --> 01:53:28,601
I have come up with five points of
criteria that will make a good sequel.
01:53:29,721 --> 01:53:35,351
Number one, the protagonists from the
first film must return with the same or
01:53:35,361 --> 01:53:37,671
bigger stakes the second time around.
01:53:38,371 --> 01:53:44,800
Die Hard 2, Lethal Weapon 2, Godfather 2,
Empire Strikes Back, Aliens, Superman 2,
01:53:44,921 --> 01:53:51,341
Rocky 2, Star Trek 2, The Wrath of Khan,
among others, all check off this box.
01:53:51,721 --> 01:53:52,471
01:53:52,561 --> 01:53:56,351
Absolutely, the future of the world
depends on our hero's success.
01:53:56,861 --> 01:53:57,731
Speed 2?
01:54:01,071 --> 01:54:03,701
The protagonist, Keanu,
doesn't even return.
01:54:03,791 --> 01:54:04,901
He's not even in the sequel.
01:54:05,181 --> 01:54:06,991
So, how can his stakes be even bigger?
01:54:08,321 --> 01:54:12,800
Number two, the villain must be
deadlier than the first, or at least
01:54:12,800 --> 01:54:17,661
have the same strong motivation
for tormenting the protagonist.
01:54:17,981 --> 01:54:22,300
Die Hard 3, actually, I think is
better, is a better sequel to Die Hard
01:54:22,321 --> 01:54:26,441
2, because the villain in Die Hard
3 directly links to the first movie.
01:54:27,221 --> 01:54:30,281
Lethal Weapon 2, because
the premise is better.
01:54:30,616 --> 01:54:33,156
How do you arrest a criminal
who has diplomatic immunity?
01:54:33,576 --> 01:54:36,946
Godfather 2, despite the usual
adversaries, Michael has a
01:54:36,946 --> 01:54:38,536
traitor in his own family.
01:54:39,066 --> 01:54:42,476
Empire Strikes Back, Vader
has special news for Luke.
01:54:43,376 --> 01:54:46,546
Aliens, why fight one when
you can fight a thousand?
01:54:47,376 --> 01:54:49,046
Superman 2, Lex Luthor?
01:54:49,335 --> 01:54:50,976
How about three supervillains?
01:54:51,210 --> 01:54:51,521
01:54:51,581 --> 01:54:53,651
That all have the same powers he has.
01:54:54,061 --> 01:54:54,781
Rocky 2?
01:54:55,241 --> 01:54:59,481
Pissed off Apollo isn't taking this fight
lightly like he did in the first one.
01:54:59,591 --> 01:55:01,331
He's super training for it.
01:55:01,901 --> 01:55:02,831
Wrath of Khan?
01:55:02,981 --> 01:55:07,671
Possibly the most dangerous threat
of any of the Star Trek episodes.
01:55:08,071 --> 01:55:11,981
This guy comes back and he has
superior intellect and strength.
01:55:14,841 --> 01:55:15,501
What did I leave off?
01:55:15,571 --> 01:55:17,761
Oh, they all do this very well.
01:55:17,811 --> 01:55:20,161
They all check off these
boxes and so does T2.
01:55:20,891 --> 01:55:25,141
The T:upgrade over the T800, right?
01:55:25,151 --> 01:55:25,471
01:55:25,791 --> 01:55:26,710
Speed too?
01:55:27,886 --> 01:55:28,076
01:55:29,816 --> 01:55:34,496
The villain who seemingly gets crazier
as the movie goes on really just
01:55:34,496 --> 01:55:39,486
wants to destroy the ship He doesn't
care if the people get on or get off.
01:55:39,835 --> 01:55:40,755
There's no stakes.
01:55:40,755 --> 01:55:41,456
No urgency.
01:55:41,456 --> 01:55:46,996
No danger No connection to the first
movie villain and as a sickly dying man
01:55:47,326 --> 01:55:49,286
Doesn't really pose much of a threat.
01:55:49,696 --> 01:55:57,425
He can't even fly his own getaway plane
with any accuracy Number three the
01:55:57,466 --> 01:56:04,216
sequel is a natural progression of the
original story Basically, is it needed?
01:56:05,316 --> 01:56:10,856
James Bond, Harry Potter, Star Wars,
Star Trek, and overall cop movies
01:56:10,856 --> 01:56:14,946
like Die Hard and Lethal Weapon can
continue to have added sequels in
01:56:14,946 --> 01:56:19,226
the franchise because they're simply
new adventures for the heroes, right?
01:56:19,696 --> 01:56:24,341
Having said that, Empire Strikes Back
Wrath of Khan and Die Hard 3 directly
01:56:24,351 --> 01:56:29,831
link the villain already introduced in
prior films, Harry Potter as well, and
01:56:29,831 --> 01:56:31,841
it is a natural progression to continue.
01:56:31,951 --> 01:56:33,001
Same with Lord of the Rings.
01:56:33,541 --> 01:56:37,221
As does Rocky, where villain
Apollo insists on a rematch.
01:56:37,441 --> 01:56:41,891
Godfather 2, Superman 2, and Aliens
certainly spark the what happens
01:56:41,891 --> 01:56:43,751
next thoughts after the first movie.
01:56:44,146 --> 01:56:47,326
actually provide even more texture
than the first film, right?
01:56:47,596 --> 01:56:52,596
In T2, the arm and microchip left
behind from the first film led to what
01:56:52,606 --> 01:56:54,306
happens in the second movie, right?
01:56:55,005 --> 01:56:55,626
Speed 2?
01:56:58,036 --> 01:57:02,156
Even if you wanted to argue Shaw is a
cop, so this is simply another adventure
01:57:02,156 --> 01:57:05,876
that happens to him, like John McClane
in Die Hard 2, here's the problem.
01:57:05,916 --> 01:57:07,716
Shaw's not the protagonist
of the first film.
01:57:08,226 --> 01:57:12,166
He's an add on in the second film,
with no progression, no connective
01:57:12,166 --> 01:57:16,286
tissue to the first film, and he is
no cop, so this just happening to
01:57:16,286 --> 01:57:18,925
her, again, is straight coincidence.
01:57:19,931 --> 01:57:23,021
With no credibility at all.
01:57:23,701 --> 01:57:24,541
Number four.
01:57:24,871 --> 01:57:29,651
The climax must trump the first
movie's climax and leave the audience
01:57:29,741 --> 01:57:33,630
gasping with either delight or sadness.
01:57:34,851 --> 01:57:38,741
The climaxes of both Die Hard 2
and Lethal Weapon 2 are on par with
01:57:38,741 --> 01:57:40,460
each other and their first films.
01:57:40,491 --> 01:57:42,331
Again, cop franchises.
01:57:42,831 --> 01:57:43,771
This is bound to happen.
01:57:43,880 --> 01:57:46,771
The likability of the
leads only gets stronger.
01:57:47,491 --> 01:57:51,311
Empire Strikes Back, Godfather
Part 2, and Wrath of Khan
01:57:51,321 --> 01:57:53,460
have all bittersweet endings.
01:57:53,781 --> 01:57:57,800
Sad endings, where despite the
heroes surviving, someone close to
01:57:57,800 --> 01:58:03,491
them has died, frozen in carbonite,
or betrayed a family member.
01:58:04,121 --> 01:58:07,081
Aliens, Rocky 2, Superman 2, and T2.
01:58:07,421 --> 01:58:12,071
Have far greater climactic cinematic
appeal than their predecessors.
01:58:13,061 --> 01:58:13,571
Speed 2?
01:58:16,021 --> 01:58:19,861
Despite the gratuitous eye candy of
an oil tanker explosion and watching a
01:58:19,861 --> 01:58:24,901
cruise ship crash into land, there's no
victorious ending that leads audiences
01:58:25,130 --> 01:58:26,811
to want to like leap to their feet.
01:58:26,861 --> 01:58:28,981
Like Keanu in Speed 1, right?
01:58:29,531 --> 01:58:31,981
Keanu wins the subway scene, right?
01:58:31,981 --> 01:58:33,960
Once they're off the
bus and in the subway.
01:58:34,441 --> 01:58:37,971
Shaw and Annie just sort of fall
out of danger in the sequel.
01:58:38,121 --> 01:58:39,880
There's not much of a victory there.
01:58:39,880 --> 01:58:42,306
They just sort of Fall into safety.
01:58:42,956 --> 01:58:44,236
They don't defeat Giger.
01:58:44,326 --> 01:58:46,436
He defeats himself with stupidity.
01:58:48,186 --> 01:58:50,916
Fifth and final element of the sequel.
01:58:51,425 --> 01:58:52,686
Jerome's sequel gauntlet.
01:58:53,906 --> 01:58:57,936
Is there a strong spiritual
goal arc for the protagonist?
01:58:58,646 --> 01:59:02,216
We already discussed in the Fargo
episode the concept of the flat arc.
01:59:02,226 --> 01:59:03,786
You see a lot in cop movies.
01:59:04,076 --> 01:59:05,826
Where the cop doesn't change much.
01:59:06,106 --> 01:59:08,675
They're kind of the same person at
the end as they are at the beginning.
01:59:08,956 --> 01:59:10,406
Superman is like this.
01:59:10,835 --> 01:59:11,776
They all get a pass.
01:59:12,585 --> 01:59:13,886
Let's take a look at a few other of those.
01:59:14,436 --> 01:59:15,056
A few others.
01:59:15,056 --> 01:59:15,505
Are you ready?
01:59:16,126 --> 01:59:17,396
Ripley in Aliens.
01:59:17,886 --> 01:59:21,936
Mistrust of people, particularly
androids, due to the first movie.
01:59:22,166 --> 01:59:26,085
Learns to trust Bishop and fulfill
the missing piece of her life.
01:59:26,266 --> 01:59:27,335
A daughter figure.
01:59:27,835 --> 01:59:29,436
Michael Corleone in The Godfather Part 2.
01:59:29,436 --> 01:59:30,996
Theme of control.
01:59:31,156 --> 01:59:35,516
Learns that not only can he not control
others, but that the closest people to
01:59:35,516 --> 01:59:41,466
him, his wife, Kay, and brother, Fredo,
are the ones that do him the most damage.
01:59:41,976 --> 01:59:43,835
Captain James Kirk in Wrath of Khan.
01:59:44,166 --> 01:59:48,356
How we deal with death is a As
important as how we deal with life.
01:59:48,675 --> 01:59:51,466
Kirk is a cheater of
death and always has been.
01:59:52,166 --> 01:59:56,175
He only has to deal with what
real loss is by the second.
01:59:57,606 --> 01:59:58,936
Rocky Balboa in Rocky II.
01:59:58,956 --> 02:00:01,656
He earned his respect in the
first movie, now it's about making
02:00:01,656 --> 02:00:03,946
a career of the shot he had.
02:00:04,196 --> 02:00:05,376
Commercials didn't work.
02:00:05,556 --> 02:00:07,186
Hard labor jobs didn't work.
02:00:07,186 --> 02:00:08,306
He kept getting fired.
02:00:08,496 --> 02:00:12,316
Now he has a wife and a baby on the
way that he has to provide for his
02:00:12,316 --> 02:00:18,276
spiritual goal is self sacrifice
for others, not for himself, which
02:00:18,276 --> 02:00:19,876
was what the first movie's goal was.
02:00:20,496 --> 02:00:21,156
02:00:21,406 --> 02:00:23,206
We discussed John's arc already, right?
02:00:23,496 --> 02:00:29,176
The duty accepting duty versus
ignoring duty speed to we discussed.
02:00:30,261 --> 02:00:33,201
All of how there is no arc, right?
02:00:33,221 --> 02:00:35,571
It's a complete lack of a spiritual goal.
02:00:36,921 --> 02:00:37,481
So that's it.
02:00:37,481 --> 02:00:38,171
Those are the five.
02:00:38,621 --> 02:00:42,761
The next time you freely admit to
loving a sequel, whether it's back
02:00:42,761 --> 02:00:49,111
to the future too, or gremlins too,
or even cannonball run too, run it
02:00:49,111 --> 02:00:53,871
through Jerome's sequel gauntlet and
see if it comes out the other side.
02:00:53,941 --> 02:00:55,221
See if it passed the test.
02:00:55,926 --> 02:00:58,966
And you'll be able to see why you
like it so much, or why you don't,
02:00:58,976 --> 02:01:00,536
why you think some movies suck.
02:01:01,936 --> 02:01:06,136
I challenge you, take any Poltergeist or
Jaws sequel, and run it through Jerome's
02:01:06,136 --> 02:01:08,166
sequel gauntlet, and they will fail.
02:01:08,656 --> 02:01:09,696
Almost all of them.
02:01:10,246 --> 02:01:12,956
Also, have you ever noticed, this is a
side point, have you ever noticed that,
02:01:13,036 --> 02:01:19,086
like, the first two movies of a saga
are usually the best, and the third one
02:01:19,336 --> 02:01:20,956
sometimes leaves a lot to be desired?
02:01:21,146 --> 02:01:21,516
Mm hmm.
02:01:22,151 --> 02:01:25,961
Like, there's a lot of people that think
that Godfather 3 sucks, and that Return of
02:01:25,971 --> 02:01:28,021
the Jedi is not on par with the first two.
02:01:28,491 --> 02:01:31,491
Superman 3 is far worse than
the first two Supermans.
02:01:31,511 --> 02:01:32,011
You know what I mean?
02:01:33,081 --> 02:01:34,081
I just thought that was odd.
02:01:34,181 --> 02:01:34,541
02:01:35,041 --> 02:01:36,501
Indiana Jones is another example.
02:01:36,761 --> 02:01:38,561
Indiana Jones and the Temple of
Doom, and of course Raiders of
02:01:38,561 --> 02:01:41,581
the Lost Ark, those are the two
best movies in that whole saga.
02:01:41,781 --> 02:01:42,011
Chris: Yeah.
02:01:43,941 --> 02:01:44,241
Jerome: Okay,
02:01:44,521 --> 02:01:44,951
Chris: what do you
02:01:44,951 --> 02:01:45,201
Jerome: got?
02:01:45,211 --> 02:01:46,951
Chris: Same with Alien and Aliens.
02:01:47,051 --> 02:01:48,381
Jerome: Alien and Aliens, right?
02:01:48,401 --> 02:01:51,361
They kept making movies after that,
and they're nowhere near as good.
02:01:51,371 --> 02:01:51,701
02:01:52,451 --> 02:01:55,991
You know, Star Wars and Empire Strikes
Back, a lot of people, not just Return
02:01:55,991 --> 02:02:00,311
of the Jedi, a lot of people think
every movie after Empire has failed
02:02:00,321 --> 02:02:02,001
to live up to those first two movies.
02:02:02,031 --> 02:02:02,311
02:02:02,421 --> 02:02:04,091
Chris: I mean, I liked
Return of the Jedi, but
02:02:04,411 --> 02:02:07,361
Jerome: I did too, and it's a perfect
See, here's my argument with Return of the
02:02:07,361 --> 02:02:09,301
Jedi and Godfather 3, they're both needed.
02:02:09,781 --> 02:02:10,091
02:02:10,131 --> 02:02:11,511
You might not like them as much.
02:02:12,191 --> 02:02:13,231
They're essential.
02:02:13,231 --> 02:02:13,841
02:02:13,841 --> 02:02:15,331
The character needs closure.
02:02:15,521 --> 02:02:16,681
And that's essential.
02:02:17,151 --> 02:02:19,901
Alright, so anything you got to add?
02:02:20,021 --> 02:02:22,381
What do you think of
Jerome's sequel gauntlet?
02:02:22,491 --> 02:02:23,101
Chris: I like it.
02:02:23,241 --> 02:02:23,651
I like it.
02:02:23,651 --> 02:02:25,511
I wish it didn't take
two hours to get to it.
02:02:28,591 --> 02:02:31,361
Jerome: Well, I could have
led with it, but then our show
02:02:31,361 --> 02:02:32,431
would be ten minutes long.
02:02:32,431 --> 02:02:34,413
Chris: No, it was fun though.
02:02:34,413 --> 02:02:35,601
Because, you know.
02:02:36,991 --> 02:02:37,981
Well, that's what we're here for, right?
02:02:37,991 --> 02:02:38,891
Yeah, it was fun doing it.
02:02:38,891 --> 02:02:39,601
It was fun.
02:02:39,611 --> 02:02:43,371
And uh, you know, if you're an
aspiring screenwriter, and maybe,
02:02:43,441 --> 02:02:46,121
you know, you might have an
opportunity to work on a sequel.
02:02:47,291 --> 02:02:48,671
You gotta consider these things.
02:02:49,101 --> 02:02:50,501
Use Jerome's sequel gauntlet.
02:02:50,501 --> 02:02:51,731
There you go.
02:02:51,731 --> 02:02:52,031
There you go.
02:02:54,671 --> 02:02:55,841
Alright, 6 Degrees, what do you
02:02:55,841 --> 02:02:56,391
Jerome: got for me?
02:02:56,511 --> 02:03:01,511
Chris: Alright I was going to choose
the the little girl in Speed 2.
02:03:03,596 --> 02:03:04,436
Oh, the deaf girl?
02:03:04,466 --> 02:03:05,166
The deaf girl.
02:03:05,526 --> 02:03:07,606
But she, this was the
only movie she was in.
02:03:08,356 --> 02:03:08,566
02:03:08,806 --> 02:03:10,786
She was in this and X Files.
02:03:11,376 --> 02:03:13,026
And shows, TV shows.
02:03:13,036 --> 02:03:13,976
That makes it difficult.
02:03:14,196 --> 02:03:15,696
Yeah, so I went with someone else.
02:03:15,696 --> 02:03:17,796
So I chose, the two actors I chose.
02:03:17,796 --> 02:03:19,176
Cheryl Wait,
02:03:19,236 --> 02:03:19,706
Jerome: wait, wait.
02:03:19,736 --> 02:03:24,491
Before anyone asks, the reason why
that makes it difficult We don't use
02:03:24,491 --> 02:03:26,971
the movies that we talk about today.
02:03:27,061 --> 02:03:27,411
02:03:27,601 --> 02:03:30,991
So they have to at least be in
something else for us to do this.
02:03:30,991 --> 02:03:32,761
We, we challenge ourselves that way.
02:03:32,811 --> 02:03:33,331
Alright, go ahead.
02:03:33,411 --> 02:03:36,251
Chris: And I, and we have done that
before where you had to use the movie.
02:03:36,481 --> 02:03:36,791
I had to.
02:03:36,791 --> 02:03:38,341
But I just wanted to go
with two different ones.
02:03:38,671 --> 02:03:42,731
So I went with, and both these,
actors they do a lot of like action.
02:03:43,571 --> 02:03:44,551
I shouldn't say a lot.
02:03:44,921 --> 02:03:45,941
Some of them didn't do many.
02:03:46,241 --> 02:03:50,711
A couple of these actors, I think the
first one, she's only done, maybe a dozen.
02:03:50,711 --> 02:03:51,201
02:03:51,491 --> 02:03:52,301
Oh, was it four?
02:03:52,631 --> 02:03:56,601
Jerome: Four film titles
and like 66 stunt titles.
02:03:56,611 --> 02:03:58,251
Like, she's a stunt, she's a stunt person.
02:03:58,381 --> 02:03:58,811
Chris: Right.
02:03:59,181 --> 02:04:01,831
But anyway, so Cheryl Bermeo?
02:04:01,846 --> 02:04:02,466
02:04:02,466 --> 02:04:03,366
02:04:03,366 --> 02:04:03,606
02:04:03,816 --> 02:04:04,276
She was one of
02:04:04,276 --> 02:04:06,076
Jerome: the pe What was her
character name in Speed 2?
02:04:06,316 --> 02:04:07,486
Chris: Passenger 2.
02:04:07,486 --> 02:04:09,156
Or something like that.
02:04:09,156 --> 02:04:09,426
02:04:09,636 --> 02:04:10,546
Passenger 2.
02:04:10,986 --> 02:04:12,706
And Terrence Evans.
02:04:13,536 --> 02:04:14,696
Jerome: Yeah, he was in T2.
02:04:14,981 --> 02:04:17,711
Chris: Yes, and he was the
semi truck driver, one of them.
02:04:17,761 --> 02:04:17,891
He was
02:04:17,891 --> 02:04:19,841
Jerome: the semi truck driver, okay.
02:04:20,291 --> 02:04:22,441
Chris: I think he was the tanker
driver, if I remember correctly.
02:04:22,491 --> 02:04:22,941
I could be wrong.
02:04:22,961 --> 02:04:23,251
02:04:23,321 --> 02:04:23,851
Jerome: which one?
02:04:24,541 --> 02:04:28,381
Well, it seems like every truck
driver gets thrown from the truck.
02:04:28,851 --> 02:04:29,941
Yeah, so it didn't matter.
02:04:30,091 --> 02:04:31,221
So he's one of those guys.
02:04:31,281 --> 02:04:31,611
02:04:32,121 --> 02:04:36,131
So, When you first texted me, I
was like, my god, we're now doing
02:04:36,131 --> 02:04:39,781
stunt people, like, this is where
we've gotten in our challenges.
02:04:40,001 --> 02:04:40,341
Well, it's,
02:04:40,781 --> 02:04:45,821
Chris: so the point is to try to
see if we can't connect to actors
02:04:45,821 --> 02:04:46,941
that were on the big screen.
02:04:47,416 --> 02:04:47,686
02:04:47,696 --> 02:04:48,866
Within six degrees.
02:04:49,036 --> 02:04:51,616
Jerome: So, for anyone else that
knows, like, of course, this isn't
02:04:51,616 --> 02:04:53,966
Stumped Jerome, we actually just
want to know if it can be done.
02:04:54,346 --> 02:04:57,026
The closest we got to being
stumped is when we did those
02:04:57,046 --> 02:04:58,636
two foreign language films.
02:04:58,646 --> 02:04:59,086
02:04:59,136 --> 02:05:03,266
Because we found that European
actors and actresses it, it was
02:05:03,276 --> 02:05:05,546
harder to find connective pieces.
02:05:06,096 --> 02:05:06,856
So, okay.
02:05:07,386 --> 02:05:12,376
Cheryl Bermeo was in a:movie called The Convent.
02:05:13,596 --> 02:05:15,466
With Adrienne Barbeau.
02:05:15,566 --> 02:05:16,236
Remember her?
02:05:16,666 --> 02:05:17,026
Chris: No.
02:05:17,876 --> 02:05:18,526
Jerome: Yeah, you do.
02:05:18,576 --> 02:05:20,136
She was in Back to School with Rodney.
02:05:20,136 --> 02:05:21,546
She was Rodney Dangerfield's wife.
02:05:21,596 --> 02:05:22,136
Oh, okay.
02:05:22,146 --> 02:05:22,776
Getting him back to school.
02:05:23,436 --> 02:05:24,526
She was in Swamp Thing.
02:05:24,526 --> 02:05:25,810
Remember that great
80s movie, Swamp Thing?
02:05:25,810 --> 02:05:26,206
Oh, yeah.
02:05:26,206 --> 02:05:27,066
I loved Swamp
02:05:27,066 --> 02:05:27,436
Chris: Thing.
02:05:27,456 --> 02:05:28,696
Yeah, I loved Adrienne Barbeau.
02:05:28,696 --> 02:05:30,006
It's on cable all the time in the 80s.
02:05:30,016 --> 02:05:30,376
Yeah, I know.
02:05:30,376 --> 02:05:31,496
Jerome: I had such a crush on her.
02:05:31,796 --> 02:05:37,586
Anyway, she was in The Convent,
and she was also in Argo in::
02:05:38,086 --> 02:05:39,566
The Ben Affleck movie.
02:05:40,226 --> 02:05:43,736
Also in that movie was John
Goodman, who was in The Runner
02:05:44,166 --> 02:05:46,356
02:05:46,776 --> 02:05:47,176
Oh my God.
02:05:47,236 --> 02:05:48,396
So three?
02:05:48,496 --> 02:05:49,306
02:05:49,356 --> 02:05:49,976
That's pretty good.
02:05:49,976 --> 02:05:56,426
The Convent, Argo, and The Runner
connects Cheryl Bermeo to Terrence Evans.
02:05:56,466 --> 02:05:57,256
Who'd have thunk.
02:05:58,576 --> 02:05:59,826
That took some work, by the way.
02:06:00,086 --> 02:06:01,706
I had it in four and I'm like.
02:06:02,146 --> 02:06:03,176
There's more here.
02:06:03,196 --> 02:06:05,046
I know there is, you know, at one point
02:06:05,056 --> 02:06:06,386
Chris: I was using Coolio.
02:06:07,016 --> 02:06:07,586
Oh really?
02:06:07,906 --> 02:06:08,156
02:06:08,246 --> 02:06:08,926
What's Coolio?
02:06:10,016 --> 02:06:10,686
I was like, oh really?
02:06:10,696 --> 02:06:12,456
And then I thought, wait, I don't
even know what the hell that is.
02:06:14,376 --> 02:06:15,086
What's Coolio?
02:06:15,297 --> 02:06:19,826
Our audience is fucking
screaming right now.
02:06:20,516 --> 02:06:21,336
Coolio is a rapper?
02:06:22,406 --> 02:06:23,686
Chris: Oh, okay.
02:06:24,596 --> 02:06:27,736
Yeah, I am not hip to the rap scene.
02:06:27,746 --> 02:06:27,806
You're like,
02:06:27,806 --> 02:06:29,746
what streaming service is Coolio?
02:06:29,846 --> 02:06:30,016
02:06:30,016 --> 02:06:32,586
Chris: what I, seriously, I thought
it was like a new app or something.
02:06:32,636 --> 02:06:32,966
02:06:33,501 --> 02:06:34,001
Wait, what?
02:06:38,701 --> 02:06:40,761
It's a good thing no one ever
listens to the end of these shows.
02:06:40,761 --> 02:06:41,091
That's great.
02:06:41,121 --> 02:06:43,711
Jerome: It's a good thing Coolio
doesn't listen to our show.
02:06:44,101 --> 02:06:47,781
Anyway, Coolio was in one of those
movies, I think, and I was trying
02:06:47,781 --> 02:06:50,181
to use other movies that he was in.
02:06:51,761 --> 02:06:53,671
Chris: So, I have heard of Coolio.
02:06:53,672 --> 02:06:56,721
In my defense, doesn't
it sound like an app?
02:06:59,381 --> 02:06:59,811
You know what?
02:07:00,281 --> 02:07:03,061
Coolio should create the Coolio app.
02:07:03,071 --> 02:07:03,791
Yeah, right.
02:07:03,981 --> 02:07:04,621
And I don't care what
02:07:04,621 --> 02:07:05,581
Jerome: he wants to use it for.
02:07:05,581 --> 02:07:06,321
It doesn't matter.
02:07:06,321 --> 02:07:08,161
If it's got his name, that's all you need.
02:07:08,431 --> 02:07:09,551
Oh, that's good stuff.
02:07:09,941 --> 02:07:12,221
Alright, so good, good episode.
02:07:12,441 --> 02:07:13,431
02:07:13,481 --> 02:07:17,201
So, if you're, again, if you're wondering
what makes a good sequel, what makes
02:07:17,201 --> 02:07:21,661
a bad one, hopefully, hopefully,
We've opened your eyes a little
02:07:21,661 --> 02:07:23,581
bit on what works and what doesn't.
02:07:23,811 --> 02:07:27,591
And I think we've proved that even
with T2, as much as we love that
02:07:27,591 --> 02:07:29,611
movie, no movies without flaws.
02:07:29,801 --> 02:07:32,131
There's always going to be plot
holes, especially with action films.
02:07:32,631 --> 02:07:36,821
You know, you have to connect a to
Z and there's a lot of letters in
02:07:36,821 --> 02:07:38,721
between that sometimes fall apart.
02:07:38,731 --> 02:07:40,431
So it is what it is.
02:07:40,432 --> 02:07:44,831
But as you can see, Speed 2
had way more issues than T2.
02:07:45,461 --> 02:07:50,781
T2 is, is most people consider
T2 top five sequel of all time.
02:07:50,971 --> 02:07:51,161
02:07:51,161 --> 02:07:54,371
Chris: and for the record, I, I
was, I wanted to do something like
02:07:54,381 --> 02:07:58,771
Aliens for the good, you know, for
the better example of a, of a sequel.
02:07:59,351 --> 02:07:59,781
Jerome: Yeah.
02:08:01,496 --> 02:08:03,216
Chris: But still, I love T2 also.
02:08:03,226 --> 02:08:03,746
I think the
02:08:03,746 --> 02:08:07,536
Jerome: reason I poo pooed it is
because by the time you text me
02:08:07,536 --> 02:08:10,666
that, I already had T2's notes done.
02:08:10,667 --> 02:08:14,416
I'm like, I'm not going
back and doing another one.
02:08:14,416 --> 02:08:17,656
So T2 was the one I watched
first because I have it on DVD.
02:08:17,756 --> 02:08:21,226
So real quick, you said you
watched the director's cut.
02:08:21,276 --> 02:08:24,516
Did it have more issues
than the theatrical version?
02:08:24,516 --> 02:08:26,716
Chris: Yeah, there was
more unnecessary dialogue.
02:08:26,716 --> 02:08:27,456
That's why it was cut.
02:08:28,066 --> 02:08:28,526
02:08:28,666 --> 02:08:29,026
02:08:29,296 --> 02:08:34,606
So, and I, I didn't even care to take
the time to discuss that since, you know.
02:08:34,646 --> 02:08:38,086
Jerome: I know that it doesn't uh,
and again, I have the DVD, but I've
02:08:38,086 --> 02:08:40,036
never watched the extended version.
02:08:40,036 --> 02:08:41,516
I've only seen the theatrical version.
02:08:42,096 --> 02:08:44,496
The extended version, doesn't it
have a dream sequence where she sees
02:08:44,496 --> 02:08:46,116
Reese again or she talks to Reese?
02:08:46,376 --> 02:08:46,936
Chris: Yeah, yeah.
02:08:47,606 --> 02:08:47,956
02:08:47,966 --> 02:08:52,976
That was in the, in the director's cut
or whatever it was, the, the cut good?
02:08:53,056 --> 02:08:53,536
I don't know if I've
02:08:53,536 --> 02:08:54,036
Jerome: ever seen it.
02:08:54,086 --> 02:08:54,676
It's no good?
02:08:55,311 --> 02:08:58,161
Chris: It was alright, but it wasn't
necessary for the, for the movie.
02:08:58,441 --> 02:08:58,781
02:08:58,901 --> 02:09:01,831
You know, she, she was dreaming
when she was in the hospital.
02:09:03,081 --> 02:09:04,201
That wasn't in the original?
02:09:04,911 --> 02:09:06,161
Jerome: No, not in the theatrical version.
02:09:06,231 --> 02:09:07,571
Chris: Okay, I couldn't remember.
02:09:07,621 --> 02:09:09,951
Cause I saw that scene and I
was like, I couldn't remember if
02:09:09,951 --> 02:09:11,171
it was in the original or not.
02:09:12,061 --> 02:09:13,371
It's been so long since I saw it.
02:09:13,372 --> 02:09:17,351
Jerome: I, I do remember too I, I think
it was on the director's commentary.
02:09:17,891 --> 02:09:20,431
The scene where he has to
pull the metal rod out.
02:09:20,621 --> 02:09:20,821
02:09:21,321 --> 02:09:22,671
That wasn't originally shot.
02:09:22,801 --> 02:09:23,971
That wasn't originally in the movie.
02:09:24,521 --> 02:09:29,261
Cameron had it to where the, the
02:09:29,261 --> 02:09:31,411
him and he supposedly dies, right?
02:09:32,091 --> 02:09:37,851
And then, when he emerges To blow up the
02:09:37,851 --> 02:09:39,171
like, Where the fuck did he come from?
02:09:39,591 --> 02:09:40,781
Like, we thought he was dead!
02:09:40,981 --> 02:09:41,451
Chris: Right.
02:09:41,611 --> 02:09:43,891
Jerome: And Cameron had it like
that originally because he thought
02:09:43,891 --> 02:09:46,901
it'd be more of a surprise, but
it was too much of a surprise.
02:09:47,281 --> 02:09:51,471
There was no organic way to get
him from one spot to the other.
02:09:51,781 --> 02:09:56,581
So he calls Arnold, and tells him,
you gotta come back, we gotta reshoot.
02:09:56,801 --> 02:09:59,651
By the way, that makeup
took seven hours to put on.
02:09:59,681 --> 02:10:00,521
Oh my gosh.
02:10:01,016 --> 02:10:03,506
At that point of the movie
where his face is all fucked up?
02:10:03,556 --> 02:10:04,006
02:10:04,706 --> 02:10:08,336
So he tells him, you gotta come
back, you gotta do seven hours of
02:10:08,386 --> 02:10:10,986
makeup, so we can shoot you rebooting.
02:10:12,296 --> 02:10:16,296
Finding an alternate power source,
rebooting, removing the metal rod.
02:10:16,606 --> 02:10:18,046
And sort of grabbing the gun.
02:10:18,766 --> 02:10:21,756
Arnold was on his way to Bruce
Willis house for Christmas.
02:10:22,256 --> 02:10:23,036
Oh my gosh.
02:10:23,476 --> 02:10:26,766
He had to cancel that to do this reshoot.
02:10:27,436 --> 02:10:31,666
The shot of him pulling the pole
out was shot on Christmas Day.
02:10:31,866 --> 02:10:33,406
Chris: Oh my gosh, that's crazy.
02:10:33,407 --> 02:10:35,266
Jerome: Yeah.
02:10:35,266 --> 02:10:35,676
Chris: Wow.
02:10:36,446 --> 02:10:36,836
Jerome: Yeah.
02:10:38,226 --> 02:10:39,286
Chris: Well, it's good stuff, man.
02:10:39,386 --> 02:10:39,956
So yeah.
02:10:40,436 --> 02:10:40,966
Take it away.
02:10:41,146 --> 02:10:43,106
Yeah, go support your local cinemas.
02:10:44,036 --> 02:10:45,076
Jerome: Keep drinking and keep watching.